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Exploring Creativity Through Humanoids and Dance

Exploring Creativity Through Humanoids and Dance. Robert Ellenberg David Grunberg Dr. Youngmoo Kim Dr. Paul Oh. Motivation. Real-world c reative robot How do we identify creativity? Dance is a natural "language" of creative expression

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Exploring Creativity Through Humanoids and Dance

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  1. Exploring Creativity Through Humanoids and Dance Robert Ellenberg David Grunberg Dr. Youngmoo Kim Dr. Paul Oh

  2. Motivation • Real-world creative robot • How do we identify creativity? • Dance is a natural "language" of creative expression • Human interaction and communication is heavily researched (Kismet, others) • Goal: A humanoid robot that can dance creatively

  3. Current Humanoid Robots • Honda ASIMO • Simple choreographed Dance • Scripted interaction with people • AIST HRP-2 • Traditional Dance • Sarcomann • Tracks human motion • Sony Dance Robots • Choreographed dance

  4. Project Goals • Design music analysis software to track temp and predict beats • Design library of dance primitives • Implement infrastructure for choosing gestures • Produce timing scheme

  5. Hardware • Hitec Robonova-1 • 16 DOF • MR-C3024 Controller • RoboBasicProgramming system • Serial to Bluetooth • x86 PC / MATLAB

  6. Beat Tracker • Record a frame of audio (50ms) • Low pass filter (fc=200Hz) • Comb filter bank finds delays • Period of delays corresponds to tempo • Predict beats based on this tempo

  7. Motion Timing • Motion times tl measured and stored • Commands sent at t-tl to synchronize with beat • Minimum separation time depends on loop speed Motion time tl Separation time ts

  8. Design of Gestures • Balance of motion directions • Timekeeping gestures (taps) • Leg gestures require balance (only 1 at a time) • Transfer of center of mass • Soft landing to reduce sway

  9. Graphical User Interface • Try individual gestures • Create motion sequences • Try their sequence with music • Have the robot create its own gestures

  10. Results (“Voyager” Video)

  11. Limitations • Large loop time (.1s-.45 s) gave coarse • Dependence on external timing • Fixed gestures • Lack of balance control (Video of toppling robot)

  12. Processing Improvements • Apply beat tracker to more frequency bands • Identify instruments • Find rhythmic patterns • Processing in real time • Leverage existing methods

  13. Other Pieces • Haile (Georgia tech) • Uses human rhythm primitives • Improvises phrases • Can vary specific characteristics of phrases • Rhythms as style input • Tele-Immersive Dance system • Digitizes human dance motions • “Virtual dancer” reproduces movements • State/transition idea of dance structure

  14. Advanced Motion Parameters • Laban System of Movement • Used in choreography • Successfully computerized by KlaraNarstedt et. al. • Describes motion properties • Body • Effort • Shape • Space

  15. Future Platform - Hubo • Collaboration with KAIST Hubo lab • Accurate timing • Inertia and force sensors • Feedback control • Calculate trajectories on the fly • Implement laban parameters

  16. Questions?

  17. References & Sources • Haile – Gil Weinberg & Scott Driscoll (Georgia Tech) • Tele-Immersive Dance System (KlaraNahrstedt et al) • Others TBD

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