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Welcome Back Staff Meeting. August 2013. Thank You!!. Thank you for all your hard work with S.S. curriculum development this summer Thank you to the summer reading camp teachers who helped extend the school year
Welcome Back Staff Meeting August 2013
Thank You!! • Thank you for all your hard work with S.S. curriculum development this summer • Thank you to the summer reading camp teachers who helped extend the school year • Thank you for your flexibility as we put the final touches on this year’s schedule and as we make decisions about when to start switching for groups • Everyone’s room looks FANTASTIC!
What can I take away? Again no recess or lunch duty this year No milk charts to keep track of Any other things that seem like a waste of time or are redundant? Do you like scheduling your own MAP or would you prefer to have a schedule?
To Do • Please write/type the standard #’s on your lesson plans for reading, math, science, and s.s. • P.E. will need to include any health standards covered • Please put P.E./Health on your schedules • Please sign-up for school beacon and also reminders 101 text to 314-720-8825 in the msg. type @teacherrem • Please continue to log behavior in PowerSchool • I will retrain with grades 3-6 during recess
L to J • Everything same as last year • Here are your All Time Best notes for the bulletin board as well as personal bests stickies • Take some time to come up with a really good celebration that can be done publically so everyone can enjoy it
Homework • Respectful assignments • Consistency
Student Council • Consists of sixth grade students. • Students campaign during August. Their campaign should be based on one of the 8 keys that they feel is their strongest trait. • Present their campaign to students in the little gym (mornings before school) • Election to be held first of September
Student Recognition • Continue Pup of the Week • A.R. will be determined by student council so nothing formal here at first • I will also have students begin helping with announcements in the morning • I will announce any kind of pat on the back that you would like to give to students • Student recognitions will go on the website
NeSA Test Scores 2012 2013
Fidelity Checks • We will continue to video • We will be looking for opportunities for you to offer feedback to each other • I will be offering feedback • My goal is quality control • Instruction/feedback occurring any time students are in your room (even study hall) • Increased emphasis on what students are doing
Table of Specs and DOK • Information from Roxanne on her experiences using the Table of Specs and DOK • Using these tools to help with lesson planning • http://www.education.ne.gov/assessment/index.html
Field Trips • Mark down your top 3 choices for STUHR and turn those into me. • I will schedule the trips and then give you confirmation on date and time. • Be sure to turn in the field trip form in your binders to Sue Bombeck!! She will need to know for lunch purposes. • I would like all field trips scheduled ASAP