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College and career Planning Information for the class of 2016. Where Do We go from here?. First things first…. GRADUATION. We’ll be talking more about this…senior year enrollment is just around the corner. Where do you stand?. 1. Are you on track for graduation?
College and career Planning Information for the class of 2016 Where Do We go from here?
First things first… GRADUATION We’ll be talking more about this…senior year enrollment is just around the corner.
Where do you stand? • 1. Are you on track for graduation? • 2. Do you know what courses you need, beyond graduation requirements, to meet the admission requirements for the college you most want to attend? • 3. Have you taken the ACT? • 4. Have you chosen a career path? • 5. How will you pay for college? SO MANY QUESTIONS…..
LET’S TALK FIRST ABOUT YOUR FUTURE… Then we’ll make some plans HAVE YOU DECIDED ON A FUTURE CAREER? MISSOURI CONNECTIONS CAN HELP Missouri Connections has information on: Occupations, Education, and financial aid. Self-assessments can help you decide your direction. A portfolio and course planner can save information and store results. You’ll find job search hints and a resume creator…plus much more! AND, IT’S FREE!
Log on to Missouri connections… • If you were in Blue Springs Schools last year, you should have an active account with Missouri Connections. If you are new to the district, see your counselor to set up an account. • Go to: www.missouriconnections.org • User name: MO and your student ID EX: MO12345 • Password: MO and your student ID EX: MO12345 • If you have problems or questions, contact the counseling office.
Another helpful career planning tool… ACT PROFILE www.act.org/profile Click on ACT Profile
Two Year Community college/Technical School • Open admission. What does that mean? Any student who has a high school diploma or GED will be admitted. • Associates Degree. What’s that? Students completing a two year program earn an Associates Degree that should the student want to be admitted to a 4-year college or university, will allow him or her to be admitted as a junior. This degree also qualifies a person for many careers. • Community colleges offer many certificate programs, as well. Often these programs can be completed in as little as one year, allowing the student to move into the work force or continue on to obtain the Associates Degree. The Metropolitan Community College system offers over 50 certificate programs. Check them out at www.mcckc.edu. • Are you part of the A+ program? It’s not too late! A+ eligibility can provide almost 2 years of tuition at any community college in the state of Missouri.* Information is available in the A+ office. *Based on state appropriated funding.
Four Year college or university • Most public universities in Missouri admit students based on Grade Point Average (GPA) and ACT score. • Blue Springs High School graduation requirements will meet the admission requirement at many of the 4 year universities in Missouri. In addition, the University of Missouri system schools require 4 years of math and 2 years of the same foreign language for admission. It is recommended that all college-bound students take 4 years of math and 2 years of foreign language to better prepare for college courses. • ACT scores are required. When do I take the ACT? The ACT is offered 6 times each year. As a junior, it is recommended that students register for the February or April test, and possibly the June administration, if an ACT has not previously been taken. Register online at www.actstudent.org. The cost is $38. Be prepared to upload a photograph of yourself. • Most college applications are online. Most require an application fee. Some applications will have a page for the counselors to fill out and submit. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully. When should I apply? You should apply early in the fall of your senior year. Some colleges have application deadlines and others have deadlines to qualify for their scholarship money. We’ll be talking more about money….
Public vs. Private WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? • Public Colleges and Universities are supported by tax dollars, so the tuition is typically less expensive than a private school. • Private Colleges and Universities receive funding from tuition, endowments, alumni support and other donations.
Military MilitaryMilitary • RECRUITMENT OFFICES • AIR FORCE 1-800-234-8723 • ARMY 816-763-3193 • ARMY NATIONAL GUARD 816-554-1732 • NAVY 816-795-6857 • MARINES 816-795-8675 • RECRUITERS OFTEN VISIT DURING WILDCAT HOUR IN THE CAFETERIA. THEY CAN PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR BRANCH OF SERVICE. • Explore R.O.T.C. scholarship opportunities. See your counselor for details.
Apprenticeships/work force • What is an apprenticeship? An apprenticeship is a paid program, typically associated with a trade union, that combines on-the-job training with courses taught in a classroom setting. New apprentices are paid an hourly rate and benefits are determined by the particular craft. Many apprenticeship programs are 4-5 years in length. Contact the trade union for more details. • Carpenters Electricians – International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers http://carpentersTraining-KC.comhttp://ibew.org Ironworkers Steamfitter/Pipefitter http://www.ironworkers.orghttp://local533.com Sheet Metal Workers http://sheetmetal2.org Plumbers This is only a representative sample of available trades. www.plumberslocal8.com
Plan to play sports in college? • College bound student-athletes MUST register with the NCAA or NAIA Clearinghouse. • Your grades in core courses and ACT score are important for eligibility. • www.eligibilitycenter.org • http://www.playnaia.org
How will you pay for college? • Money to fund college can come from a variety of sources: • Scholarships. This is money that you receive based on specific criteria: grades, community service, need, etc. that is not repaid. • Grants. Money that is often awarded based on need. • Loans. Must be repaid to the institution granting the loan. (Banks, FAFSA, etc.) • Work study. This opportunity is received based on need and determined through the FAFSA. • Work while attending school. • What’s the F.A.F.S.A??
Free application for Federal Student Aid(F.A.F.S.A.) • F.A.F.S.A is filled out online beginning in January of the senior year. www.fafsa.ed.gov • Register for a PIN# at www.pin.ed.gov. • File income taxes. Eligibility for aid is based on reported parental income. • Application must be completed by March 1, or as soon as possible. • Eligibility for grants, loans, and work study opportunities is based on the F.A.F.S.A. • Check with your college of choice to determine their deadlines for F.A.F.S.A. completion. • Do you need help understanding the F.A.F.S.A. and college funding? Attend the Financial Aid Night, January 28, 2015, 7:00 pm, Blue Springs South High School. Bring your parents!
SCHOLARSHIPS • The scholarship process, for the most part, begins with the fall of the senior year. As applications become available to us, we will post them on our website, www.bssd.net. • Click on the schools tab, Blue Springs High School, and the Counseling tab. • February is our biggest scholarship month, with the majority of our local scholarships being due. Check the website now to see what will be available for you next year. What’s a local scholarship? Local scholarships are provided by clubs, organizations, and individuals in Blue Springs and Eastern Jackson County. Your competition is also local. • National and Regional scholarship competitions can be for larger scholarships, but your competition may be students from the entire country. If you meet the criteria and qualifications, don’t hesitate to apply! Someone wins and it could be you! • Counselors visit all senior English classes in the fall to talk about scholarships and college.
MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS • Merit scholarships are awarded to a student after he or she has been accepted at a college or university. • Merit scholarships are usually based on high school Grade Point Average, ACT/SAT score, and possibly class rank. • Colleges assess your ability to be a successful college student and award you monetarily. • Many merit scholarships renew each year if a specified GPA is maintained. The award letter you receive after acceptance will outline the terms for renewal.
College Comparisons There are over 67 accredited, degree granting institutions in the state of Missouri. This is only a representative sample. The dollar figures are approximations. *Please consult the admissions offices at these colleges for the most accurate information. University of Missouri: Apply by Dec. 1 24 or higher on ACT Tuition/RB/Supplies $24,704 per year* University of Central Missouri: 21 or higher on ACT Tuition/RB $14,229 per year* Rental plan for books Northwest Missouri State: 21 or higher on ACT Tuition/RB $16,943 per year* Books and Laptop included in fees Missouri Western: ACT subscores: 19 English 19 Read 20 Math Tuition/RB $13,240 per year* Books can be rented or purchased Washington Univ. Highly selective $60,355/year*
I’m a Junior…what should I be doing now?? • Enroll in challenging courses for your senior year. Colleges look at your course selection and you’ll be much better prepared to be a successful college student. If you’re serious about college, make the right choices! • Keep your grades up. • Start or update your academic and activity resume. • Prepare for and sign up for the ACT! • Visit with college reps that come to BSHS during the day. • Go on a couple of college visits. Keep notes and compare. • If you’re not already involved in school activities, get involved. • Keep track of volunteer hours and volunteer activities. • Look for job shadowing opportunities or possible internships for the summer. • Register with the Clearinghouse if you’re a potential college athlete.
Test requirement • Prior to graduation, all students are expected to take one of the following tests: ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) The test is used by the military, but if you have no plans to go to the military, you can opt out so they will not contact you. You will receive valuable information concerning your potential for success in various careers. COMPASS This is an entrance test for the community colleges. ACT If you plan to attend a four-year college, you will need to take this test for admission. ALL JUNIORS WILL TAKE AN ACTUAL ACT DURING THE SCHOOL DAY IN APRIL. PREPARE! THIS TEST COUNTS!
Terms to know • ROLLING ADMISSION (Community Colleges, Trade, Tech) No specified enrollment deadline. • REGULAR DECISION (MU, UMKC, UCM, MSU, KU, ETC) Submit an application by the schools specified admissions deadline PAY ATTENTION TO THE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES!! • EARLY ACTION (EA) Students apply early (Nov. or Dec.) to several schools of choice. The school will notify the student of acceptance early, but the student is not required to accept early. • EARLY DECISION (ED) Students make a commitment to the 1st choice institution where, if they are admitted, they will definitely enroll. The application and decision deadline occur early. You can only apply early decision to one college. • RESTRICTIVE EARLY ACTION (REA) Students apply to a preferred school, receive a decision early. Students have until designated time to accept. They may be restricted from applying to other schools EA, ED, or REA. Continued………………….
.................More Terms • CREDIT HOURS College credit is referred to as “credit hours”. Typically, a class that meets 3 days per week will earn 3 credit hours. Many bachelor degree programs require 120 + hours. • ASSOCIATE’S DEGREE This degree is earned at the community college level and is a two year program. • BACHELOR’S DEGREE This degree can usually be earned in 4 years. • MASTER’S DEGREE Master’s degree programs vary in length depending on the discipline. Most will range from 32+ credit hours to 50+ credit hours BEYOND the completion of the bachelor’s degree. • DOCTORATE Advanced degree beyond the Master’s. This requires more years of study, a thesis and dissertation. • Different careers require different levels of post-secondary education. Your counselor can help you determine your future educational needs.
Time to enroll for your senior year… • Review your graduation progress. • Check the colleges that interest you for their specific admission requirements. • Choose challenging classes. Select alternate courses that in case of a scheduling conflict you would be happy to take. • Register for the ACT. • Enrollment begins the first week in February. Be sure to sign up for the right courses! Course changes will be difficult to make!!
Families May find these links helpful • #1 on the list: www.bssd.net Go to Blue Springs High School and then click on the Counseling tab. • Free application for Federal Student Aid: https://fafsa.ed.gov/ • College Board: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-started/for-parents • Fastweb: http://www.fastweb.com/ • Scholarships.com: https://www.scholarships.com/about-us/ • CollegeNet.com: http://collegenet.com/elect/app/app • NCAA http://web1.ncaa.org/ECWR2/NCAA_EMS/NCAA.jsp • NAIA http://naiaeligibility.org/ • Need help choosing the right college? This website might be helpful l: www.collegeconficential.com. Continued……
…………………More websites to exploreCollege and University websites • http://www.missouri.eduhttp://www.mcckc.edu • http://www.nwmissouri.eduhttp://www.umkc.edu • http://www.ucmo.eduhttp://www.mst.edu • http://www.missouristate.eduhttp://umsl.edu • http://www.semo.eduhttp://truman.edu • http://www.ku.eduhttp://missouriwestern.edu • http://www.k-state.eduhttp://www.mssu.edu
Counseling office….How can we help? The counselors can assist you with enrollment for senior year, college applications, and the scholarship process. The counseling office will send your official transcripts for college admission and scholarship applications. Three transcripts are sent for free. Additional copies are $4 each. See Mrs. Brown, registrar. Mrs. Morgason A-C Mrs. Williams D-H Mrs. Finley I-M Mrs. Frey N-Sn Mrs. Callanan So-Z
*****REMINDER***** • Review your graduation progress. • Check the colleges that interest you for their specific admission requirements. • Visit colleges. • Register for the ACT. • Look forward to a GREAT senior year!