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Capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoretic migration. (1). Z i : charge # of component i e 0 : elemental charge [ 1.602 ×10 -19 C ] E=V/L ( V : applied voltage ; L : length ). (2). r i : stokes radius of i component η : viscosity of the medium [Pa · S]
Electrophoretic migration (1) Zi:charge # of component i e0:elemental charge [ 1.602×10-19 C ] E=V/L ( V:applied voltage;L:length ) (2) ri :stokes radius of i component η:viscosity of the medium [Pa · S] Vi0:migration velocity of i component
(3) (4) μi0:electrophoretic mobility μi0和(q, η, ri)有關 Electroosmotic flow (EOF) (5) μeo:electroosmotic mobility (cm2/Vs) (6) ξ:zeta potential (V) 和pH值, ionic strength有關 η:viscosity of double layer ~ η (bulk)
+ + n - - EOF + n Net - 毛細管電泳的向量圖
(7) (8) (9) if no EOF (10)
Efficiency (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(16) (17) (18) 對某一analyte , μ和D 是constant V固定 D愈小 N愈大 對大分子分離有利
Resolution (19) (20) :平均速度 :平均距離 (cm) (21) (22)
(23) EOF存在 (24) 代入(24) (25) (26) EOF和electrophoretic反方向則μeo↑ Rs↑ Best Resolution 分離時間很長
(22)式Rs=column eff. × selectivity factor selectivity →separation factorαin chromatography • Buffer composition • Complex formation • 1. Borate complexation 2. ion pairing • 3. inclusion complex 4. metal complexation • Organic modifier • After the polarity & viscosity of the mobile phase EOF & • electrophoretic mobility changed • 2. 增加solubility of analyte • 3. reduce zeta potential
Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography k’:capacity factor nmc:no. of analyte molecules incorporated into the micelle naq :no. of analyte molecules in aqueous phase (1) fraction of analyte in aqueous phase (2) fraction of analyte in micelle (3) (4) migration velocity (Vs): (5) tR, t0, tmc:migration time of analyte, aqueous phase, and micelle (6) (7)
(micelle停在capillary) << (5)(6)(7)代入(4) (8) (9) t0=∞ EOF is completely suppressed, in MEKC EOF is not essential. 這時分析物向正(+)移動,k’值愈大移動速率愈快 (10)
Resolution (11) tmc→∞ 兩式相等tmc→∞固定相
large capacity better resolution lead to Effect of the capacity factor (12) t0/tmc=0 tmc=∞ conventional chromatography in MEKC large k’ unfavor (11)式最後一項→0 optimum k’和t0/tmc有關 將(12)式微分 (13)
capacity factor :specific volume of micelle (14) k:distribution coefficient Vmc,Vaq:volumes of micelle and aqueous phases (15) (16) when (Vmc<<Vaq) << 1 (17) k’ vs conc. of surfactant Csf linear if k is constant 可調整Csf來調整k‘ RP-HPLC調整phase ratio對k‘改變小
hydrophilic (ionic group) hydrophobic Effect of EOF on the resolution > > 愈小 Rs愈大 (from 11式) < 1 separation factor ← micelle (stationary phase in RP-HPLC) aqueous (mobile phase in RP-HPLC) type of surfactants:
CGE: Protein Size Separation Using SDS LinearPolymer Solutions
Photograph of the microdevice with attached transfer capillary
m-TAS concept: Miniture-Total Chemical Analysis system.