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The Prayer Needs of Uzbekistan

The Prayer Needs of Uzbekistan. By Rebecca Russell, 2002 Maranatha SDA School, WI. Picture from www.uzbekistan.org. Population: 24,756,000 people Major ethnic group: Uzbek (71%) Major Religion: Sunni Muslim. Picture and Information from www.uzbekistan.org.

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The Prayer Needs of Uzbekistan

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  1. The Prayer Needs of Uzbekistan By Rebecca Russell, 2002 Maranatha SDA School, WI Picture from www.uzbekistan.org

  2. Population: 24,756,000 people Major ethnic group: Uzbek (71%) Major Religion: Sunni Muslim Picture and Information from www.uzbekistan.org

  3. The Adventist Church in the Central Asia Conference includes the following countries: Kyrgyx Republic Tadjikistan Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Picture from www.uzbekistan.org Information from www.adventist.org

  4. Forty-four Seventh-day Adventist Churches Information from www.adventist.org

  5. Membership: 3,255 people 149.81% growth in one year! Information from www.adventist.org

  6. Pray for the growing Seventh-day Adventist church in Uzbekistan and all of Central Asia Slideshow from www.uzbekistan.org

  7. The U.S. State Department has documented reports of citizens being tortured, beaten, and killed under the guise of combating terrorism. The violence seems to be primarily aimed at Muslims. Other people of conscience have also been jailed and fined. Picture from www.uzbekistan.orgInformation from www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2001/eur/8366.htm

  8. Pray for peace in Uzbekistan that its citizens will be safe in their own homeland. Pray that the persecution will cease. Picture from http://vanderven.org/pix/uz/mir_women.htm

  9. During the summer of 2002, ADRA is distributing warm winter clothing to the people living in the remote mountainous regions of Uzbekistan. Picture from www.geocities.com/katuha_n/nature.htmInformation from www.adra.org/ADRANews/062602.html

  10. Pray for the people of Uzbekistan that they will see Jesus in the ministry of ADRA and other Christian organizations. Picture from http://www.squiresweb.com/uzbek/day12.htm

  11. Pray that the people of Uzbekistan will come to know Jesus as their own Friend and Savior. Picture from http://www.squiresweb.com/uzbek/day09.htm

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