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Understanding Society: Social Interaction and Structure

Explore the dynamics of human interaction within society, including roles, statuses, and social institutions. Delve into the complexities of collective consciousness and division of labor in different societies.

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Understanding Society: Social Interaction and Structure

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  1. Chapter 4, Society And Social Interaction Key Terms

  2. societyA system of social interaction that includes both culture and social organization. • social interactionBehavior between two or more people that is meaningful.

  3. social organizationThe order established in social groups. • groupA collection of individuals who interact and communicate with each other, share goals and norms and have a subjective awareness of themselves as “we”.

  4. statusAn established position in a social structure that carries with it a degree of social value. • status setThe combination of statuses an individual occupies simultaneously.

  5. status inconsistencyExists when multiple statuses of an individual are in conflict. • achieved statusStatuses attained by independent effort.

  6. ascribed statusStatuses occupied from the moment a person is born. • master statusThe dominant status that overrides all other features of the person’s identity.

  7. roleA collection of expectations that others have for a person occupying a particular status. • role conflictWhen the roles an individual occupies clash with each other.

  8. role strainA condition wherein a single role brings conflicting expectations. • impression managementA process by which people control how others see them.

  9. cyberspace interactionWhen two or more persons share a virtual reality experience via communication and interaction with each other. • social institutionsEstablished and organized systems of social behavior with recognized purposes.

  10. social structureThe organized pattern of social relationships and social institutions that compose society, is observable in the established patterns of social interaction and social institutions. • collective consciousnessThe body of beliefs that are common to a community or society and that give people a sense of belonging and a feeling of moral obligation to its demands and values.

  11. mechanical solidarityPeople are bonded by their similar roles within the society • organic solidarityPeople are bound together through their differentiation or division of labor.

  12. division of laborSystematic interrelatedness of different tasks that develops in complex societies. • preindustrial societyA society that directly uses, modifies and/or tills the land as a major means of survival as a society.

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