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Welcome! ED-D 408 Section A02 Promoting Prosocial Behavior: Strategies and Management. About Us Course Outline Break and Activity (10 minutes) Building A Learning Community… For Thursday……. About Us. 1. Name 2. Your focus ( e.g Primary, Intermediate)
Welcome!ED-D 408 Section A02Promoting Prosocial Behavior: Strategies and Management
About Us • Course Outline • Break and Activity (10 minutes) • Building A Learning Community… • For Thursday……
About Us 1. Name 2. Your focus (e.g Primary, Intermediate) 3. 1 expected learning outcome of this course
After studying the course materials, participating in class discussions and activities, and completing assignments, students will: Learning Outcomes • Identify the key components in a safe and supportive learning environment. • Develop a classroom management plan which anticipates and prevents student misbehavior by establishing and reinforcing routines, procedures and behavioral expectations.
Describe anti-bullying and anti-bias strategies and develop plans for prosocial behaviour in the school environment. • Conduct a variety of prosocial skill-building activities which promote positive student/ teacher/peer relationships and create an atmosphere of belonging.
5. Develop a classroom problem solving process and individual contracting formats which encourage students to become self-directed in resolving conflicts and actively supporting each other. 6. Develop a plan for positive and effective communication with parents/guardians.
Evaluation: Due Date Value Modified Performance Standards/Code of conduct critique Jan 29th 10% Quiz #1 Feb 12th 25% Classroom Management Plan March 13th 20% Introduction Newsletter to Parents March 26th 20% Quiz #2 April 8th 15% Social Conference Presentation after March 8th 10%
Text: Teaching Children to Care (Charney) • Web Site: http://web.uvic.ca/~gtreloar/ • separate readings (pdf) • lesson summaries • related sites • Readings on Reserve • Reflection Electronic Journal….why this.????
Students must abide by academic regulations as set out in the university calendar. They must observe standards of 'scholarly integrity' especially regarding plagiarism and cheating. Cautions Completion of Assignments: Handouts detailing criteria and requirements for the assignments will be provided to each student. Failure to complete any of these assignments without the instructor's permission will constitute failure in this course. Late Policy: Assignments must be submitted on the due dates. Exceptions must be negotiated with the instructor BEFORE the assignment is due, otherwise no marks will be given for the assignment.
Participation: Students are expected to participate in class discussions and activities, which may require assigned reading or research. Students should come to class prepared and their participation should be characterized by consideration for others in terms of listening and speaking. Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes and attendance at student presentations is absolutely mandatory. In-class assignments will be completed and submitted only during the classes in which they are assigned.
Copies: Students should keep copies of assignments submitted to the instructor and ask the office staff to date stamp materials that are placed in the instructor’s mailbox close to deadlines. Readings: Text readings are required and they are identified on the course schedule.
Break and Activity (10 minutes) • • Think about your favourite teacher(s) • Write 3-5 qualities that made them your favourites? • Meet in 2’s or 3’s and come up with your “top 2” • • closest BD to Jan 1 is scribe • • closest BD to August 31 facilitator • • closest BD to June 30 is speaker
Building A Learning Community…
“Children learn by doing and finding success in the doing”
Discipline • know the child • provide the structure for the child to learn
Discipline Goals • Self control • Creation of community
Self-Control – power • to listen • to wait
3 Points of Self-Control • We teach it like all academics • It is on-going and day-to-day • Self-control leads to greater success
Creation of Community in a Classroom • Teach children : • To give care as well as receive care • To learn to contribute • Belonging to a group means being needed as well as to need • Creating a community gives children the power to care
Merit Pay 3 articles of Interest: • The Folly of Merit Pay • Merit pay for teachers is problematic • Editorial- Merit pay and better schools
Reflection Activity: • (email: gtreloar@uvic.ca • by Wednesday am) • What do you think is your biggest challenge in learning to use classroom management strategies effectively with your own students?
For Thursday: • Read pp 1-26 (Intro & Chpt 1) • “Morning Meeting” • What do you think? Be prepared to critique… • Be prepared to give a simple example/game to teach your students how to learn everyone’s name.