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Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense (Prosto prošlo vrijeme). FORM Affirmative (Potvrdni oblik) se tvori od dvije vrste glagola: Regular verbs (Pravilni glagoli) dodajemo nastavak –d ili –ed na infinitiv glagola: work + ed = worked; rain + ed = rained; play + ed = played
Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense(Prosto prošlo vrijeme) FORM Affirmative (Potvrdni oblik) se tvori od dvije vrste glagola: • Regular verbs (Pravilni glagoli) dodajemo nastavak –d ili –ed na infinitiv glagola: work + ed = worked; rain + ed = rained; play + ed = played 2. Irregular verbs (Nepravilni glagoli) – upotrebljavamo 2. kolonu iz tabele nepravilnih glagola: sleep – slept – slept; buy – bought – bought; drive – drove – driven
Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense(Prosto prošlo vrijeme) It rained all day yesterday. (R) I read your e-mail this morning. (IR) She phoned John two days ago. (R) We drove by bus on our trip. (IR)
Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense(Prošlo prosto vrijeme) Nastavak –d ili –ed se izgovara na tri načina: /d/ iza zvučnog glasa (samoglasnici, b, d, g, l, m, n, v, dʒ): smiled, opened, loved /t/ iza bezvučnog glasa (f, k, ks, p, ʃ, tʃ): cooked, escaped, laughed, watched /id/ iza r, t, d: needed, worried, carried, hurried
Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense(Prošlo prosto vrijeme) Negative (Odrični oblik) se tvori od pomoćnog glagola DO u prošlosti (DID) + NOT + infinitiv glagola DID NOT = DIDN’T It did not (didn’t) rain a lot in November. I did not (didn’t) watch the film last night. Mary did not (didn’t) drive a car.
Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense(Prošlo prosto vrijeme) Questions (Pitanja) tvorimo inverzijom, tj. zamjenom mjesta pom.glagola i subjekta: Did she like tomato juice? No, she didn’t. Did you write a letter to your sister? Yes, I did. Did you see the match last night? No, I didn’t. Did John go to the cinema with you on Monday? No, he didn’t.
Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense(Prošlo prosto vrijeme) USE • Da govorimo o radnjama koje su se završile u prošlosti: She climbed the stairs and went to her room. I saw an accident yesterday. Mary invited us to her birthday party.
Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense(Prošlo prosto vrijeme) 2. Da govorimo o prošlim situacijama koje su se ponavljale ili trajale, i o prošlim navikama: I went to primary school in England. The weather was horrible yesterday. She always rang me on Fridays.
Grammar 1. Past Simple Tense(Prošlo prosto vrijeme) TIME ADVERBIALS Uz ovo glagolsko vrijeme često koristimo slijedeće priloge vremena: Yesterday, last month/ week/ year/ Monday, two days ago, three years ago, five months ago, in 1999, in January, on Friday, etc. Njihova pozicija u rečenici može biti na početku ili na kraju rečenice: Last week I bought a new bike. My parents got married twenty years ago.
Grammar 2. Past Continuous Tense(Prošlo trajno vrijeme) FORM Affirmative (Potvrdni oblik) se tvori od pomoćnog glagola TO BE u prošlosti (WAS, WERE) + glavni glagol s nastavkom –ing: The driver was sitting behind the wheel. We were talking about our holidays. I was walking to school.
Grammar 2. Past Continuous Tense(Prošlo trajno vrijeme) Negative (Odrični oblik) tvorimo dodavanjem rječice NOT na pomoćni glagol + glavni glagol s nastavkom –ing: WAS NOT = WASN’T WERE NOT = WEREN’T He was not (wasn’t) listening to the lecture. They were not (weren’t) reading the whole afternoon. I was not (wasn’t) driving a car.
Grammar 2. Past Continuous Tense(Prošlo trajno vrijeme) Questions (Pitanja) tvorimo inverzijom: Were you planning to see him? Yes, I was. Was the driver sitting behind the wheel? No, he wasn’t. Was Mary talking to John when you saw her? Yes, she was.
Grammar 2. Past Continuous Tense (Prošlo trajno vrijeme) USE • Da govorimo o radnjama koje su trajale neko vrijeme u prošlosti: He was watching TV all evening. I was trying to change the wheel in the car.
Grammar 2. Past Continuous Tense(Prošlo trajno vrijeme) 2. Da označi radnje koje su u prošlosti trajale istovremeno (često uz veznik while – dok): I was reading a book while Joan was playing the piano. The mothers were talking in the park while the children were playing.
Grammar 2. Past Continuous Tense(Prošlo trajno vrijeme) 3. Da govorimo o radnjama koje su se dešavale u prošlosti i koje su prekinute nekom drugom prošlom radnjom izraženom past simple tense, često s veznikom when – kad: John was reading when Mary came. We were having dinner when the phone rang.
Grammar 2. Past Continuous Tense(Prošlo trajno vrijeme) 4. Da govorimo o radnjama ili situacijama koje čine pozadinu nekog događaja (postavljaju scenu), unutar koje se dešava drugi događaj izražen s past simple tense: It was raining when we arrived in London. She was waiting for a bus when we met for the first time. Mr Jones was buying a paper when a man stole his wallet.
Phrases To answer the phone – odgovoriti na telefonski poziv To be (go) abroad – biti (ići) u inostranstvo To be good at – biti dobar, vješt u nečemu To play chess – igrati šah I see – A, tako
Phrases To go on a picnic – ići na izlet What is the matter with you (him, her)? – A šta je to s tobom (s njim, s njom)? To catch cold – prehladiti se To get better – ozdraviti, oporaviti se
Phrases To take temperature – mjeriti temperaturu Most of the time – najveći dio vremena Three times a day (week, month) – tri puta dnevno (sedmično, mjesečno)