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Human Resource Management
ON Research Review Committee 06-07-2017 PUTTU GURU PRASAD Roll No.15022PC0M01Research ScholarDepartment of Commerce(SMS) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological UniversityKakinada
SUPERVISOR Dr. M.S.Narayana, Professor & HOD, Department of MBA, Narasaraopet Engineering College, Narasaraopet. Guntur (D.t) Contact No. 9441128754, E-mail: dr.srinivasanarayan@gmail.com
CO-SUPERVISOR Dr. P. Vijay Kumar, Director, School of Management Studies, JNT University, Kakinada, Kakinada. Contact no. 9618845555 E-mail: padishalavk@yahoo.co.in
Progress of Research Work • Participated in JNTUK – UCEV, sponsored Two-Day National Workshop on Capacity Building on Research Methodology for Faculty members and Research Scholars • Preparing for Pre-P.h.D examinations and awaiting for notification. • Doing literature survey and collecting research papers on Employer Branding Strategies.
Progress of Research Work • Studying Employer Branding Strategies in Magazines available on line and from some reputed literature . • Participating in Seminars conducted in various Management Institutions. • Attended workshop on Basic Business research methods conducted by Vignan University MBA Department.
Research Area Human Resource and Marketing
Research Topic “A study on Employer Branding Strategies to retain Talented Employees in Professional Engineering Colleges of AP with Special Reference to Guntur District”
EMPLOYER BRANDING • Introduction: • Employer branding is defined as a targeted long term strategy to manage awareness and perceptions of employees, potential employees and related stakeholders with regards to a particular firm (Sullivian, 2004). • According to Barrow and Mosley (2005), employer branding is used not only to transfer the message of the personality of a company as an employer of choice, but it also has been used to adapt the tools and techniques usually used to motivate and engage employees. Like a consumer brand, it is an emotional relationship between an employer and employee.
EMPLOYER BRANDING • It is the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment, and identified with the employing company. • It conveys the "value proposition" the totality of the organization’s culture, systems, attitudes, and employee relationship along with encouraging employees to embrace and share goals for success, productivity, and satisfaction both on personal and professional levels
EMPLOYER BRANDING • With the continued influx of multinational corporations in India—as well as expansion of Indian corporations beyond their own borders—the opportunities for India to contribute to the world economy have significantly increased, with the likelihood of favorable outcomes for “Brand India” in the domestic and international markets. • Employer branding closely relies on marketing concepts for highlighting the positioning of a company as an employer. The ‘customer’ here is the ‘employee/potential employee’.
Conceptual and Theoretical foundation of Employer Brand Building • Employer branding is the process to communicate an organization's culture as an employer in the marketplace. An employer brand is the sum of all the characteristics and distinguishable features that prospective candidates and current employees perceive about an organization’s employment experience. • The employment experience serves as the foundation of the employer brand and includes tangible features such as salary, rewards and benefits, but also extends to intangibles such as an organization’s culture, values, management style and opportunities for employee learning, development and recognition
Components of Employer Branding • There are five components that make a good employer brand: • Product brand strength. • Company culture and environment. • Work life balance. • Work environment. • Compensations and beliefs (job offer made to an employee).
External Branding • Every organization has an external brand and an internal brand. The external brand is the image that an organization projects to the customers, suppliers, investors, and the public.
Internal Branding • The internal brand is the image of the employers to the employees. When properly planned and executed, an employer branding initiative can generate lively dialogue between an employer and its employees, build a rationale for a 'mutual working arrangement', and establish compelling reasons to commit to the arrangement.
Employer Branding Model BRAND Internal Model Front office Stays interviews Exit interviews Employee satisfaction Policy formulation Employee orientation Employee participation Trained employees External Model Use of job sites Banners Org Seminars Presentations CSR Public events Newspapers Emails and Social Media
Effective Employer Branding Strategies 1.TRM Strategy:- Applying the Best Talent Relation Management to Attract and Retain the Knowledge based work force. 2.QCS Strategy :- Provide Quality Customer Service to develop brand equity and loyalty. 3.RIB Strategy :- Develop a Recognized ICON Branding through efficient brand positioning.
Effective Employer Branding Strategies 4.EOC Strategy :- Create the Employer of the Choice for new generation Y employees. 5.CCV Strategy :- Establish Core Corporate Values to make the employees to be ethical and moral in professional employment. 6.EVP Strategy:- Map Strong Employment Value Preposition for the experienced as well as new entrants in professional field.
Employer Branding in India • A successful employer branding strategy can have a far reaching impact in increasing the number and quality of applicants. With companies like Infosys, TCS, Tata Steel, CEAT figuring prominently in establishing their brand as a best place for working and also attracting the best talents across the world, one can safely surmise that wooing talent is the new battle to be fought.
Employer branding Strategies: Infosys • Infosyshas developed an innovative workforce –management strategy – the Global Talent Program. This is the largest sustained effort by any company to recruit from campuses outside of India and develop the skills of a global workforce through training assignments in India. • After training, the trained personnel are deployed by Infosys in their home countries. Increased profitability, reduced cost, increased market share, improved customer service, higher stock value, increased productivity and higher retention rates led to the winning the ‘Optimas’ Award in the GLOBAL outlook category for 2007.
Employer branding Strategies: Tata Consultancy Services • The work environment at TCS is built around the belief of growth beyond boundaries. Some of the critical elements that define the work culture of TCS are • Global Exposure, • Cross Domain Experience, • and Work Life Balance.
Employer Branding Strategies : Tata Steel • The Tata Steel group believes that people are its key assets and value creation for the company depends principally on their professional and personal wellbeing. • Adhering to the adage “successful individuals create a successful team”, Tata Steel has always given priority to the people, encouraging them to take initiatives and look beyond the obvious. The organization provides a fertile ground for the personal and individual growth of each member in its large and multicultural family.
Review of Literature • First approach of employer branding studies starts just from brand. The role of brand is fundamental because of its capability to create differentiation among products and mostly firms, generating awareness and loyalty (Della Corte, Piras, Zamparelli, 2010). • Particularly, the first point to clarify is that, although the literature is not yet extensive, the concept of employer branding has received much attention in recent years (Lievens et al., 2007). • The brand becomes the expression of the entire corporate image ( Laforet, Saunders, 2005), of its vision and mission, of organizational identity (internal and external set of values, culture) and reputation.
Research Gap • From the review of literature it is understood that Employer Branding is a new phenomenon in Indian scenario. The following conclusions are drawn: • Very few studies made an attempt to present the impact of Employer Branding strategies on Employee acquisition and retention process. • The studies at micro level or metro level are also few in numbers and could not make much contribution to the study of the Employer Branding effect in India.
Need for the study • Today, an effective employer brand is essential for gaining competitive advantage. Increasingly, Indian corporations are becoming intentionally strategic to utilize the employer brand to attract and retain talent for the expansion and growth. • The increasing focus on competitive advantageis leading many Indian firms to rethink their employer brands.
Objective of the Study • The key objective of the study is to Create and Establish an Effective Employer Branding Strategies for Attracting, Acquiring ,Training and Retaining talent faculties or employees in the professional engineering colleges, Private, Deemed and Foreign universities in India are given below: 1. How to Attract and Retain the Best Talent (TRM strategy) 2. How to Give Quality Customer Service (QCS strategy ) 3. How to Develop a Recognized Icon Branding (RIBstrategy ) 4. How to Create the Employer of the Choice (EOC strategy ) 5. How to Establish Core Corporate Values (CCV strategy) 6. How to Map Strong Employment Value Preposition (EVPstrategy)
Scope of the study • The present study is being carried out on the impact of Employer Branding Strategies to Attract, Acquire, Train and Retain the talented employees. • The area of the study is restricted to Professional JNTU K affiliated Engineering colleges and A.N.U affiliated Engineering colleges located in Guntur District.
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY • The present study is useful to the policy makers to make necessary changes in policies relating to employer branding strategies. • The present study is also useful to academicians and other scholars to make further insights into the details of other related topics of the study. • These types of studies are also useful to all the key players in the professional Engineering colleges as well as deemed and foreign universities in India.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • Based on the objectives and nature of the problem, the required data for the study will be collected both from Primary and Secondary sources. • Selection of Sample To execute the study a sample of 300 Employees and Employers from Guntur district will be taken, through convenience sampling method. • Data Analysis: ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and Correlation coefficient Test tools will be used to assess the variability of Employers views. The analyzed data will be presented through tables, bar-charts and pie diagrams.
PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY • The study will be presented in five chapters as: • In the First chapterconsists of conceptual frame work of Employer Branding scenario in the context of Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization. • The Second chapterdiscusses the Employer’s preferences and perceptions about employer branding and the factors that impact employee acquisition and retention in the context of I P R’s.
PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY • The Third chapterspeaks about methodology of the present study, regarding sources of the data collection, techniques used to collect the data and process of data analysis is will be presented in chapter three. • The Fourth chaptercovers the analysis part, i.e., Employer branding strategies and their effectiveness and efficiency. • In the Fifth or last chapter focus on findings, suggestions and conclusion of the study will be presented.
Thanking you sir “A STUDY ON “EMPLOYER BRANDING STRATEGIES” TO RETAIN TALENTED EMPLOYEES IN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING COLLEGES OF A.P, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO GUNTUR DISTRICT” Puttu Guru Prasad Asst. Professor VVIT Numbur, Guntur puttuvvit@gmail.com, pgp4149@gmail.com, cell-93 94 96 98 98