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Specview 32 Release 2.5 Enhancements

Specview 32 Release 2.5 Enhancements. February 2008. Enhancements for HC900 Interface. Specview Version 2.5 Build 834 and beyond . HC Designer Tag Import Support (for automatic database build) HC900 Redundant Network Support (for C70R and C70 controllers). Specview database. import.

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Specview 32 Release 2.5 Enhancements

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  1. Specview 32Release 2.5 Enhancements February 2008

  2. Enhancements for HC900 Interface Specview Version 2.5 Build 834 and beyond • HC Designer Tag Import Support (for automatic database build) • HC900 Redundant Network Support (for C70R and C70 controllers) Specview database import AllModbusRegisters.csv file

  3. HC900 Tag Import Support • Supports Fixed Modbus map and Custom Modbus map .csv file import • Builds categorized Variables list for function blocks, tags and variables using HC Designer tag names • Interactive Instrument Views for: • All control loops • The first 8 SP Programmer blocks • Other Function blocks (parameter list only) Example: Sequencer, Device Control • Supports Incremental Updates to Database • Specview checks and lists differences on file import

  4. HC900 Tag Import Support • References • Specview User Manual Version 2.5 Build 833 • Section 4.13 “HC900 HC Designer Modbus Map Import” • Specview On-Line Help • Under “Starting SpecView and Instrument Definition/Detection”

  5. Tag Import Configuration Steps • Export the Fixed or Custom Modbus Map report .csv file from the HC Designer configuration • For Fixed Modbus map applications : • In HC Designer, go to File>Export, click on FBD’s, choose “All Modbus Registers”, rename the file as desired, then store in known folder. • For Custom map applications: • In HC Designer, go to File>Export, click on FBD’s, choose “All Modbus Partitions”, rename the file as desired, then store in known folder.

  6. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Fixed Map • Connect HC900 to the Specview application via Ethernet, then start Specview • In Specview’s “Configurations Found” dialog, click on “Test Comms for NEW Config” and enter new project file name • In Specview’s “Ports and Protocol’s dialog, enter Begin and End IP address for HC900, then click on “Start Scan” button

  7. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Fixed Map • To import the Modbus map file, click on Yes for the following dialog: • Browse for the “AllMobusRegisters” tag export .csv file from HC Designer, then click on Open

  8. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Fixed Map • The following will now occur: • All Control loop, SP programmer, other function blocks, signal tags, and variables will be imported, categorized, and placed into the Variables list. • A screen (in Configuration mode) will be displayed with all of the tagged Instrument Views related to the HC900 configuration import (example below). Click OK to continue. This display can be saved if desired and viewed on-line as a test.

  9. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Fixed Map • The Variables list is populated as follows: All function blocks are listed by HC Designer-assigned tag name for access to associated parameters Check “Include Name” to provide name text for Variable selected The Signal Tags and Variables lists show all listed by number (for reference) and tag name, data type pre-assigned as Analog or Boolean (digital), read only or read/write Uncheck “Include Name “ to not include text

  10. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Custom Map • Steps prior to tag import: • Add SP programmer blocks while in Fixed Modbus map mode (SP programmer blocks 1 – 8 supported) • After conversion to Custom Modbus map, add addresses for each additional control loop (or other function block) to a defined Modbus map partition with sufficient supporting parameters for Specview interface: • For control loops, use “Select All” to add all control loop parameters to the map or use the Vista_PID.ptf template (on HC Designer CD) and add the LSP1 parameter (needed for writing to local SP) • Add similar blocks in contiguous addresses within named partition • Modify floating point data types as necessary (to “unsigned 16”) for digital status (does not apply to Signal Tags and Variables since digital types will be converted by Specview automatically as necessary)

  11. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Custom Map • Adding control loop to Custom Modbus Map in HC Designer (all control loop parameters): • Adding a control to Custom map (all paremeters)

  12. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Custom Map • Adding control loop to Custom map in HC Designer (using Vista_PID. ptf template plus adding LSP1): Add Browse and select

  13. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Custom Map • Prepare Custom Modbus map (as described in previous slides) • Follow import configuration steps shown for fixed map except: • Use the “All Modbus Partitions” report file for a new Specview configuration • Select a specific custom map partition report file for import to Specview if a fixed map import was previously executed.

  14. Tag Import Configuration Steps – Custom Map Sample Custom Map “All Modbus Partitions” file import

  15. Tag Import Configuration Steps • Adding an HC900 Controller or Updating Variables List • Select the HC900 menu, then click on ‘Import HCDesigner File’ • Click on ‘Add as new HC900’, enter IP address, then browse for All Modbus Registers or Partitions file to add controller to database - Click on ‘Update existing HC900’, enter IP address, then browse for HC Designer export file to update the database for controller Click choice for naming: Adds HC900 controller name to Variables Omits controller name

  16. HC900 Redundant Ethernet Network Support Overview • Supports primary and secondary TCP/IP network IP addresses • When primary communications TCP/IP network fails, the communications will flip to the secondary network, then flip back to the primary network only if the secondary network fails • Typical failover time is within 1-2 scan updates • Driver commands are available for: • Returning to the primary network once that network is detected to be available • Adjusting retries and timeouts (retry default = 2 retries) Primary network Secondary network

  17. HC900 Redundant Ethernet Network Support • Technical Note Reference document • A Tech Note is available in the Tech Notes section of Specview’s FTP site. • Go to www.specview.com, choose ‘Tech Notes’ from the ‘Support’ menu, then download SVD1950ModbusRedunant.pdf from the Modbus TCP folder.

  18. HC900 Redundant Ethernet Network Support • To setup in Specview: • In Configuration mode, access Variables List and click on Show New • Select “IP Address Fail To” instrument. In dialog, enter primary and secondary IP addresses for HC900 specified as: <Primary IP Address>B<Secondary IP Address> • Click on Create button

  19. HC900 Redundant Ethernet Network Support • To view active network in use: • Place Active IP address variable on a display

  20. HC900 Redundant Ethernet Network Support • Driver Commands (Specview Configuration mode) The following driver commands can be entered into the commands listing for TCP/IP Com Port Setup. See supporting Tech Note for more detail on these and other commands. For full fault tolerance For automatic fail-back to primary network

  21. HC900 Redundant Ethernet Network Support • Failover Options • Default – Fail to secondary network when primary fails, only fail back to primary if secondary fails • Driver Command Entry: None, this is the default case • Fail Back to Primary – After failover to secondary network, monitor access to primary network and fail back to primary network when available • Driver Command Entry: TCPFAIL2PRI = 1

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