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This leadership action plan integrates strategies for building relational trust, feeling safe, and creating a culture for learning in schools. It emphasizes providing assistance, embedding high standards, and setting goals for success.
45-Day Action Plan Charles Salina Suzann Girtz Joanie Eppinga
THE WHAT Relational Trust Feeling Safe Having something to offer Providing time and expertise Academic Press Provides specific direction embedded in high standards, goals and belief of success for everyone Supports Provides assistance/ help in meeting expected standards/goals LEARNING C U L T U R E F O R Salina, Girtz, Eppinga Salina, Girtz, Eppinga
THE HOW Leadership Team Leadership action plan that integrates each of the described factors below CULTURE FOR LEARNING Salina, Girtz, Eppinga
Combining the WHAT and the HOW in pursuit of School Change Requires: • Leadership demonstrating new behaviors to change old beliefs • Leadership action planning Salina, Girtz, Eppinga
Leadership Action Planning • Intentional – identifies the leaders’ work • Short periods of time –45 calendar days • Built on quick wins and grounded in evidence Salina, Girtz, Eppinga
Overarching (45-Day) Goals Salina, Girtz, Eppinga • Strengthen a collaborative culture that promotes student achievement and ensures that each student will graduate. This will be achieved by individually and collectively focusing on the connection of curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices to improved student learning. • Relentlessly utilize data to refine and strengthen systems of social support and academic press for each student that result in increased assessment scores and higher graduation rates. • Develop and implement more opportunities for students to help them connect to school and community, build positive relationships, and envision their future. • Engage our local and school community in building relationships that promote the success of each student.
Understanding the HOW The Leadership team acts on the planning process Datais monitored and used to implement and connect teachers and students to Systems Teachers act on their instructional goalsthrough their Collaborative work. Salina, Girtz, Eppinga
THE HOW Leadership Team Leadership action plan that integrates each of the described factors below CULTURE FOR LEARNING Salina, Girtz, Eppinga
CONSISTENT MESSAGE (Integrity) BEHAVIOR BELIEF Salina, Girtz, Eppinga • Beliefs (First Diagram + Principles = WHAT) • Behaviors (Second Diagram + Lessons Learned = HOW)
For More Information Read the Books From Powerless to Powerful: Leadership for School Change Transforming Schools Through Systems Change Salina, Girtz, Eppinga