Transition Reception to Year 1
The transition from Reception to Key Stage 1 marks an important step in a young child’s school life. It is vitally important to ensure that it works smoothly for children. The Ofsted report on the Foundation Stage 2006 observes that it remains a weak area for schools.
Schools should ensure that: • There are identified key members of staff responsible for transition; • The school develops a Transition policy which includes YR-Y1; • Where possible a member of the EYFS team works for the first term in Y1; • Y1 teachers should make themselves familiar with the ‘Continuing the Learning Journey’ (is being updated) • FS teachers are not asked to “translate” EYFSP scores into KS1 levels. ‘This is a meaningless exercise and will lead to misleading comparisons’ (quote from Standards website)
YR and Y1 teachers should ensure that: • They work closely together to plan for the change and visit each other’s classroom; • Time is made to discuss with children what will happen to enable them to express their hopes and anxieties; • Y1 experiences which may be different for children are identified, for instance playground, toilets, assembly, dining room, ICT suite, PE lessons, Y1 classroom. YR children make visits in the summer term to Y1 to become familiar with these.
Fit-for purpose pedagogy • Attention is given to the individual learning needs of all children, boys and girls and including younger and less mature children, lower achievers, children with EAL and SEN and those who are gifted and talented. Planning should address the learning needs of all children; • Resources are allocated to enable Y1 children to experience play-based activities for at least some of the day: providing opportunities such as sand and water, role play, construction, and outdoor learning; • Speaking and listening is given a high priority in planning, as the foundation for success in ALL areas of learning. • Planning for the elements of the mathematics lesson based on the EYFSP as a reference. Where appropriate phase in the introduction of the whole mathematics lessons over the Autumn term.
Y1 classroom environments include: • A learning environment which builds on the Early Years Foundation Stage; • At least some of the following: sand and water, role play, construction, structured and resourced outdoor play; • High expectations for how pupils are to operate in the environment, e.g. are pupils taking responsibility for resources, are they able to and given opportunities to learn independently, do they make responsible choices? • Space in the classroom to enable children to move around and work at different levels.
Sand Water Role play Interactive display Number frieze Pictorial representations Doing up buttons Circle time Tidy up routines Sharing Environments Routines
Numbers on cupboards, doors • Singing action rhymes • Make numbered parking spaces outside • Birthday cards in writing corner • Number frieze and Number books • Tidying up • Self registration – find name and place in numbered pocket • Number puzzles and games • Hopscotch
Practical activities • Board games • Number dominoes • Floating numbers in the water • Floor games • Jumping games • Bead threading • Cooking • Compare bears and coloured dishes • Making collections • Hop scotch • Large dice • Songs, rhymes, poems
Problem solving • It should show an interest in the process rather than solutions • Children need a variety of contexts in which they can engage in exploring in play exploring their own mathematical problems e.g. Construction and creative activities – planks and lengths of material to make a den Decision making – choosing a piece of paper to cover a box Posing a problems in role play – putting on clothes Planning special events – picnic arrangements
Data • Y1 teachers need to become familiar with what the EYFSP scores mean and use assessments made for the EYFSP to plan appropriate curriculum for Y1 children. By the end of the Autumn term they can assess the children at NC levels and put them on attainment profiles
References • Early Year Foundation Stage: Setting the standards for learning, development and care for the children from birth to five. • Continuing the Learning Journey (training pack with DVD) QCA • Smooth transitions (Featherstone publications) • Social and emotional aspects of learning • Excellence and Enjoyment • Primary Framework, Overviews of learning • Pitch and expectations