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Update on Less Than Full-time Training in Wales

Update on Less Than Full-time Training in Wales. Lorraine Kemble Executive Officer for LTFT Wednesday 2 nd May 2012. LTFT Team. Dr Melanie Jones Associate Dean for Careers and LTFT Lorraine Kemble Executive Officer (LTFT) Office is staffed Mon – Wed flexibletrg@cardiff.ac.uk

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Update on Less Than Full-time Training in Wales

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  1. Update on Less Than Full-time Training in Wales Lorraine Kemble Executive Officer for LTFT Wednesday 2nd May 2012

  2. LTFT Team • Dr Melanie Jones Associate Dean for Careers and LTFT • Lorraine Kemble Executive Officer (LTFT) • Office is staffed Mon – Wed • flexibletrg@cardiff.ac.uk • www.walesdeanery.org

  3. LTFT Scheme • Criteria 1 – carers responsibility, health reasons, disability • Criteria 2 – personal development • All applications treated positively • Clear processes; application, eligibility check and informal interview • Deanery works closely with Adviser & TPD to accommodate trainee within the training programme

  4. Overview of LTFT • Currently 202 trainees in Wales working part-time • 41 trainees waiting to start LTFT within next 12 months • 16 - trainees completed training • 15 - obtained a consultant post • 5 - resigned • 1 - inter deanery transfer

  5. Increase in the Demand for LTFT Demand for LTFT continues to rise; number of LTFT trainees has doubled since 2007

  6. LTFT Posts Majority LTFTs working reduced hours in full-time post (esp. where there are vacant posts), high number in slot share posts, fewer supernumerary

  7. Specialities with LTFT Trainees

  8. Minimum Requirement for LTFT • GMC Position Statement on LTFT (Oct 2011) • Arrangements at that time for LTFTs were unsatisfactory • Minimum requirement should be re-established, trainees required to undertake a minimum of 50% w.t.e. • PG Deans should have flexibility to reduce time requirement for trainees experiencing exceptional difficulties, absolute minimum of 20% w.t.e. for no longer than 12 months

  9. LTFT Budget • LTFT Budget • LTFT Budget, significant reduction in 2011/12 to £1.5 million • Increase in demand for LTFT • Deanery undertaken a review of supernumerary funding allocations to implement better use of slot shares (3 trainees/2posts) and reduced hours posts • Supernumerary in exceptional circumstances only • WAG to confirm if further budget cuts are expected in future

  10. GMC Deanery Visit • Visit – 8th November 2011 • LTFT Team prepared an outline of LTFT in Wales • Application process • Network of LTFT Specialty Advisers • LTFT Specialty Committee; members meet to share bed practice • Statistics on how demand for LTFT in Wales continues to grow • LK/SB met with visiting team to answer queries • Feedback from the visit was very good, GMC recognises the policies the Deanery has in place to support trainees wishing to work part-time

  11. Family Friendly Award • The Deanery has been recognised with a national award for its family friendly policies. • In a survey led by the Medical Women’s Federation; Wales Deanery received highest number of votes • Survey explored areas including; • organisation of rotas for junior doctors • cover for colleagues on maternity/sick leave • availability of advice and help with childcare and LTFT • Thank you to everyone who contributed to the survey!

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