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SEPAK TAKRAW. " Sepak " is the Malay word for kick and " takraw " is the Thai word for a woven ball. Adam Strakose. Sepak Takraw ?. Brief History/Explanation

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  1. SEPAK TAKRAW "Sepak" is the Malay word for kick and "takraw" is the Thai word for a woven ball. Adam Strakose

  2. SepakTakraw? • Brief History/Explanation • Sepal Takraw was created by the royal family of Malaysia about 500 years ago. The name itself comes from two languages. Sepak is "kick" in Malay, and Takraw is the "ball" in Thai. When it is born, It looked like Japanese "Kemari", and some became a circle, and a pole was kicked, and the number of times was being competed in. • It looks very similar to the Japanese traditional game, "kemari" where the players form a loose circle and the number of times the ball is kicked before it touches the ground is counted. In 1965 the game was unified into the present volleyball style with the addition of a net and the adoption of international rules. • Some Rules • The use of hands is not permitted. • Each player may touch the ball only once before it is kicked over the net. • There is no rotation in the defense position. • It becomes a score (net in) even if the ball touches the net before falling into the companion court

  3. Court Dimensions and Player Placement

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGIJ4llu5gI Watch SepakTakraw

  5. Other Interesting Facts • How many players are there on a regu (team)? 3. The centre player is called a Tekong, where he/she serves the ball at all times. The other two players are called Feeder and Striker/Killer. It doesn't matter which player (Feeder or Striker) plays on which side of the Tekong. A Feeder is the player who sets the ball for the Striker, who usually does a spike. bicycle, or acrobatic kick to send the ball to the oppponents' court. • Which of the following is not considered a fault when a serving side is serving the ball? The ball touches the net before crossing over the opponents court. If a player is physically in contact with the net, it is always a fault, no matter when it happen. The tekong has to put his non-kicking leg within the circle, but not on it. On the other hand, his kicking leg must be outside the circle. Like badminton and volleyball, if the ball falls outside the court, it is considered an out. • How many linesmen are there in a SepakTakraw game? 4. There are 4 linesmen and 1 umpire in total. The linesmen are located at each corner of the court. • Which of the following is not allowed to be in contact with the ball during the game? Hand. This rule is similar to soccer rules. The player can use any part of his body except for his hands and arms.

  6. Conclusion • At first glance SepakTakraw seems very different from traditional American sports but it is in reality very similar to volleyball and soccer. • This sport can be very exciting and is a very acrobatic sport. • So if you have not found a sport you want to stick with maybe SepakTakraw is for you! • This is a growing sport that may be played near you soon!

  7. Sources: Information • http://www.geocities.co.jp/Athlete-Acropolis/2678/english/whatsepa.html • http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/Sepak-Takraw-Basics-292425.html Pictures • www.takrawusa.com • www.takrawcanada.com

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