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Sierra Nevada Learning Community

Join the Sierra Nevada Learning Community and discover how the ACES Connection online platform can promote collaboration and solve pressing problems in child and family well-being. Learn strategies to mitigate the risk factors for abuse and neglect and promote community well-being. Register for free trainings, webinars, and learning community convenings.

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Sierra Nevada Learning Community

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sierra Nevada Learning Community The Learning Community will begin at 10:00 a.m. June 14, 2018

  2. Sierra NevadaLearning Community Bringing Us Together: Using the ACES Connection On-Line Platform to Support Efficient Collaboration Across Sectors and Communities Featuring: Gail Kennedy and Tracy Fauver

  3. Strategies 2.0 Mission Strategies 2.0 is a catalyst for the professional skills, organizational structure, and community relationships necessary to mitigate the risk factors for child abuse and neglect, and to promote child, family, and community well-being.

  4. StrategiesCA.org • Register for free: • Trainings • Webinars • Learning Community convenings • Request a group training (20+) • TIC Training in Columbia on Thursday, August 9th • Visit our Resources page

  5. Thanks to our Funder

  6. Social Media Post on social media using: #SierraLC #ACESConnection

  7. Learning Communities • Learning Communities increase • Cross-sector partnerships • Organizational capacity to solve pressing problems Handout # 1

  8. Today’s participants Jackson (hub) Markleeville Online

  9. This is your LEARNING COMMUNITY! • Together we will provide a forum for representatives from programs and services throughout the Sierra Nevada Region to learn and share strategies for enhancing child and family well-being. Handout # 2 Prioritizing Topics

  10. 3 Areas that rose to the top • Mental Health/Wraparound Services • ACES and Building Resilience • Trauma-Informed Care/Communities

  11. Our Learning Community Environment • Start and End on Time • Participate • Limit sidebar conversations • Silence cell phones/electronics • Practice self care

  12. Objectives for Today • A shared understanding of the ACES Connection on line platform • Identification of how counties and the region can utilize the platform to improve coordination and collaboration • Exchange ideas among Sierra Nevada stakeholders to promote new approaches to using the on-line platform to education and ameliorate ACES • Identify next steps to utilize the platform locally and regionally to promote coordination and collaboration

  13. Today’s Agenda • Welcome, Update on Strategies 2.0 Activities, and Introductions  • ACES Connection Overview with Gail Kennedy from ACES Connection and Actual User, Tracy Fauver, Yolo County CASA and Resilient Yolo  • 12:25 Fuel Break  • Something to Chew On. How can we use the ACES Connection website to develop a virtual hub or FRC in your community? • Report out from Small Groups and Remote Participants Handout # 3 - Agenda

  14. Introductions Name County Agency

  15. Where is your focus?4 Practice Methods Well-Being services to support individuals and families Growth and Development activities to enrich lives Civic Engagement to engage residents and address issues of public interest Community Building to leverage resources to support healthy family and resident life Handout # 4 – Vehicles for Change, page 27

  16. Bringing Us Together: Using the ACES Connection On-line Platform to Support Efficient Collaboration Across Sectors and Communities Gail Kennedy, ACEs Connection Tracy Fauver, Yolo County CASA and Resilient Yolo

  17. OUTLINE for DAY • ‘Resilient Yolo’ Story • ACEs Connection walk about • Tools and Resources • How to make the site work for you • See Resilient Yolo site in action

  18. Handout # 5

  19. ACEs Connection: A Community of Practice Supporting the Acceleration of ACEs Science Jane Stevens, Founder & Publisher

  20. ACEs Science is the Foundation EPIDEMIOLOGY Impact on the brain the ACE Study and expanded ACE surveys Impact on the body IMPACT ON THE BRAIN the neurobiology of toxic stress caused by ACEs on children’s developing brains Epigenetics IMPACT ON THE BODY Epidemiology Resilience the short- and long-term health consequences of toxic stress EPIGENETICS how the effects of ACEs are passed on from generation to generation RESILIENCE the brain is plastic and the body wants to heal

  21. Journalism Site ister Sites Social Networking Site

  22. ACEs Science resources, webinars, how-tos The goal… Every organization in the community... ...integrates trauma-informed and resiliencbuilding practices… …b

  23. ACEs Connection Resources Center

  24. Communities Interest-Based Communities Communities organized by discipline/field. Geographic Communities Communities organized within specific geographic area such as a neighborhood, city, county, region, state, or nation.

  25. https://www.acesconnection.com/g/california-aces-action

  26. https://www.acesconnection.com/g/california-bridge-program https://www.acesconnection.com/g/first-5-association-statewide-trauma-informed-care-collaborative

  27. Strategies 2.0 Sierra Region https://www.acesconnection.com/g/strategies-2-0-sierra-region-aces-connection

  28. Supporting Communities to Accelerate ACEs Science

  29. Growing Resilient Communities 2.0

  30. https://www.acesconnection.com/g/yolo-county-ca-aces

  31. Yolo County ACEs Connection Community Tracker

  32. Interested in a Community? Map of where all of our existing geo/interest based communities? Hyperlink to contacts & photos? Jane Stevens, Founder & Publisher

  33. THANK YOU! Gail Kennedy gkennedy@acesconnection.com Tracy Fauver tfauver@yolocasa.org

  34. Something to Chew On • Stay connected while you • Grab some fuel • We will reconvene at 12:30!

  35. While you CHEW… How can ACES Connection be used to develop a virtual hub / FRC in your community?

  36. Report out • What are 2 or 3 actions you can take to implement the vision of a virtual hub? • Who would you need to help you to move the project forward?

  37. Next steps • We will email a summary of outcomes from today’s Learning Community • When you return to your office, take time to observe conditions in your community. How you can use what you have learned to enhance services? • Look out for a survey monkey, and a date in September for our next LC

  38. Handout #7 Evaluations

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