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The Dichotomy of Light and Darkness: Truth vs. Lie in 1st John

Explore the significance of the message in 1st John 1:5-6 regarding God as Light and the importance of walking in truth. Discover the relevance of understanding God as the source of Light and the consequences of fellowship with Him. Delve into the themes of truth versus lie, and the overlap between Pauline and Johannine writings in the New Testament.

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The Dichotomy of Light and Darkness: Truth vs. Lie in 1st John

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1st John 1:5-6 The Light & the Darkness The Lie & the Truth

  2. 1st John 1:5-6 This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth;

  3. The Message What is the importance of John’s having a message? What is the importance of John’s message for believers? What is the importance of having empirical evidence?

  4. Genesis, John and 1st John

  5. Relevance of the Beginning • What evidences does secular man have for beginning things? • What evidences do world religions have for beginning things? • What does it mean to have communication with the Creator who revealed the truth, preserved the truth, and stayed in fellowship with His creation?

  6. God as the Source of Light • Why does God’s being the source and definer of light matter to the world at large? • What does it matter to the believer? • How does this fly in the face of deism?

  7. John Ties Together God’s Light • Why does John tell the believers something they probably already knew? • Why is it important for the Old Testament to say the same thing about God as the New Testament?

  8. Fellowship with God • John uses the first person plural over and over again in this epistle. What sort of logical argument is this? Literal or hypothetical? • The Greek is written in the hypothetical subjunctive mood which does not state that this argument is reality, but instead an idea

  9. The Lie & the Truth • John presents the problem of the lie in this hypothetical situation. He’s going to address it in the coming verses, but we’re left with a cliff hanger ending to this Sunday School lesson. • What is the importance of truth in Semitic thinking?

  10. The Pauline Overlap • What is the significance of Paul and John writing about similar things like darkness & light? • What distinct things did Paul get to write about and teach? • What distinct things did John get to write about and teach?

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