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Sexual Assault Support Centre. SUB, Main Floor, 119A and B 604.827.5180 Vicki: sasc@ams.ubc.ca Emily: outreach@ams.ubc.ca. Who We Are. A Centre for the support of all survivors of sexualized violence Open 9:00 – 5:00, Monday to Friday
Sexual Assault Support Centre SUB, Main Floor, 119A and B 604.827.5180 Vicki: sasc@ams.ubc.ca Emily: outreach@ams.ubc.ca
Who We Are • A Centre for the support of all survivors of sexualized violence • Open 9:00 – 5:00, Monday to Friday • Two full time staff, one part time, and several volunteers • AMS Service
Our Mission Statement • SASC is committed to the education, support and empowerment of students, staff, faculty and visitors of all genders who are survivors of sexualized violence. This includes their friends, families and partners. Through our feminist and anti-oppression framework, we are dedicated to working towards ending all forms of violence.
What We Do (Services) • All services are free and confidential • Support female, male, and trans survivors • On-going support • Referrals • Resources • AMS fund for sexual assault projects or initiatives
Services Cont. • Police, court, hospital accompaniments • Assistance with third party reports • Advocacy • Public education (workshops, community and volunteer training, events) • Volunteer program
Who Uses Our Services? People who have experienced: • Sexual assault • Any form of unwanted sexual contact • Sexual abuse in childhood • Relationship violence • Stalking • Sexual harassment • Harassment or violence motivated by prejudice • Any other form of violence
Services Most of our support work can be put into three broad categories: • Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault • Relationship Violence • Child Sexual Abuse/Trauma
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault • When a substance is used in order to gain control of someone • Alcohol is the most common
DFSA Example • Lisa was at a party with a group of friends. They brought beer with them, and she had one. Josh, a guy she dated a couple of times, offered her one of his, and she drank it. Within a half an hour, she felt completely drunk, with the spins, unable to see straight. She remembers nothing else from that night, only waking up with most of her clothes off, and Josh sleeping beside her, wearing only boxers.
DFSA example #2 • Jasmine and Chaz dated for about a month. Jasmine wasn’t comfortable enough in their relationship to have sex with him at that point, but Chaz had been ready, and pressuring her. While out one night, Chaz kept trying to order shots of tequila, and was making jokes about what a “good” night they could have if she let the alcohol loosen her up. Even though she stopped after a couple of shots, she ended up feeling very drunk that night, and Chaz had sex with her even though she tried to say no. She later learned that Chaz had continued to feed her alcoholic beverages throughout the night, even though Jasmine thought she was drinking juice.
Child Sexual Abuse • Any time a child is tricked, forced, or bribed into any sexual act, contact, or behaviour. • 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will experience some form of unwanted sexual contact before they are 16. • Duty to Report • Statute of Limitations
CSA Example • Ben was in class when his professor, who’s voice sounded a lot like his neighbour, used a certain phrase that reminded him of his childhood. The phrase and the voice triggered memories of sexual assault for Ben, that he hadn’t thought of since the incident actually occurred. He found it increasingly difficult to attend the class and to focus on much else but these memories, and making sense of it all. He came to the SASC to talk about it, and realized that he had been the victim of CSA.
Relationship Violence • Pattern of behaviour where one intimidates, isolates, dominates, or maintains power and control over the other • Can be physical, sexual, emotional, financial, or spiritual
RV example #1 Andy was pretty controlling of Aaron. On their six month anniversary, he planned a celebration for the two of them. Aaron got his hair cut and bought a new outfit for the occasion. When he showed up at Andy’s house, Andy laughed and told him it looked ugly. Aaron started to cry, and wanted to leave, but Andy convinced him to stay. Aaron felt stupid, and took responsibility – he knew that Andy was particular about his appearance, he should have known that Andy would have reacted this way. Aaron was determined to behave better for the rest of the evening.
RV example #1 So when Andy started kissing him, he let him go farther than ever before. When he started to undress him and he hesitated, Andy told him that he owed him sex. After all, without him Aaron would have no friends, no life. Aaron tried to tell him that he wasn’t comfortable, but he didn’t listen. Andy had sex with Aaron anyways. Aaron started to cry when he was finished, and Andy told him to get over it before walking away.
Remember… • If you are assaulted, it is not your fault! • We can help! SUB, Main Floor, 119A and B 604.827.5180 Vicki Poulios: sasc@ams.ubc.ca Support Services Coordinator Gina Eisenhaur: sascprog@ams.ubc.ca Programs Coordinator Emily Yakashiro: outreach@ams.ubc.ca Outreach Worker
Volunteer • If you would like to volunteer with us (everyone is welcome): Volunteer Orientation January 29 to 31 application here: http://www2.ams.ubc.ca/index.php/services/subpage/category/volunteer_with_sasc/