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John 6:1-51. Jesus feeds the 5000 (John 6:1-14). They want to make Him king (John 6:15). Walking on the water (John 6:16-21). They are amazed that He is somehow on the other side (John 6:22-25). Bread giving eternal life (John 6:26-29 ). John 6:1-51.
John 6:1-51 Jesus feeds the 5000 (John 6:1-14). They want to make Him king (John 6:15). Walking on the water (John 6:16-21). They are amazed that He is somehow on the other side (John 6:22-25). Bread giving eternal life (John 6:26-29).
John 6:1-51 They ask for a sign like the sign of manna. (John 6:30-33). They want such bread. (John 6:34). He identifies Himself as the “bread of life.” (John 6:35). He speaks of Himself as the bread which comes down from heaven (John 6:48-51).
The Bread of Heaven I. God gave the Israelites bread from heaven (Exodus 16:1-4a). • Jesus came down from heaven. (cf. John 6:33 - “For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (John 3:13-17).
The Bread of Heaven II. This bread was a test of Israel’s faithfulness (Exodus 16:4b-5; 16:22-30). • Jesus’ life and teaching tests mankind (John 6:52-57, 60; 1 Peter 2:4-6).
The Bread of Heaven III. This bread saved their lives in the midst of the wilderness (Exodus 16:6-8; 16:35). • Jesus saves us from the wilderness of sin. • “Wilderness of SIN” - Sin in Heb. “thorn or clay” (2 Peter 1:2-4).
The Bread of Heaven IV. The people called it manna meaning “what is it?” (Exod. 16:13-15; 16:31). • People did not understand Jesus. (John 6:41-42). • People still do not understand Jesus.
The Bread of Heaven V. They were to remember how the Lord saved them with manna (Exodus 16:32-34). • We are to remember the death of the Lord (Luke 22:14-20).
The Bread of Heaven VI. Those who ate manna died (Exodus 16:35; Joshua 5:6). • Those who “feed upon” Jesus will live forever (John 6:58).
The Bread of Heaven VII. The manna would not last forever (Exodus 16:16-22). • Jesus’ offer of salvation will not continue forever (Matthew 25:1-13).