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10/27 Daily Catalyst Pg. 40 Endosymbiotic Theory

10/27 Daily Catalyst Pg. 40 Endosymbiotic Theory. 1. You are given an unknown cell. Under your microscope you observe multiple mitochondria. From your findings, what type of cell is it?

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10/27 Daily Catalyst Pg. 40 Endosymbiotic Theory

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  1. 10/27 Daily Catalyst Pg. 40 Endosymbiotic Theory • 1. You are given an unknown cell. Under your microscope you observe multiple mitochondria. From your findings, what type of cell is it? • 2. A population in HWE, has 34% of the population exhibiting hybrid characteristics. Calculate the percentage of the population with the dominant allele. • 3. Describe three organelles involved in protein synthesis.

  2. 10/27 Daily Catalyst Pg. 40 Endosymbiotic Theory • 1. You are given an unknown cell. Under your microscope you observe multiple mitochondria. From your findings, what type of cell is it? • Could be a plant or animal cell • 2. A population in HWE, has 34% of the population exhibiting hybrid characteristics. Calculate the percentage of the population with the dominant allele. • More information is needed • 3. Describe three organelles involved in protein synthesis. • RibosomesERGolgi Apparatus

  3. 10/27 Class Business • Field Trip form and $5 by Tuesday • Cell Test on Thursday • Quiz on Wednesday • M.C. on cells, HWE, reading graphs • Tutoring on Wed. until 3:50 • Test corrections due Wednesday after break

  4. 10/27Agenda • Daily Catalyst • Class business • Endosymbiotic theory notes • Homework: Reading • Reading quiz on Tuesday

  5. 10/27 Objective • We will be able to use representations and models to describe differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. • Skills: label diagrams, comparing and contrasting, and linking structure to function. • Key vocabulary: endosymbiotic, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic

  6. Review • Which of the following structures is common to plant and animal cells? • A. Chloroplast • B. Wall made of cellulose • C. Tonoplast • D. Mitochondrion • E. Centriole • D

  7. Review • Which of the following structure-function pairs is mismatched? • A. nucleolus; ribosome production • B. lysosome; intracellular digestion • C. Ribosome; protein synthesis • D. Golgi; protein trafficking • E. Microtubule; muscle contraction • E

  8. Cells of the pancreas will incorporate radioactively labeled amino acids into protein. This “tagging” of newly synthesized proteins enables a researcher to trace the location of these proteins in a cell. In this case, we are tracking an enzyme that is eventually secreted by pancreatic cells. Which of the following is more likely the pathway for movement of this protein in the cell. • A. ER Golgi Nucleus • B. Golgi ER lysosome • C. Nucleus ER Golgi • D. ER Golgi vesicles that fuse with the membrane • E. ER Lysosomes vesicles that fuse with the membrane • D

  9. Cells: Prokaryote vs Eukaryote

  10. Life can be divided into two categories: • Prokaryote • Eukaryote • Eu: True • Karyote: Nucleus

  11. Eukaryotes are bigger and more complicated • Organelles • Chromosomes • Multicellular • Animal and plant cells

  12. Eukaryotes contain membrane-bounded organelles • Mini “organs” that have unique structures and functions • Located in cytoplasm

  13. Examples of specialized euk. cells • liver cell: specialized to detoxify blood and store glucose as glycogen.

  14. sperm cell: specialized to deliver DNA to egg cell

  15. Mesophyll cell • specialized to capture as much sunlight as possible • inside a leaf

  16. How did organelles evolve? • In 1981, Lynn Margulis popularized the “Endosymbiont Theory.” • Many scientists theorize that eukaryotes evolved from prokaryote ancestors.

  17. Key Point #1:Endo = insideSymbiont = relationship

  18. Endosymbiont theory (briefly): • Key Point #2: A prokaryote ancestor “eats” a smaller prokaryote • The smaller prokaryote evolves a way to avoid being digested, and lives inside its new “host” cell kind of like a pet. • Key Point #3: The two cells evolve in a way they can no longer live independently form one another • This is an example of a symbiotic relationship

  19. http://www.biology.iupui.edu/biocourses/N100/2k2endosymb.htmlhttp://www.biology.iupui.edu/biocourses/N100/2k2endosymb.html Time: 15 minutes • 1. Define aerobic and anaerobic • 2. How is the replication of the mitochondria and chloroplast evidence for the endosymbiotic theory? • 3. Explain 5 similarities between mitochondria & chloroplasts and bacterial cells4. Describe the benefits to both an aerobic cell and an anaerobic cell that may have allowed for the formation of a mutually benefitting relationship to occur.5. Explain why there are 2 lipid bilayers around both mitochondria and chloroplasts • 6. How is the mitochondria DNA proof of the endosymbiotic theory?

  20. The small prokaryotes that can do photosynthesis evolve into chloroplasts, and “pay” their host with glucose. • The smaller prokaryotes that can do aerobic respiration evolve into mitochondria, and convert the glucose into energy (ATP) the cell can use. • Key Point #4: Both the host and the symbiont benefit from the relationship (mutualism)

  21. Key Point #5: Evidence Mitochondria Chloroplast Double Membrane Divide by Binary Fission Uses sunlight for photosynthesis Circular DNA • Double Membrane • Divide by binary fission • Produces ATP • Circular DNA The bolded words are important to proks!

  22. Chlorella are tiny green cells that live inside some amoeba... endosymbiosis may still be evolving today!

  23. How are plant and animal cells different?

  24. Directions: Compare and contrast plant and animal cells using a venn diagram.

  25. Life can be divided into two categories: • Prokaryote • Pro: Before • Karyote: Nucleus • Eukaryote • Eu: True • Karyote: Nucleus

  26. Prokaryote cells are smaller and simpler • Commonly known as bacteria • ~.5 microns in size (tiny) • Single-celled(unicellular)

  27. These are prokaryote E. coli bacteria on the head of a steel pin.

  28. Prokaryote cells are simply built • capsule: slimy outer coating • cell wall: tougher middle layer • cell membrane: delicate inner skin

  29. Prokaryote cells are simply built (example: E. coli) • cytoplasm: inner liquid filling • DNA in one big loop • pilli: for sticking to things • flagella: for swimming • ribosomes: for building proteins

  30. Prokaryote lifestyle • unicellular: all alone • colony: forms a film • filamentous: forms a chain of cells

  31. Prokaryote Feeding • Photosynthetic: energy from sunlight • Disease-causing: feed on living things • Decomposers: feed on dead things

  32. Prokaryotes Eukaryotes simple and easy to grow can specialize fast reproduction multicellularity all the same can build large bodies Advantages of each kind of cell architecture

  33. Cell Structures • Cell membrane • delicate lipid and protein skin around cytoplasm • found in all cells

  34. Nucleus • a membrane-bound sac evolved to store the cell’s chromosomes(DNA) • has pores: holes

  35. Nucleolus • inside nucleus • location of ribosome factory • made or RNA

  36. mitochondrion • makes the cell’s energy • the more energy the cell needs, the more mitochondria it has

  37. Ribosomes • build proteins from amino acids in cytoplasm • may be free-floating, or • may be attached to ER • made of RNA

  38. Endoplasmic reticulum • may be smooth: builds lipids and carbohydrates • may be rough: stores proteins made by attached ribosomes

  39. Golgi Complex • takes in sacs of raw material from ER • sends out sacs containing finished cell products

  40. Lysosomes • sacs filled with digestiveenzymes • digest worn out cell parts • digest food absorbed by cell

  41. Centrioles • pair of bundled tubes • organize cell division

  42. Cytoskeleton • made of microtubules • found throughout cytoplasm • gives shape to cell & moves organelles around inside.

  43. Structures found in plant cells • Cell wall • very strong • made of cellulose • protects cell from rupturing • glued to other cells next door

  44. Vacuole • huge water-filled sac • keeps cell pressurized • stores starch

  45. Chloroplasts • filled with chlorophyll • turn solar energy into food energy

  46. Eukaryote cells can be multicellular • The whole cell can be specialized for one job • cells can work together as tissues • Tissues can work together as organs

  47. How do animal cells move? • Some can crawl with pseudopods • Some can swim with a flagellum • Some can swim very fast with cilia

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