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  1. Transition FUTURE

  2. WHY FOCUS ON TRANSITION? One of the primary purposes of Public Law 108-446, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), is to "ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for employment and independent living." (sec 601(d)(1)(A))

  3. Transition IDEA 2004.P.L. 108-446, Sec 603 (34) Definitions The term ‘transition services’ means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that - is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability…

  4. THE COORDINATED SET OF ACTIVITIES MUST: A) facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, and independent living;

  5. THE COORDINATED SET OF ACTIVITIES MUST: (C) include instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation.

  6. WRITING THE IEP- FOCUS ON TRANSITION • Transition planning is integrated into the development of the IEP • IEP development is a student driven process • Vision statement directs Team’s attention towards the future

  7. IDEA 2004 Transition PlanningP.L. 108-446, Section 614(d). Transition planning must take place and, if needed, the Team must include appropriate goals related to postsecondary training, education, employment, and independent living skills in the student's IEP that is in effect when the student turns 16 years of age, or younger if determined by the Team.

  8. Transition PlanningMassachusetts Implementation 2005 -2006 The Department interprets this requirement to mean that the Team's transition planning discussion must be completed for the IEP that is developed when the student is 15 years of age. The student must be invited to that Team meeting and to all subsequent meetings at which transition plans are discussed.

  9. Transition PlanningMassachusetts Implementation 2005 -2006 The Department has created a form for documenting the Team's transition discussion. Transition Planning Guide, is available at: http://www.doe.mass.edu/sped/IDEA2004/sprmeetings/iep.html

  10. BY AGE 16 • Student are invited to IEP meeting as full members of the Team • Vision statement includes: • community life • work • housing • Begin thinking about a Chapter 688 referral

  11. VISION STATEMENTIEP 1 Transition information in the Vision Statement should represent high expectations and dreams and reflect the student’s vision and related transition planning and course of study. When appropriate, it should address: • Community life planning • Vocational life planning • Housing.

  12. AGE-SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONSIEP 3 • Placed on IEP 3 as a reminder of transition-related aspects throughout the IEP • For students ages 14 and older, consider the effect on the course of study • For students ages 16 and older, consider the transition to post-school activities • See Previous Slides • IDEA 2004 • Transition Planning • P.L. 108-446, Section 614(d) • for New Information

  13. TRANSITION RELATED GOALSIEP 4 Measurable Annual Goals need to build skills in order to make the transition from school to post-school activities successful


  15. Additional Information ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IEP 8 • A discussion of the transfer of rights must be documented • If necessary, is there a statement of interagency responsibilities? • For severely disabled students with ongoing needs, has a referral to Chapter 688 been made?

  16. AT AGES 15+, 16, 17, 18+ Students and Parents continue to be invited to IEP meeting as full members of the Team The Vision Statement is key to the Transition Process.

  17. Transition on the IEP:An Integrated Planning Approach to Adult Living • IEP 1 • IEP 2 • IEP 3 • IEP 4 • IEP 5 • IEP 8 The Team discusses transition elements on these IEP pages. DISCUSS AND DOCUMENT!

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