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. . . Serotonin (5-HT) A Critical Neurotransmitter. DepressionAnxietySleep disorderSchizophrenia. Reduced Serotonergic neurotransmission. . . Plays a perceived role in many psychological disorders . Fifth Ewing Variant (FEV) mRNABelongs to a family 85 amino acid ETS domain- activators and rep
1. Cloning and Expression of the hFEV Transcription Factor Scholar: Di Wu
Mentor: Dr. Abiye Iyo
2. Serotonin (5-HT) A Critical Neurotransmitter Depression
Sleep disorder
Fifth Ewing Variant (FEV) mRNA
Belongs to a family 85 amino acid ETS domain- activators and repressors
Homologue of rodent Pet-1 gene
~96% similarity between hFEV and Pet-1
Both concentrated in the dorsal raphe nuclei
Role in regulating serotonin-related genes
Determinant of serotonin neuronal differentiation and development
Potential role in psychiatric illness
FEV Transcription Factor
5. MethodsTo Isolate FEV cDNA from Rodent and Human Brains I. Rodent FEV cDNA
Extract RNA from rodent brain
Reverse transcription to get cDNA
Perform PCR to get rodent FEV clone
II. Human FEV cDNA
Obtain human FEV clone (plasmid)
PCR amplification using FEV specific primers
Cut PCR product with the restriction enzymes
- BamH1 and Xho1
Methods cont’d
Ligate the fragment into pGEX-4T-3 vector
Transformation of E. coli cells
PCR Screening using FEV primers
Isolate the FEV plasmid
III. Protein Expression
Transform the plasmid into BL21 cells
Grow up culture until OD of 0.6
Induce culture with IPTG
(Isopropyl ß-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside)
Aliquot 1 ml of cells (pre-induction, 1, and 2 hours post induction)
Add SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) buffer, reducing agent, and deionized water to cells
Run protein gel and stain with Coomassie Blue for detection
8. Results
9. III. Analyzed Transformants
PCR screened
No result on many occasions
Enhanced Protocol
Transformants expressed FEV- pGEX-4T-3
10. Protein Expression
Induced versus Uninduced cells
11. Conclusions Cloned and expressed the FEV protein
Future Studies
Perform Western Blot analysis using FEV antibody/protein
Analysis of FEV protein expression in both stressed rodents and our cohorts of depressed and suicide victims
12. Acknowledgements Dr. Abiye Iyo, Ph.D.
Niamh Kieran
Dr. Ian Paul
UMC Psychiatry and Neuroscience Department
NSSP and Fellow Scholars