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2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

Learn about the functions of the digestive system, including physical and chemical digestion, and common disorders. Explore how the body uses nutrients and how digestive system disorders are treated.

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2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

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  1. 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  2. 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive systemEssential questions What are the functions of the digestive system? How do the functions of chemical and physical digestion interrelate? What are the common disorders of the digestive system? How are disorders of the digestive system treated? How do you relate the body’s use of nutrients to the digestive system? 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  3. Understand the functions of the digestive system 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  4. Understand the functions of the digestive system Physically breakdown food into smaller pieces Chemically breakdown food into end products of fat, protein and carbohydrates Absorb nutrients Eliminate waste products of digestion 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  5. Functions of the digestive system Mouth (Buccal cavity) 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  6. Functions of the digestive system Teeth • Food is mechanically digested by cutting, ripping and grinding action of teeth (physical breakdown) • Mastication= process of chewing • Shape of tooth is related to function • Incisor – biting, cutting into • Cuspids – ripping, tearing • Bicuspids – grinding • Molars – grinding 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  7. Functions of the digestive system Salivary glands • Secrete saliva which contains a digestive enzyme called salivary amylase • Saliva starts chemical digestion of carbs 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  8. Functions of the digestive system Tongue • Pushes food around to help in physical breakdown • Saliva and rolling motion of tongue turn food into a soft pliable ball called a bolus. 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  9. Functions of the digestive system Soft palate and uvula - • close off nasal cavity when you swallow 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  10. Functions of the digestive system Pharynx • Common passageway for air and food • Responsible for swallowing process 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  11. Functions of the digestive system Esophagus • Food is pushed through the esophagus by a process called peristalsis • Peristalsis: wave-like contractions that push food forward 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  12. Functions of the digestive system How are bolus and chyme different? Stomach • Secrets gastric juices for chemical digestion and periodically churns food • Gastric juices (hydrochloric acid and various enzymes) break down proteins • Saliva enzyme continues to breakdown carbs • Food takes 2 – 4 hours to leave the stomach • Chyme – liquid consisting of partially digested food and gastric juices that leaves stomach and goes into small intestine

  13. Functions of the digestive system Small Intestine - • Digestion is completed and absorption occurs!!! • Bile prepares fat for breakdown • Carb, fat and protein digestion are completed • Villi – millions of tiny projections in small intestine that have capillaries. • Nutrients are absorbed through these villi • Indigestible portion passes into large intestine 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  14. Functions of the digestive system Which other system does the pancreas function in? Pancreas (accessory organ) • Secretes a juice containingenzymes that further breakdown carbs, proteins, and lipids in the chyme 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  15. Functions of the digestive system Liver • Manufactures bile. • Bile – fluid necessary for digestion of fat • Produces and stores glycogen. • Glycogen – storage form of glucose that can be easily broken down and used for energy. • Detoxifies alcohol and drugs. • Makes several blood proteins • Fibrinogin and thrombin – clotting • Albumin – osmotic pressure • Stores vitamins A, B12, D, and K. • B12 important in erythropoiesis • Vitamin D – need to absorb calcium • Vitamin K - need to make several clotting factors including prothrombin • Breaks down old RBC’s.

  16. Functions of the digestive system Gallbladder • Stores and concentrates bile 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  17. Functions of the digestive system • Large intestine • Absorbs large amounts of water back into the bloodstream • Elimination of waste • Home to a lot of helpful bacteria • Some produce vitamins (including K and B) • What type of diet promotes colon health? • High fiber 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  18. What can healthcare professionals learn from observing stool specimens? On average, how much flatus does a person produce per day? 1-3 pints per day Functions of the digestive system Potty Trivia...

  19. Relevance of nutrition to the digestive system Healthy dietary habits help maintain homeostasis of body systems CALCIUM and Vitamin K – aid in blood clotting PROTEIN – required for wound healing CARBOHYDRATES – energy Vitamin B12 and Iron – red blood cell production (erythropoiesis) 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  20. Vitamins Fat soluble Vitamins A, D, E, K Water soluble Vitamins C, B(12) Electrolytes Calcium Potassium Sodium Relevance of nutrition to the digestive system • Other • Iron 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  21. Functions of the digestive system Check your knowledge… 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  22. Disorders of the digestive system VS • Anorexia • Decreased or poor appetite • Symptom • Anorexia nervosa • Eating disorder characterized by refusal to eat • Psychiatric disorder • Anorexia Nervosa Video 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  23. Disorders of the digestive system • Anorexia nervosa • Eating disorder characterized by refusal to eat • Psychiatric disorder • Criteria for diagnosis: • Intense fear of becoming obese that does not go away with weight loss • Distorted body image (feels fat even when emaciated) • Refusal to maintain minimal normal weight • Amenorrhea • Complications • every organ in the body can be damaged, including the brain, heart and kidneys. This damage may not be fully reversible, even when the anorexia is under control. • 20% of people with anorexia nervosa will prematurely die

  24. Disorders of the digestive system Anorexia nervosa

  25. Disorders of the digestive system Bulimia Nervosa • Episodic binge eating (out of control eating) followed by PURGING (vomiting and laxative abuse) • Same fear of weight gain as in anorexia nervosa • Majority maintain a normal weight. • Complications: • Dehydration, digestive problems, esophagus and tooth decay, heart problems… 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  26. Disorders of the digestive system Can you identify preventive measures? Caries • “cavity” • Tooth decay because of acid production from bacterial fermentation of food debris 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  27. Disorders of the digestive system Especially after high fat meal Cholecystitis • Inflammation of the gallbladder • Usually caused by Cholelithiasis– gallstones • Symptoms: • Abdominal pain • Nausea • Treatment: • Cholecystectomy 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  28. Disorders of the digestive system Cleft palate • An opening or split in the roof of the mouth (palate) • Can cause difficulty eating and speaking • Risk factors: • Genetic • Maternal smoking, drug & alcohol use, HTN • Males • Corrected with surgery 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  29. Disorders of the digestive system What is the leading cause of cirrhosis? Cirrhosis • Scarring (fibrosis) of the liver • Caused by chronic alcohol abuse or abuse of medicines broken down by liver (Tylenol) !!! • Also caused by liver diseases like hepatitis • Symptoms: • Easy bruising/bleeding • Jaundice • Fluid accumulation in abdomen • Fatigue/weakness • Anorexia • Treatment: • None. Just slow progression by treating cause.

  30. Disorders of the digestive system How can constipation be prevented? Constipation • Infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools  • Usually caused by stool moving too slowly through the LI, causing it to become hard and dry OBstipation • Intestinal blockage • Symptoms depend on where and severity -abdominal pain, swollen abdomen, abdominal distension, vomiting, fecal vomiting, and constipation 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  31. Disorders of the digestive disorders Diarrhea • Loose, watery, frequent bowel movements • Caused by: virus, bacteria irritating colon lining • Complication: dehydration 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  32. Disorders of the digestive system Irritable bowel syndrome • Idiopathic disorder of large intestine • Symptoms: cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation • Treatments relate to: • Lifestyle – exercise, control stress • Diet – avoid triggers, experiment with fiber • Medication - symptoms 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  33. Disorders of the digestive disorders Gastroenteritis • Inflammation of mucus membrane lining of stomach and intestinal tract • Usually caused by virus (stomach flu) or contaminated food (food poisoning) • Symptoms: N/V, diarrhea, abdominal cramps • Risk of dehydration • WASH HANDS 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  34. Disorders of the digestive system Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) • Chronic disease where stomach acid or content flows back into your esophagus • Cardiac sphincter relaxes abnormally or weakens • Hiatal hernia, pregnancy, smokers, obesity • Symptoms: • Epigastric pain or burning – worse when laying down, chest pain, acid reflux, “lump” in throat • Treatment: medicines that neutralize acid or block acid production 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  35. Disorders of the digestive system Which hepatitis virus has a vaccine? A and B Hepatitis • Inflammation of the liver • Can be acute (less than 6 mo) or chronic (more than 6 mo) • Chronic blood caused types can lead to cirrhosis • Symptoms: fever, N/V, anorexia, abd pain, jaundice • Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E are viral • Hep A- contaminated food or water (fecal contaminate) • Hep B- blood (sex, transfusion, needles) • Hep C- blood (usually needles) • Hep D- (only in people who also have B) • Hep E- fecal contamination – rare in US 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  36. Disorders of the digestive system Peptic ulcer • Sores in the mucosal lining of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum • Most are caused by a bacteria, Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) • Can be caused by prolonged NSAID use • Symptoms: • Epigastric pain • Treatment: • Antibiotics for H. Pylori • Antacids, meds to reduce acid production 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  37. Disorders of the digestive system High triglycerides and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol Type 2 diabetes High blood pressure Metabolic syndrome — a combination of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol Heart disease Stroke Cancer, including cancer of the uterus, cervix, endometrium, ovaries, breast, colon, rectum, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney and prostate Breathing disorders, including sleep apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts Gallbladder disease Gynecologic problems, such as infertility and irregular periods Erectile dysfunction and sexual health issues Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition in which fat builds up in the liver and can cause inflammation or scarring Osteoarthritis Skin conditions, including poor wound healing Obesity • Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher • Causes – taking in more calories than are burned • Obesity affects physical and mental health 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

  38. 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive systemEssential questions What are the functions of the digestive system? How do the functions of chemical and physical digestion interrelate? What are the common disorders of the digestive system? How are disorders of the digestive system treated? How do you relate the body’s use of nutrients to the digestive system? 2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

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