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Update on the Local Education Agency Plan. Progress with the Nine Essential Components May 10, 2012. Purpose of the Local Education Agency Plan (LEA Plan). Establishes District priorities based on students’ needs Documents major District Initiatives to address priorities
Update on the Local Education Agency Plan Progress with the Nine Essential Components May 10, 2012
Purpose of the Local Education Agency Plan (LEA Plan) • Establishes District priorities based on students’ needs • Documents major District Initiatives to address priorities • Addresses five major performance goals set by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) • Is a single, coordinated, and comprehensive plan • Is reviewed and updated annually
Essential Component #1—Use of Standards Based Curriculum • Provide current SBE-adopted basic core instructional programs in ELA, Mathematics, and ELD • Adopted common ELA curriculum for K-6 • Provided multi-day training for the Treasures’ adoption • Provided district-wide collaboration to review components to support intensive intervention and universal access • Integrated Treasures’ online technology resources • Provided students and teachers with access to online texts and resources K-6
Essential Component #2—Implementation of Instructional Minutes for Basic Core ELA/Math, Structured ELD, Intensive Intervention and Strategic Support Courses • Ensure school/district complies with daily implementation of instructional time for ELA and mathematics • Ensure strategic support is provided for English language learners • Utilized English language learner interventionists to increase language proficiency of long-term ELL’s • Provided Read 180 at both intermediate schools • Provided Double Period for Math and ELA –(next year will include 30 minute strategic intervention component within double block based on students’ needs) • Provided RTI with categorically funded staff
Essential Component #2 continued • Implemented Treasures’ ELD components in K-6 • Implemented Balanced Literacy K-3 for core group of teachers • Provided strategic interventions For ELL’s based on the results of the ADEPT assessment. • Provided training to teachers and parents in Study Island and Education City
Essential Component #3—Use a District-wide Instructional Pacing Guide and Assessment K-8 • Prepare, distribute, and monitor the use of an annual district-instructional/assessment pacing guide documented to be in use for each grade level K-8 for ELA/ELD and mathematics • Created District-wide ELA Pacing Guides/aligned benchmarks for K-6 • Created a plan to complete/revise 7-8 Math and ELA Pacing Guides /aligned benchmarks • Created collaborative lessons based on the standards in the ELA Pacing Guide • Utilized the ADEPT Oral Language Assessment • Provided electronic resources to support students with mastery of the essential standards in the pacing guides
Essential Component #4—Instructional Materials-Based Professional Development (PD) and ongoing targeted PD for instructional leaders to ensure full implementation of District adopted Program and the Essential Program Components (EPC) • Principals are engaged in professional development focused on ELA/ELD, mathematics, and intervention. • Principals are provided training in instructional leadership.
Essential Component #4—Instructional Materials-Based Professional Development (PD) and ongoing targeted PD to ensure full implementation of District adopted Program and the Essential Program Components (Continued…) • Instructional Leaders Meetings --Standards to Success/Where Great Teaching Begins/Marzano’s High Yield Strategies • Brain-based Lesson Design—Focused Adaptable Structure Teaching Framework (FAST Model) • Facilitation Skills for Administrators—LACOE • School Site Professional Learning Communities
Essential Component #5—NCLB Compliant teachers receive professional development focused on the standards aligned/SBE adopted basic core ELA/ELD and mathematics programs • Ensure staff meets NCLB compliance • Implementation of Instructional materials-based Professional Development • Two-day Treasures Training for K-6 ELA and special education teachers • Envision Mathematics Training for K-6 teachers • Ongoing monthly district-wide collaboration meetings to review intervention and ELD components of K-6 Treasures • Ongoing monthly district-wide 7th-8th grade collaboration to align materials to essential standards • Balanced Literacy Training
Essential Component #6—Implementation of ongoing instructional assistance • Provide instructional assistance and ongoing support to all teachers of ELA/ELD and mathematics using content experts, specialists, and instructional coaches • STAR Alternative Governance Consultant • RISE Professional Development and Coaching Support (Effective First Teaching—Brain-based strategies) • Balanced Literacy K-3 Training • Seven Academic Coaches provided ongoing support in school site/grade level PLCs
Essential Component #6-- Implementation of ongoing instructional assistance (continued…) • Received coaching on how to create lessons using the Focused Adaptable Structure Teaching Framework (FAST Model)—Garvey Intermediate • Common Core Exploration and Introduction • Study Island Presentations • STARBOARD Training for interactive technology • ADEPT Training • Refer to matrix on the following page.
Essential Component #7- Implementation of a student achievement monitoring system. • Provide timely data from common formative and summative assessments for teachers and principals • Identify students’ needs, monitor ongoing student progress, and inform instruction • Determine effectiveness of instructional practices and implementation of adopted programs.
Essential Component #7—continued… • Created K-6 ELA Benchmarks aligned to essential standards for each instructional period • Created CST Look-alike for K-8 in ELA and 7-8 Math • Reviewed results of data in grade level/school-wide and district teams each instructional period • Provided additional training for principals, district administrators, and teachers in the use of OARS (Online Assessment and Reporting System) • Used Survey Monkey to survey teacher input regarding ELA Pacing Guide modifications
Essential Component#8—Monthly structured teacher collaboration facilitated by the principal for all ELA/ELD and mathematics teachers by grade level (K-8) and common courses • Provide a one-hour structured collaboration meeting (preferably two) per month per subject in order for all teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics, special education, and ELD teachers to analyze, discuss and utilize the results of data. • Monthly District-wide content area and grade level collaboration led by principals, academic coaches, and district administrators • Weekly school-site teacher collaboration
Essential Component #8 (Continued…) • Nine High Yield Instructional Strategies—Principal Training and Temple Intermediate • Alternative Governance Board (STAR)—Garvey Intermediate Monthly Visitations • Created Restructuring Plan for Garvey and Temple Intermediate • Collaborated in the Standards Achievement Planning Cycle (SAPC)
Essential Component #9—Implementation of Fiscal Support aligned to full implementation of EPCs • General and categorical funds are prioritized and aligned with full implementation of EPCs • Provided funding to increase student achievement: • ELL interventionists • Academic Coaches • Treasures Adoption for all K-6 schools • ADEPT Training • Pacing Guide Construction in K-6 ELA • Targeted PD for staff, (PIVOT, RISE, Facilitation Skills, STARBOARD Training, Common Core Training, Special Education Trainings)
Next Steps • Develop Intervention Curriculum for 7th-8th Grade ELA and Math Double Block • Develop Honor’s ELA Curriculum for 7th-8th Grade • Develop curriculum for 7th-8th Social Studies and Science GATE cluster classes • Create/Revise ELA and Mathematics Pacing Guides/Benchmarks for 7th and 8th Grade • Create/Revise Science and Social Studies Pacing Guides/Benchmarks 7-8 • Modify Writing Assessments K-8 and update Rubrics for Writing Assessments
Next Steps • Provide 1:1 technology for 7th and 8th Grade • Add Mandarin and Spanish for 7th and 8th Grade • Examine current RTI at the sites to increase consistency of intervention support • Develop benchmark assessments for ELL’s to monitor language acquisition • Create /Adopt ELD Supplemental Materials to support ELL’s