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Space Logistics Technical Committee January 4, 2011 Meeting

Space Logistics Technical Committee January 4, 2011 Meeting. Alan W. Johnson, Chair Pete Paceley , Vice Chair alan.johnson@afit.edu ppaceley@draper.com Marriott World Center, Bahamas Room January 4, 2011 1930 Hours. v2. Agenda for January 4, 2011.

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Space Logistics Technical Committee January 4, 2011 Meeting

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  1. Space Logistics Technical CommitteeJanuary 4, 2011 Meeting Alan W. Johnson, Chair Pete Paceley, Vice Chair alan.johnson@afit.edu ppaceley@draper.com Marriott World Center, Bahamas Room January 4, 2011 1930 Hours v2

  2. Agenda for January 4, 2011 • Welcome and Introductions, Roll Call, Brief TC Overview • Latest News for the AIAA Space Logistics TC • What is new in Space Logistics (NASA, Commercial COTS …) • Report from Conference Sub-Committee Chair Johnson- current and upcoming conferences: • Sessions at the current Space 2010 conference • Report from Publications Sub-Committee Chair Shishko - AIAA Progress Series Book, Special section on space logistics in JSR, Standards under development (lexicon, classes of supply) • Report from AwardsSub-Committee Chair- Bachman: best paper award, AIAA National Space Logistics award, Membership upgrades … • Confirm Schedule of activities and meetings for 2011-2012 • Open Discussion and Adjournment

  3. 25 Members in 2009 5 New Members in 2010 5 New Members in 2011 Welcome and Introductions – 2011 Roster – Roll Call Total: 30 • Introductions • - Name • - Background • - Current Job • Interests • Update

  4. Space Logistics Definition • Definition • Space logistics is the theory and practice of driving space system design for operability, and of managing the flow of materiel, services, and information needed throughout a space system lifecycle. Campaign Analysis Asset Management ISS Resupply In-Space Refueling Launch Logistics

  5. History of AIAA Space Logistics TC • AIAA Space Logistics TC was formed several decades ago • Primarily focused on ground logistical operations to support space launch • Had discontinued operations in 2000 • Committee restarted in 2002/03 • broader agenda including in-space logistics operations • intentionally broad definition of space logistics • Initial members included Karen Barker, Ray Erikson, Pete Paceley etc… • Last 5 years • Increasing membership and level of activity fueled by • ISS logistics becomes mainstream,, Commercial space transportation services (COTS), USAF responsive space, increased lifecycle focus • Cooperation with International Society of Logistics (SOLE) – Andy Evans • Mike Snead Chair (2004-2006) • Ray Erikson Chair (2006-2008) • Olivier de Weck Chair (2008-2010) • Alan Johnson (2010-2012)

  6. Space Logistics TC – Organizational Structure Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary-Treasurer Sub-Committee Chairs Education POC Sub-Chair Members Meetings, Minutes, Action Items, Website, Charter AIAA Space Logistics National Award Nominations Service Awards Membership Upgrades Newsletter, Membership, Public Policy Sub-Chair Members Sub-Chair Members Space 20XX Other Conferences Workshops Liaison with Other TCs AIAA Progress Series (Book) Standards, Position Papers, Yearly Highlights Article, JSR Special Issue/Section

  7. Aerospace America Article – Year in review 2010 SLTC Yearly Report submitted to SMG on 1/3/2011 SLTC Highlights for 2010 • Conferences and Workshops • Meeting @ ASM Orlando, 4 Jan 2010 with additional visit to NASA KSC • Meeting @ SpaceOps Huntsville, 26 Apr 2010 • Space Logistics Track at Space 2010 (5+1 sessions), robust attendance • Publications / Technical Products • Journal articles published in JSR, • Released SpaceNet 2.5r2 to the public on 28 Dec 2010 (http://spacenet.mit.edu) • Two AIAA/ANSI Standards in development • Space Logistics Lexicon, Space Cargo Classification (COS) • AIAA Progress Series Book under contract and in development • Awards • Investigating Space Logistics Award partnership with Int’l Society of Logistics (SOLE) • Membership • 5 New Nominations, will remain at full strength 30 (2009: 25, 2010: 30)

  8. Latest TC News • Space Logistics TC is part of AIAA Space and Missiles Group (SMG) • Metrics score slipped from 0.84 (2009) to 0.615 (2010) • Biggest loss on outreach (conference/workshop organizing and STEM education) • Johnson’s goal is to consolidate recent SLTC gains • Membership • Strong overall – 5 new members from industry and academia, plus more military interest! – remain at ~ 30 overall • Need to keep the press on exposure and recruiting! • Website: Googlegroups dropping filesharing function 13 Jan 2010 • Googlegroups will support existing content (for now?) • Now posting all files on AIAA sharepoint site • A plus: gives us better AIAA exposure on SLTC web activity • Continue using Googlegroups email listserv capability

  9. Latest TC News • Investigated holding this meeting with RAMS vs ASM • 24-27 Jan, Disney Contemporary Resort, Orlando • Too expensive! (needed to pay up front, and seek reimbursement • Travel funding an issue for SLTC officers • Johnson (chair) and Shull (secretary) • Both unlikely to attend Space 2011 / fall SLTC meeting

  10. Priorities for Next Two Years • Strengthen our TC • Continue to grow our membership, and emphasize participation • Finish our charter (awards section unfinished) • Recognize TC Member Contributions • Awards & AIAA membership upgrades • Emphasize TC Output • Conference participation • Complete our Lexicon • Foster book completion

  11. Conference Sub-Committee • AIAA Space 2011 Conference and Exposition • Monday-Thursday, 2011 September 26-29 • Baseline plan is to schedule Monday for half-day of technical paper sessions for tracks that want paper sessions on Monday • Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California • Hotel accommodations at Hyatt Regency Long Beach Hotel • The Space 2011 theme is: Enhancing Today, Inspiring Tomorrow

  12. Space 2011 Technical Program Strategic Thrusts • Maintain the level of excellence set by the previous Space 20XX conferences • Increase involvement of exhibitors through sessions held in the exhibit hall listed in the technical program –build up poster sessions to increase traffic in exhibit hall • Look for opportunities to create special activities involving young engineers, students, and the general public • Look for opportunities to create special sessions designed to amplify conference theme and to transition key lessons learned to the next generation • Consider social interaction opportunities and Webinar broadcasts –either live or re-broadcast

  13. Space 2011: 14 Tracks • Commercial Space • National Security Space • Robotic Technology and Space Architecture (AIAA SARTC and AIAA SATC) • Space and Earth Science • Space Colonization and Space Tethers (AIAA SCTC and AIAA STETC) • Space Exploration • Space History, Society and Policy (AIAA HISTC, AIAA SATTC and AIAA LAAATC) • Space Logistics (AIAA SLTC) • Space Operations (AIAA SOSTC) • Space Resources (AIAA SRETC) • Space Systems and Sensors (AIAA SSTC and AIAA SENTC) • Space Systems Engineering and Economics (AIAA SETC and AIAA ECOTC) • Space Transportation and Launch Systems (AIAA STTC and AIAA RLVPC) • Success Legacy of the Space Shuttle Program

  14. Space 2011: Key Dates • Call for Papers Published in Bulletin COMPLETED • Web Site Open for Abstracts COMPLETED • Meeting at ASM 2011 January 5 • Preliminary sessions count 2011 January 5 • Scholar One System Training 2011 January 18 • Abstract Deadline 2011 January 25 • Session Proposal Forms Completed 2011 February 18 • Program Completed in ScholarOne 2011 April 1 • Author Acceptance Notification from AIAA 2011 April • Program Live on AIAA Website 2011 April • Track Chairs Identified for Space 2012 2011 May • Space 2012 Track Write-Ups to the Tech .Chair 2011 May 13 • Final Manuscript Deadline 2011 September 5

  15. Publications Sub-Committee: Standards (Shishko) • Lexicon (Nomenclature for Space Logistics) • Version 4 of the Space Logistics Lexicon Standard submitted to AIAA for Review Sep 2008 • Highlights location designations separately for easy reference • Adds definition of “space logistics” …\ • Returned to us: need more credible review committee • SEC will format the draft standard and publish it for public review • If there are any significant comments on the draft standard, it will be returned to our committee for reprocessing • If there are no comments it will be published as an AIAA standard • Allen Arrington new AIAA Standards Manager • ASM stds workshop: 6 Jan 2011, 1400-1500 Standard can be made available electronically Next Standard Project (in development): Classes of Supply (lead; Shishko)

  16. AIAA Progress Series Volume on Space Logistics • Title (original): Space Logistics: Enabling New Frontiers • Rationale • Traditional focus on only spacecraft performance and trajectories • Recognition now that operations costs (incl. logistics) are major drivers for lifecycle cost, mission operability and safety • This edited volume presents the latest state of the art in the field. Space Logistics is a specialty area dealing with supply chain management of human and robotic space missions for scientific and exploration purposes. • The field includes modeling, planning, simulation and optimization of the flow of vehicles, crew, and cargo from the landing, manufacturing and refurbishment sites on Earth, through ground processing, launch, in-space operations, entry-descent-and-landing, as well as surface operations. • Have about 60% of the 28 Chapters • Submissions and Revisions are ongoing • Hope to publish in 2011 (main challenge is time and focus to review and edit)

  17. Awards-Subcommittee (Bachman) • Space Logistics Best Paper Award • Approved by SMG in September 2009 • Received $500 to get it started • Need to select and rank papers published in 2010 • Focus on Space 2010 papers? • AIAA Space Logistics National Award • Jack H. Williams Space Logistics Medal (SOLE?) • Contacted SOLE, they have partnership interest • Investigate SOLE partnership before proposing our own • Membership Upgrades • Need to actively promote upgrades to senior member, associate fellow, fellow • This is an area that we need to improve, Associate Fellow nominations deadline is April 15, 2011

  18. Possible Guidance, Best Paper Selection SLTC Best Paper Evaluation Criteria We ask you to rank the papers presented on Space Logistics topics at Space 20XX. Please use the criteria in the table below to evaluate each paper, as the basis for your ranking. Rank the papers on a 0-10 scale. We encourage your ranking to be strict (i.e., no ties). Thanks for being a part of this important process!

  19. To Do Items and Miscellaneous • TC Charter (AIAA SLTC Policy and Procedures Manual) • Version 2.1 posted • Revisions needed to awards section • Space and Missiles Group (SMG) Issues • 29 Aug SMG – Report • Opportunities for Collaboration exist across SMG • Interactions with other TCs

  20. Open Issues for the SLTC • Engagement with emerging commercial space industry • Logistics Approach (or lack thereof ?) in the Design of Commercial Crew and Cargo Systems (COTS) • Public Policy • We have not been active so far. Paul Grogan our associate point man • What is our topic public policy issue? (e.g. many mentioned ITAR at TAC) • Competition between government and private entities in space logistics and on-orbit transportation services for cargo and humans? • Participation in Congressional Visits Day (CVD) • March, 2011 • New Initiatives: e-Education

  21. Schedule for 2011 and 2012 • RAMS 2011 • The Role of Reliability and Maintainability in Design for Sustainability • January 24-27, 2011, Disney’s Contemporary Resort,Florida, USA • AIAA Space 2011 Conference and Exposition • 26-29 Sept 2011, Long Beach • SpaceOps Stockholm 2012 • 11–15 June 2012 • www.spaceops2012.org • Conference and Program Group Co-chairs:Thomas Kuch, DeutschesZentrum fur Luft und RaumfahrtrMikael Stern, Swedish Space Corporation

  22. SLTC Website - Presence Official Website: http://info.aiaa.org/tac/smg/sltc and Google Groups (for emails only) http://groups.google.com/group/aiaasltc Old Website: http://www.aiaa.org/tc/sl/

  23. Open Discussion • New Business, Topics? • Adjournment

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