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Ramp Metering Pilot Project

Ramp Metering Pilot Project. May 6, 2009. K. Mark Sommerhauser, P.E. (Scout ITS Project Manager). Project Team. Design Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. CJW Transportation Consultants Traffic Analysis George Butler and Associates, Inc . Public Involvement Patti Banks Associates.

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Ramp Metering Pilot Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ramp Metering Pilot Project May 6, 2009 K. Mark Sommerhauser, P.E. (Scout ITS Project Manager)

  2. Project Team • Design • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. • CJW Transportation Consultants • Traffic Analysis • George Butler and Associates, Inc. • Public Involvement • Patti Banks Associates

  3. History and Traffic Analysis

  4. Kansas City Scout Ramp Metering History • Why the I-435 corridor? • Intricacies • Corridor Geometrics

  5. Project Map

  6. Project Map Holmes Rd State Line Rd Roe Ave 104th St Ramp Meter Location

  7. Geometric Constraints

  8. Corridor Geometrics

  9. Corridor Geometrics

  10. Traffic Analysis • Existing traffic volumes and speeds • Levels of service • Before crash patterns • Future traffic volumes • Microsimulation of before and after

  11. Look and Feel of Kansas City Ramp Meters

  12. One-Lane Ramp, One Vehicle Per Green

  13. Advance Warning ‘Ramp Metered When Flashing’ sign Flashing yellow indication Located on both sides of ramp Clear Messages Flashing beacons dark when not in operation

  14. Loop Detection Demand loops Passage loop Advance queue detection loop AQ loop impacts meter rate No backups onto arterial street

  15. Ramp Meter Control ‘One Vehicle Per Green’ sign Two red/green indications ‘Stop Here on Red’ sign ‘One Vehicle Per Green’ sticker on bottom indication All located on left side of ramp

  16. Real World Look…

  17. Two-Lane Ramp, One Vehicle Per Green

  18. Advance Warning ‘Ramp Metered When Flashing’ sign Flashing yellow indications Located on both sides of ramp Same look as single-lane ramp

  19. Loop Detection Advance queue detection loops Demand loops Passage loops Located in both lanes

  20. Ramp Meter Control Same look as single-lane ramp metering Equipment on both sides of ramp

  21. Merging ‘Pavement Width Transition’ sign for advance merge warning

  22. Real World Look…

  23. Other ConfigurationsOne-Lane Ramp, Two Vehicles Per Green

  24. Other ConfigurationsTwo-Lane Ramp, Two Vehicles Per Green

  25. Law EnforcementTattle-Tale Enforcer

  26. Public Relations

  27. Public Relations Campaign • The goal is to… • Raise awareness, educate, and change driving expectations • We can reach our goal by… • Using a core set of presentation materials to share the right level of information with the right audiences

  28. Campaign Objectives • Maximize communication • Build on existing partnerships • Create new relationships

  29. Along the Way… • Develop clear, accurate, easy to understand information • Establish consistent themes/speaking points • Understand that the media is our biggest ally • Recognize the campaign is a collaborative effort

  30. Reach Targeted Audiences

  31. Spreading the Word • Ramp Metering Pre-Launch • Generate a public relations plan • Capitalize on early relationships built with the media • Create a timeline for ramp metering activities and outreach

  32. After Study • One year study • MoDOT RFP – Summer 2009 • Travel Time Reliability • Accident Statistics • Mobility Statistics

  33. Summary and Conclusion

  34. Summary and Conclusion • Why do KDOT and MoDOT want to implement ramp metering? • Kansas City Scout as an active traffic management system • City concerns and government education • Law enforcement • Customer inquiries

  35. Questions?

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