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Caren Milloy, Head of Projects, JISC Collections LIBER 2012. Invested £42 million in centralised perpetual licensing of historic book, journal archive and multimedia content on behalf of all UK HE and FE community National licensing enables us to leverage high discounts of up to 95%
Invested £42 million in centralised perpetual licensing of historic book, journal archive and multimedia content on behalf of all UK HE and FE community • National licensing enables us to leverage high discounts of up to 95% • 2012: historic book and journal archives licensing brings in efficiency savings of over £18million to UK HE and FE
Protect & preserve • Independent service • Affordable to all • Simplify user experience • Simplify administrative management • Community owned • Community developed
Standardising Licensing Philosophy: keep it simple for librarians and end users • 42 variation agreements negotiated • 2 sub-licence agreements for all the content (1 for JISC MediaHub and 1 for JISC Historic Books & JISC Journal Archives) • Text and data mining, open metadata, enhance metadata, thumbnails open on the web, modifications….. -
Community Owned 3 Advisory Boards made up of researchers, teaching staff, librarians, content experts. In charge of the ££££ • JHB will be an easy to use, comprehensive, dynamic, innovative and sustainable platform that is continually used by researchers, teachers and learners in UK higher and further education • JHB will pioneer new technologies and techniques to support changes in the scholarly environment and user behaviour • JHB will open up and widen access to historical printed materials through partnerships and international collaborations
Seamless Access students apply a ‘consistent and predictable information-seeking strategy and therefore a ‘less is more’ approach may be more suitable in guiding students to resources (Head and Eisenberg , 2009) ‘library systems must do better at providing seamless access to resources’. (Connaway and Dickey, 2010)
Clean Interface ‘library systems and interfaces need to look familiar to people by resembling popular Web interfaces, and library services need to be easily accessible and require little or no training to use’ (Connaway et al, 2011)
Search Strategy The JISC Historic Books landing page and search box
Search Strategy • Presentation of search results and filters in JISC Historic Books Presentation of search results and filters in JISC Historic Books
Search Strategy Search results and filtering options on JISC MediaHub Search results and filtering be Journal Archive on JISC Journal Archives
Consistency “navigating from one system to another – all of which have different functionalities and different bells and whistles with respect to searching, limiting / refining, indexing, saving and storage or exportation – is confusing to users” (UBiRD, Wong et al, 2009)
Information Literacy Culpeper's Midwife Exlarged. 5 .lieonthoughtThn Infant drew in his Nouriflhment by his whole Body; because it is rare and fpungy, as aSpunge fucks in Water o every Side; and so he thought it fucked Blood, not only from the Mother's Veins, but also from the Womb. Democrats and Epicurus, recorded by Plutarch, that the Child fucked in its Nourishment by its Mouth. And also Hippocrates, Lib. de Principiis, affirms, that the Child fucked both Nourishment and Brea:h by its Mouth from the Mo- ther when le breathed, (though in his other Treatises he feerns to deny it) yet there he brings two Reasons for it: I. Bec., ife it fucks so soon as it it's *orn, therefore it needs mull have learned before. z. Because there are Excrements found in the Guts of it, so oon as 'tis born.
User behaviour & change ‘different combinations of search components, which depends on their level of literacy and the domain knowledge’ (Wong et al, 2009).
Compare & Contrast Misconceptions Anecdotal evidence in the form of comments from users whose institutions have transferred to JHB suggest that ‘JISC OCR’ on JHB is of much poorer quality than the ECCO content on the Cengage platform Need to develop information literacy skills
Metadata You don’t know anything until you know the metadata
Taking control UK HE & FE TEI-A used to send the textual changes back and forth Date & time stamped with versioning
Conclusion • Read the research • Be transparent with content owners and community • Start with the metadata • Don’t give in on negotiations • Harness the community you serve – they are your experts and your critics • Keep it simple
References • Connaway, L. S., and Dickey, T. J. (2010). The Digital Information Seeker: Report on the Findings from Selected OCLC, RIN and JISC User Behaviour Projects. Dublin, OH., OCLC Research. Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/publications/reports/2010/digitalinformationseekerreport.pdf • Connaway, L. S., Dickey, T. J., and Radford, M. L. (2011). “If it is too inconvenient I’m not going after it”: convenience as a critical factor in information-seeking behaviors. Library and Information Science Research, 33, 179-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2010.12.002 • Hampton-Reeves, S., Mashiter, C., Westaway, J., Lumsden, P., Day, H, Hewertson, H., et al (2009). Students’ use of research content in teaching and learning: a report for the Joint Information Systems Council (JISC), Preston, Centre for Research-informed Teaching, University of Central Lancashire. Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/aboutus/workinggroups/studentsuseresearchcontent.pdf
References • Head, A. and Eisenberg, M. (2009). Lessons Learned: How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age. Washington, The Information School, University of Washington. Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://projectinfolit.org/pdfs/PIL_Fall2009_finalv_YR1_12_2009v2.pdf • JISC Collections (2009). JISC national e-books observatory project: Key findings and recommendations. Final Report, November 2009. London, JISC Collections. Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://observatory.jiscebooks.org/reports/jisc-national-e-books-observatory-project-key-findings-and-recommendations/ • JISC Collections. (n.d.). Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.jiscecollections.ac.uk/ • JISC Historic Books Advisory Board. (n.d.). Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.jiscecollections.ac.uk/advisory-board/jhbadvisoryboard/ • Prabha, C., Connaway, L. S. and Dickey, T. J. (2006). Sense-making the information confluence: The whys and hows of college and university user satisficing of information needs. Ohio, The Ohio State University. Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/past/orprojects/imls/default.htm
References • Prabha, C., Connaway, L. S. and Dickey, T. J. (2006). Sense-making the information confluence: The whys and hows of college and university user satisficing of information needs. Ohio, The Ohio State University. Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/past/orprojects/imls/default.htm • Research Information Network. (2006). Researchers and discovery services: Behaviour, perceptions and needs. London: Research Information Network. Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.rin.ac.uk/our-work/using-and-accessinginformation-resources/researchers-and-discovery-services-behaviour-perc. • Text Creation Partnership. (n.d). Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/Text Creation Partnership • Wong, W., Stelmaszewska, H. and Barn, B. (2009). JISC user behaviour observational study: User behaviour in resource discovery. London, JISC Collections. Retrieved 31 May 2012 from http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/programmerelated/2010/ubirdfinalreport.aspx
Thank you JISC Collections www.jisc-collections.ac.uk JISC eCollections www.jiscecollections.ac.uk JISC Historic Books www.jischistoricbooks.ac.uk JISC Journal Archives www.jiscjournalarchives JISC MediaHub www.jiscemediahub.ac.uk Caren Milloy Head of Projects JISC Collections @carenmillioy c.milloy@jisc-collections.ac.uk Questions?