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Research Papers. Common Errors and Areas Where Points May be Deducted. Statement of Purpose/Focus (weighted x2 ). Thesis unclear Thesis too narrow Thesis too specific
Research Papers Common Errors and Areas Where Points May be Deducted
Statement of Purpose/Focus (weighted x2) • Thesis unclear • Thesis too narrow • Thesis too specific There are many types, causes, and things you can do to stop it. Scientists are out there still studying different kinds of polio. The response is fully sustained and consistently and purposefully focused: --controlling idea or main idea of a topic is focused, clearly stated, and strongly maintained --controlling idea or main idea of a topic is introduced and communicated clearly within the context
Elaboration of Evidence (weighted x2) • Uses required # of sources throughout paper • There are no gaps—each required area is addressed in detail • All information aligns with topic and is on-task The response provides thorough and convincing support/evidence for the controlling idea or main idea that includes the effective use of sources, facts, and details. The response achieves substantial depth that is specific and relevant:
Elaboration of Evidence (weighted x2) • Paraphrased without plagiarism Check for plagiarism: Characterized by loss of control and rapid body movement, Parkinson’s disease has a great affect on the motor system (Heyn). --use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete --all evidence is properly cited --effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques
Elaboration of Evidence (weighted x2) • No stand alone quotes “Optimism is a doctrine emphasizing that everything is for the best” (“Optimism”). --use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete --all evidence is properly cited --effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques
Elaboration of Evidence (weighted x2) • There are multiple pieces of evidence in each paragraph • Evidence relates to the paragraph’s focus and to the topic studied That is how Glenn Cunningham began running. Everyone has at least a few years of education. Glenn Cunningham, however, was determined to earn his doctorate degree in physical education (“Glenn Cunningham”). Glenn’s running career flew sky high from 1934-1938 (“Glenn Cunningham”). --use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete --all evidence is properly cited -effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques
Elaboration of Evidence (weighted x2) • (Author #) • (Author) • (“Article Title” #) • (“Article Title”) • Periods after citation Norrie disease is a genetic disorder that causes babies to go blind right or soon after birth or at a young age (Norrie Disease Information). --use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete --all evidence is properly cited --effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques
Elaboration of Evidence (weighted x2) • Information does not repeat itself, but adds content. Polio is caused by a lot of things. Three main causes are drinking contaminated water or food, or coming into direct contact with an infected person. This disease is and can be “transmitted though contaminated water and food or through direct contact” which means this is a very contagious disease (“Diseases”). Polio is a disease that is very dangerous and spreads very easily. --use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete --all evidence is properly cited --effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques
Elaboration of Evidence (weighted x2) • Paragraphs include your own conclusions with the evidence given Deafness is when a person can’t hear perfectly (Cavendish 182). Deafness occurs when the nerves are damaged from the ear to the brain (Cavendish 83). Some people who are deaf can be deaf in one or both ears, it just depends on the type of deafness they have (“Deafness”). --use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete --all evidence is properly cited --effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques
Organization • Ideas are logically linked together by using a variety of transition and sentence types Jackie Robinson is anotherperson with struggles and determination. He went to college but had to leave because he couldn’t pay his tuition (Tygiel). He then joined the army; however, he never saw war because he got arrested and discharged (Tygiel). Next, he joined the Negro leagues with Kansas City (Tygiel). Robinson wassoonrecognized and chosen to play in the MLB by the Brooklyn Dodgers (“Jackie”). The response has a clear and effective organizational structure creating unity and completeness: --effective, consistent use of a variety of transitional strategies --logical progression of ideas from beginning to end --effective introduction and conclusion for audience and purpose --strong connections among ideas, with some syntactic variety
Organization • Ideas are stated in a logical order There are many causes of polio but the most common reason is water supply (Johnson). A person could get one of three forms of polio: sub-clinical, non-paralytic, or paralytic (Johnson). Polio has several causes. The virus that causes polio affects the bloodstream (Johnson). Also some people live where water is in short supply and could contain human waste that has the virus (Johnson). The response has a clear and effective organizational structure creating unity and completeness: --effective, consistent use of a variety of transitional strategies --logical progression of ideas from beginning to end --effective introduction and conclusion for audience and purpose --strong connections among ideas, with some syntactic variety
Organization • Contains the three parts: attention grabber, introduction of topic, thesis Everyone has a purpose. Some have fought for the right to inspire. Others have been through horrible levels of pain. Yet, through it all, everyone has the choice to be optimistic or pessimistic. Those who choose to be optimistic look on the bright side and use others’ negativity to push them forward. Steve Baskis and Gracie Rosenberger are two such people. The response has a clear and effective organizational structure creating unity and completeness: --effective, consistent use of a variety of transitional strategies --logical progression of ideas from beginning to end --effective introduction and conclusion for audience and purpose --strong connections among ideas, with some syntactic variety
Organization • Contains the three parts: relation to attention grabber, importance of information, thoughtful ending Those horrifying levels of pain that most cannot even imagine happen to people everyday. Yet people like Steve Baskis, Gracie Rosenberger, and the acorn society members choose to focus on the positive instead of the negative. If they can find the positive in such struggles, can’t you find a way to incorporate more optimism into your own life? The response has a clear and effective organizational structure creating unity and completeness: --effective, consistent use of a variety of transitional strategies --logical progression of ideas from beginning to end --effective introductionand conclusionfor audience and purpose --strong connections among ideas, with some syntactic variety
Analyze/Integrate Information Rubric • Multiple sources are used in each body paragraph in a way that makes sense Only a month after the attack, “Bethany returned to the water to continue pursuing her goal to become a professional surfer” (“Bethany Hamilton: Biography”). Each and every day she gets back into the water and surfs. Ever since she has returned to surfing, she has competed. Even with one arm, Bethany has won a very important event—the National Scholastic Surfing Association National Championship (“Hamilton”). The response gives sufficient evidence of the ability to gather, analyze and integrate information within and among multiple sources of information.
Language & Vocab • Sophisticated language • Audience = Dr. Mathis • Formal—no personal pronouns outside of attention getter and key parts of conclusion bad difficult you person, people a lot many, copious Where else can you strengthen your vocabulary? The response clearly and effectively expresses ideas, using precise language: --use of academic and domain-specific vocabulary is clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose
Conventions • Subject – verb agreement Scientist all agree… • Fragments Words off a screen, book, or on wall being read by the touch of fingers. • Run-ons Isiah left Indiana after two basketball seasons to go to the NBA draft in 1981 he was the second pick so he found his light. • Combination Some of the effect are shaking limbs and stiff limbs and carrying movements. The response demonstrates a strong command of conventions: --few, if any, errors are present in usage and sentence formation --effective and consistent use of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
Conventions • Commas When someone is blind he cannot see at all. There are many causes but the most common one is through contaminated water. • Capitalization There are many ways to trigger an Asthma attack. • Spelling Optemism Childern The response demonstrates a strong command of conventions: --few, if any, errors are present in usage and sentence formation --effective and consistent use of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling