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Warm-up, Tuesday 11/12/13

Warm-up, Tuesday 11/12/13. 1. Apiary ā ‘ pē er ē (noun) a place where bees are raised for honey The honey farm had several large apiaries for raising bees and harvesting honey . Knowsys warm-up, Tuesday 11/12. 2. Brackish b ra’ kish

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Warm-up, Tuesday 11/12/13

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  1. Warm-up, Tuesday 11/12/13 1. Apiary ā ‘ pēer ē • (noun) a place where bees are raised for honey • The honey farm had several large apiaries for raising bees and harvesting honey.

  2. Knowsys warm-up, Tuesday 11/12 2. Brackish bra’ kish • (Adj.) 1) salty or 2) unpleasant to the taste • Where the river met the ocean, the brackish water was too salty to drink.

  3. Knowsys, warm-up, Tuesday 11/12 3. Cetacean sitā‘ shən • (Noun) a member of the order of marine mammals that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises • At the Maritime Cetacean Institute, scientists study whales and dolphins.

  4. Knowsys, Wed. 11/13 • 4. cornucopia • kor nə kō ‘ pē ə • (Noun) 1) a goat's horn filled with flowers and produce that signifies prosperity or 2) an abundance • The cornucopia overflowing with produce and flowers is the symbol of a great harvest.

  5. Knowsys, Wed. 11/13 5. Endemic en de’mik • (Adj.) prevalent in or native to a particular people or place • Obesity is endemic to modern American society as a result of sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy food choices

  6. Knowsys, wed. 11/13 6. flora flor‘ a • (noun) plants considered as a group in a particular area or era • As a plant enthusiast, I was thrilled to visit the Pacific islands and see their distinctive flora.

  7. Knowsys, Warm-up, Wed. 11/13 7. Preternatural prētərna‘ chərəl • (Adj) supernatural, extraordinary, or unexplainable • The preternatural powers of the wizard astounded and frightened the villagers.

  8. Knowsys, warm-up Thurs 11/14 8. Terrestrial tə res ‘ trēəl • (Adj.) 1) relating to the earth or its inhabitants or 2) relating to land, as opposed to water • Most mammals are terrestrial while many amphibians are aquatic.

  9. Knowsys, Warm-up Thurs. 11/14 9. Vernal vur‘ nəl • (Adj.) of or relating to the spring • Dormant all winter, plants begin to sprout around the time of the vernal equinox.

  10. Knowsys, warm-up Thurs 11/14 10. Viviparous vī vi ‘ pərəs • producing living young instead of eggs,likemost mammals and some reptiles and fish • Most snakes lay eggs; boas, however, are viviparous.

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