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I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G F E D E R A T I O N. DAKAR INTERNATIONAL FENCING MASTER SCHOOL. Activity Report 1999-2010. Presented by Cécile FAYE IFMS Director. I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L. A bit of history ….
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G F E D E R A T I O N DAKAR INTERNATIONAL FENCING MASTER SCHOOL Activity Report 1999-2010 Presented by Cécile FAYE IFMS Director
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L A bit of history … 1997 - Creation of the National Fencing Renewal and Promotion Committee (NFRPC), under the initiative of Mr Abdoul Wahab BA, now deceased. On May 18,1999, creation of the International Fencing Master School (IFMS), due to the initiative of the Fédération Internationale d’Escrime, in cooperation with the Senegalese Fencing Federation (SFF), and supported by the Olympic Solidarity Program, the FCA project, the CONFEJES and the African Fencing Confederation. The school has its headquarters and its venues (classroom for the theory and fencing salle) in Dakar, thanks to the Léopold Sédar Senghor stadium. Maître Dominique SOLARI, a French very experimented technician, who unfortunately died in September 2003, was designated by the FIE as the school's first instructor, in charge of training the first Senegalese fencing masters. Since then, starting in 2004, these Senegalese fencing masters have carried the torch and ensured the training. Maître Ioan POP, the FIE Technical Director, and Maître Octavian ZIDARU, FIE technical expert and Technical Director of the Romanian Fencing Federation, have supervisedthe final exams, as well as the regular update seminars.
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L … A bit of history • Since the death of Mr. Abdoul Wahab BA, former President of the SFF, Mrs Cécile FAYE has been entirely in charge of the IFMS. • The IFMS is special because it offers a training program of LONG DURATION to its students, and because: • The students come to the school HAVING NEVER FENCED BEFORE; • Fencing practically does not exist in their own country; • At the end of their training, they will become the very first fencers, coaches and referees of their country; • At the IFMS, the students learn simultaneously to fence and to coach ALL THREE WEAPONS. • Therefore, it is difficult to draw comparisons between Dakar's IFMS and the other FIE fencing centers.
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L First year program Physiology • - Muscular contraction • - Nutrition and physical activities • - Thermoregulation during exercise • Physical aptitudes • Doping - Physical activity energy systems - Respiratory and circulatory adaptation to exercise - Composition and properties of the skeletal striated muscle fibers Theory and practical • epee • foil • sabre Anatomy • - Passive motor system • - Active motor system • - Main muscles • - Trunk and limbs movement analysis • - Fencing specific movement analysis • - Weight training practical advice Rules - Organization rules - Administrative rules - Material rules - Competition organization - FIE and AFC statutes Traumatology and rehabilitation - Predictable and unpredictable accidents in sport - Massotherapy - Physiotherapy - Sport traumatology Teaching staffnants Baytir Sidy DIOP - Fencing Master - Epee National Coach - Epee international referee Docteur Mohamed DIOP President of the Senegalese Swimming and Live-Saving Federation State doctor in medicine, specialized in sport biology, sport nutritionist and anti-doping control specialist. and Pape Khassoum TOURE - Fencing Master - Sabre National Coach - Foil and sabre international referee Julien OUEDRAOGO - Fencing Master - Foil National Coach - Foil and sabre international referee Ridouane NDIAYE - Fencing Master - Responsible for the equipment
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L Second year program Training methods - Laws of: overload, reversibility and specificity - Principles of: individualism, diversity and active participation - Performance structure: external and internal factors - Bio-motor capacity: strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, coordination Fencing methodology and pedagogy (research and high level training) Theory and practical in all 3 weapons Planning of training - Planning of long term performance (or of the sport career) - Planning of the fencing year - Planning of the fencing week - Planning of the fencing training session Competition, refereeing and bout analysis Sport psychology Electric apparatus - Sport and personality - Coach / student relationship - Communication - Stress management - Reinforcement and motivation Teaching staff Pape Khassoum TOURE Monsieur Mademba MBACKE Physical education teacher, IAAF speaker and lecturer, National Coach and jump coordinator of the Senegalese Track and Field Federation and John KAMATE Julien OUEDRAOGO Baytir Sidy DIOP Madame Safiétou DIATTA STAPS doctor, sport psychology specialist President of the CNOSS technical commission
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L Various 2004-2006 • Julien OUEDRAOGO (Burkina Faso) • - Hamidou KONATE (Burkina Faso) • - Adama KONATE (Mali) • - Ousmane GUINDO (Niger) • - Moubarak Imorou ASSIMI (Niger) • - Mohamed THIAM CAMARA (Guinea) 1999-2001 2002-2004 - Pape Khassoum TOURE (Senegal) - Nafi TOURE (Senegal) - Coumba Ndoffène NDIAYE (Senegal) - Amadou Cheikh SEYE (Senegal-France) - Seydou COLY (Senegal-Italy) - Sidy Galo DIOP (Senegal-France) - Ridouane NDIAYE (Senegal) - Cheikh Tidiane THIOUNE (Senegal) - Gora DIOP (Senegal) - Mbaye CISS (Senegal) - Mame Coura GUEYE (Senegal) - Pape Mamadou DIOUF (Senegal) - Hamed THIAM (Sénégal) (deceased) - Amine Abdallah DIOP (Senegal-France) - Amadou BEYE (Senegal) - Seynabou Mbengue (Senegal-Marocco) - Néné Sadio DIAW (Senegal) - Mafirmi DIENE (Senegal-Italy) - Ibrahima NDIAYE (Senegal-USA) - Abdoul Wahab ZOROME (Mali) - Vincent SOU BE (Burkina Faso) - Abdallah CHEIKHMANE (Marocco) - Imad EL MASHBAHI (Marocco) - Djibo Hassan ISAMEL (Niger-France) - Victor LAMEGA (Togo) 2006-2008 - Baïtir Sidy DIOP - Cheikh Tidiane NIANG (Senegal) - Rachid NASRALLAH (Marocco) - Yassine ABDELLAOUI (Marocco) - Moussa KEITA (Guinea) - Mamadou SYLLA (Guinea) - Omar DIARRA (Mali) - John KAMATE MWERA (R.D. Congo) - Roger MONGONDJI (R.D. Congo) 2008-2010 • Anna Ngoulou SECK (Senegal) • - Khadim Mbacké KAMA (Senegal) • Cédrick E. BIKOLELE (R.D. Congo) • Hergino EKABELA MONYANGE (R.D. Congo) • - Idrissa Adamou TIEMO (Niger) • - Brahim Ben SOUISSI (Tunisia) • - Stanislas TANOH (Ivory Coast) • - Lorng Désiré MEMEL (Ivory Coast) As it considers that small categories are very important, the FIE made all possible efforts to ensure that this school is established in Dakar, firstly to encourage a speedy development of a young generation of fencers in francophone central Africa, and secondly to allow the trained fencing coaches to have an income.
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L Several FIE initiatives… After Maître Ioan POP, accompanied by Mrs Cécile FAYE, visited the most dynamic federations (Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger) in January of 2006, the FIE allocated financial help to eight (8) fencing masters working with these new fencing federations. That same year, the FIE has signed a partnership agreement with the CONFEJES, allowing the West Africa young federations to benefit from refinement courses for active fencing masters (young fencers also benefited from these courses). Then, in 2007, these fencing masters and their best students took part in the first "Club CONFEJES" training camp, organized jointly with the FIE. A similar camp took place in Bamako in December 2008, just before the African Cadet and Junior Championships. This FIE - CONFEJES agreement allowed several athletes (Anna SECK, Mamadou KEITA, Abdoulaye THIAM and Cheikh Oumar DIALLO from Senegal, and Julien OUEDRAOGO from BurkinaFaso) to benefit from better training conditions and to take part in international competitions in order to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games. Three of these fencers have actually participated in the Olympic Games: Mamadou KEITA, Abdoulaye THIAM and Julien OUEDRAOGO.
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L … Several FIE initiatives Furthering its initiatives in favour of African federations, the FIE has organized in June 2008, at the occasion of the IFMS fourth class diploma and the refereeing exam, an administrative course regrouping fencing masters from Niger, Burkina, Mali, Algeria, Egypt, Guinea and Senegal. In order to further their professional development, the FIE has always invited these African fencing masters and their best students to take part in the refinement courses staged in Fontainebleau. Many fencers were also able to benefit from the preparation training camps before various World Championships, after which the FIE funded their participation in these competitions. As the FIE is always aiming at bettering the life and work conditions of the IFMS students and staff, the lodging quarters and school venues have been improved (office and accommodation furniture renewed, fencing masters compensation increased, ...) during the last semester of 2009. And the FIE grant has been even further increased in January 2010.
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L What have the IFMS trained fencing master become? SENEGAL Pape TOURE, Julien OUEDRAOGO, John KAMATE, Baïtir Sidy DIOP and Ridouane NDIAYE (1st graduated class) : fencing masters, funded by the FIE in their roles as IFMS staff, training instructors and national coaches. MOROCCO Imad El MASHBAHI (first in his graduated class): fencing master in the army, and has worked with the Moroccan National Team Rachid NAZRALLAH: trains young Moroccan fencers. NIGER Ousmane GUINDO and Moubarak ASSIMI: club fencing masters and national team coaches. Idrissa AdamouTIEMO : technical officer of the national federation. DJIBO Ismaël, fencing master in France. MALI Abdoul WahabZOROME, Adama KONATE and Oumar DIARRA: club fencing masters and national team coaches . BURKINA FASO Vincent Sou BE: teacher at the Sports Institute of Ouagadougou, and trainer of young fencers Julien OUEDRAOGO (first in his graduated class - 2004) : teacher at the IFMS GUINEA Mohamed THIAM, Mamadou SYLLA and Moussa KEITA: trainers Roger of young fencers. TOGO Victor LAMEGA : National Team Coach . R.D. CONGO Roger MONGONDJI : National Team Coach . John KAMATE : teacher at the IFMS . Existing federations without a fencing master Mauritania, Congo Brazzaville, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Namibia, Somalia
I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E N C I N G M A S T E R S C H O O L Conclusion • The FIE helps the development of fencing since its inception in Central Africa, and still supports it technically and financially. • Mr Abdoul Wahab BA, now deceased, has always been in perfect agreement with the FIE during his whole mandate at the head of the Senegalese Fencing Federation. During his mandate on the Executive Committee, he always knew how to convince the FIE to give permanent support to the IFMS and to the African Confederation. • The FIE's help to African fencing is not limited to financial support. Every time it was possible, the FIE gave the federations equipment for beginners and for competitions. • The FIE Executive Committee has really been a keen supporter of African fencing. • The FIE and it's staff and experts have greatly contributed to the development of fencing on the African continent since 2004. • The FIE's actions continue to improve the conditions at the IFMS, for the students as well as the staff. The FIE also gave kits of beginner's equipment to the fencing masters so that they can start fencing in their countries. • The FIE is consistently supporting African fencing for the benefit of all. • The IFMS team