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Wolfram Alpha Intro

Learn to solve quadratic and linear equations interactively using Wolfram Alpha. Follow step-by-step instructions and capture your results in a Word document.

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Wolfram Alpha Intro

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  1. Wolfram Alpha Intro

  2. Open a browser and go to www.wolframalpha.com

  3. Click on Mathematics. Then scroll down and click on Algebra

  4. Under Equation Solving, click on the = button on the right of the text box.

  5. Enter a quadratic (different from mine) and click = to solve it. Send me a screen capture in Word showing me you have done so. You obtain a screen capture by clicking Print Screen (for whole screen) or Alt+Print Screen (for just highlighted object). That places it on the clipboard. Then paste it into Word.

  6. Next do a linear set of equations. Add another screen capture to your Word document.

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