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Quest for Empire Chapter 22

Quest for Empire Chapter 22. Imperialism. I. Remake the world in the American image!. 1. Imperialism – imposition of control over other people Colonies 1880 to 1914  active imperialism. More markets = more power!. II. HAWAII. In 1890 USN Cpt. Alfred T. Mahan

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Quest for Empire Chapter 22

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  1. Quest for EmpireChapter 22 Imperialism

  2. I. Remake the world in the American image! 1. Imperialism – imposition of control over other people • Colonies • 1880 to 1914active imperialism. • More markets = more power!

  3. II. HAWAII • In 1890 USN Cpt. Alfred T. Mahan • “Influence of Sea power Upon History” • Strong Navy!! • Need colonies for bases; way stops • Andrew CarnegieShips need steel!!

  4. HAWAII (cont’d) • HI • Sugar cane; fruit stories. • By 1890 – native Hawaiians;40% of pop. • White Americans dominated society

  5. HAWAII (cont’d) 10. January 1893 – Queen Lil overthrown • Hawai becomes a republic • Sanford B. Dole!!! 11. 1898 –HI becomes a territory • 1959 became the 50th state in the union

  6. III. Cuba 1. Cuba sugar plantations;tobacco;cigars 2. Spain harsh over Native Cubans → denied independence 3. 1895 – Jose Marti launches a revolution from America.

  7. Cuba (cont’d) 4. American “Yellow” Press generated American sympathy 5. Exaggerated stories about the Cubans and the Spanish 6. Americans protest “reconcentration” 7. “Cuba Libre”rallying cry • Hearst: “you furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.”

  8. Cuba (cont’d) 9. U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana Harbor 10. Press accused Spain of sabotage! 11. Realityboiler exploded 12. “Remember the Maine”

  9. Cuba (cont’d) 13. McKinley sends Spain an ultimatum: • End fighting • End reconcentration • Accept U.S. arbitration of conflict 14. April 19th, 1898 • U.S. Congress declares Cuba independent • Spain ordered to withdraw • Authorized President to use military force • Teller Amendment

  10. Cuba (cont’d) 15. Spain declares war!

  11. IV. THE SPANISH – AMERICAN WAR • 1st battleThe Philippines April 11, 1898 • Islands held key strategic purposes • Commodore George Dewey;Asst. Secretary of Navy Theodore Roosevelt

  12. THE SPANISH – AMERICAN WAR (cont’d) • America’s 1st war overseas • Many volunteered • Rough Riders • Press made TR a hero and household name

  13. THE SPANISH – AMERICAN WAR (cont’d) 8. TRcharge up San Juan Hill • The war lasts 3 months – the summer of ’98 • “splendid little war” • 5,400 Americans died – but only 379 from actual combat • Rest died of disease

  14. THE SPANISH – AMERICAN WAR (cont’d) • Peace Treaty of Paris – 1898 • Cuba independent • U.S. gets Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam • Platt Amendment • U.S. gets military bases • Cuba can’t sign treaties against American interests • The U.S. can intervene

  15. V. ASIA AND SPHERES OF INFLUENCE • “open door policy” • “SPHERES”

  16. VI. AMERICA INVADES LATIN AMERICA • Cuba still occupied by U.S. • North America benefits not the Cubans • U.S. corporations get more than 60% of Cuba’s rural lands • U.S. marines prevent rebellions

  17. AMERICA INVADES LATIN AMERICA (cont’d) • Panama Canal • Pacific and Atlantic Oceans quicker

  18. World War I

  19. I. Initial Neutrality • American Neutrality • Wilson issues neutrality proclamation on August 4, 1914. • By 1917, U.S. became a major supplier of Allied munitions, food, and raw materials.

  20. II. Submarine Crisis: Road to War in Europe • 1915, Germans began use of U-Boats submarines • Began to attack unarmed British passenger ships. • Lusitania-British liner sunk of the coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915. • Arabic is sunk • “Arabic Pledge”—Germans will not attack unarmed passenger vessels.

  21. Submarine Crisis: Road to War in Europe (cont’d) • The Sussex Pledge (Ultimatum) 1. The pledge was: If ALL U-boat attacks on ALL ships did not stop, Wilson would sever all German relations.

  22. Submarine Crisis: Road to War in Europe (cont’d) 7. Jan. 31, 1917-Germany would sink all ships, belligerent or neutral • Germany could win if they cut off the flow of supplies to the Allies. • Feb.3, 1917—U.S. ends diplomatic relations with Germany • U.S. merchant ships were sunk.

  23. Submarine Crisis: Road to War in Europe (cont’d) 11. Zimmerman Telegram 12. From German foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmerman • U.S. receives it Feb. 24, 1917 • Mexico should attack the U.S. • The “lost territories” of TX, NM, and AZ would then be returned to Mex. • March 1, 1917-Released to the American public; war with Germany was necessary.

  24. III. Impact of the War at Home • Wilson :”War to end all Wars” • Jan. 1918—Wilson announces his Fourteen Points. • Wilson wants “peace without victory”---the victors would not be vindictive toward the losers. • Abolishing secret treaties, • Freedom of the seas, • Free trade, • Arms reduction, • end of colonization

  25. Impact of the War at Home (cont’d) • 14th Point—Wilson considered the most important • Called of a “general association of nations” to preserve the peace (League of Nations) • The U.S. many opposed it. • U.S. does not ratify TOV

  26. The “Big Four” • Wilson George Wilson Clemenceau Orlando George

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