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The Urinary System

Miyah Early Paul Pollard Latasha Davis Breonna Dyer. The Urinary System. What is the Urinary System. The Urinary System is the system that produces, stores, and eliminate urine. It consist of the kidney(2) Uretens, Bladder, and the Uretra . Functions of the Urinary System.

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The Urinary System

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  1. Miyah Early Paul Pollard Latasha Davis Breonna Dyer The Urinary System

  2. What is the Urinary System • The Urinary System is the system that produces, stores, and eliminate urine. • It consist of the kidney(2) Uretens, Bladder, and the Uretra

  3. Functions of the Urinary System • To maintain the volume & composition of the body fluids within normal limits • Rids the body of waste products the accumulate as a result of cellular metabolism • To excretion is the main role • Sometime referred to as the excretory system

  4. Function of Urinary System cont. • Maintains an appropriate fluid volume by regulating the amount of water that is excreted in the urine

  5. Kidney • There are two kidneys in the body • They cleanse the blood and balance its fluids • Takes nutrients and other substances for the urine • Returns it back to the blood • Has 3 main regions; cortex, medulla and pelvis

  6. Uretens • Moves small quantities of the urine when the muscular walls contract rhythmically • Pushes the urine in a wave-like fashion through the ureters form kidneys to the bladder

  7. Bladder • Stores urine • Expands as the volume of urine increase • Receptors respond to the stretch and signals the brain • Which creates the need to urinate

  8. Urethra • Transports urine form the bladder to the outside of the body

  9. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) (F)(Breonna D.) • The Urinary Tract is the body’s filtering system; removes liquid waste • Woman have a shorter UT than men makes them more vulnerable to bacteria • The bacteria multiplies and causes the infection known as UTI • You can use antibiotics for treatments

  10. Urinary Tract Infection (M)(Paul P.) • Caused by the same as the UTI for woman bacteria in the Urinary Tract • Some men may not experience any symptoms • But some symptoms include contents urination, burning, back pain, fatigue, and nauseas feeling

  11. Kidney Stones (Miyah E.) • Kidney Stones are salt and mineral in the urine that stick together and make small pebble • The cause no pain while there are still in the kidney but cause severe pain once they leave the kidney to the bladder • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy is used to break the stones in to small pieces so it can pass thru the urine

  12. Nephritis(Latasha D.) • A inflammation of the kidney • Makes the kidneys swollen, and irritated • Can be caused by taking certain drugs or poisonous chemicals • Symptoms are urine changes colors form red, brown, and the color of cola • Also pain in the side, back and stomach

  13. How to keep our Urinary System Healthy? • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day • It flushes out bacteria from the urinary tract to avoid infection

  14. Our Dissections

  15. Resources • http://training.spear.cancer.gov/anatomy/urinary/ • http://www.ehealth.com/libary/kidneystones/ks_urinary • http://www.healthline.com/adamcontent/kideny-stone-?.utm • Text Book • http://kidshealth.org/pagemanager.jsp?dn=kidshealth&1ps=207

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