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Research, Citizen Involvement, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Research, Citizen Involvement, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Jack Sullivan Science Services Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources. Presentation Outline. Research at Wisconsin DNR How DNR Research is Funded Wildlife and Forestry Research

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Research, Citizen Involvement, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

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  1. Research, Citizen Involvement, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Jack Sullivan Science Services Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources

  2. Presentation Outline • Research at Wisconsin DNR • How DNR Research is Funded • Wildlife and Forestry Research • Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Research

  3. Presentation Outline • Research at Wisconsin DNR • How DNR Research is Funded • Wildlife and Forestry Research • Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Research

  4. Research at Wisconsin DNR • Research is “an activity that seeks new knowledge, that tests a hypothesis using an experimental design.” • Research may be either applied or basic. Applied research addresses a management problem/need or answers a management question. Basic research seeks new knowledge not necessarily related to a defined problem.

  5. Research at Wisconsin DNR What does DNR Research do? • Collect population dynamics information about species. • Monitor wildlife and fisheries species to assess population status. • Test management hypotheses. • Evaluate ecosystem composition, structure, and function to guide management strategies. • Guide landscape-scale management projects and use adaptive management strategies. • Provide expertise to management in decision-making and policy and rule development.

  6. Research at Wisconsin DNR • Centralized Research Program: Science Services has direct responsibility, but research is a shared function: • Internal contracts with subprograms. • Research activity in subprograms. • Independent of management programs to help insure objectivity.

  7. Research at Wisconsin DNR • Research needing special expertise and refined facilities is done outside of the agency: • Contracts with external partners. • Fish and Wildlife Coop. Units.

  8. Research at Wisconsin DNR Forestry and Wildlife Research 1930s

  9. Research at Wisconsin DNR Forestry and Wildlife Research 1930s Fisheries Research 1950s

  10. Research at Wisconsin DNR Forestry and Wildlife Research 1930s Fisheries Research 1950s Water Resources and Outdoor Rec. Research 1960s

  11. Research at Wisconsin DNR Forestry and Wildlife Research 1930s Fisheries Research 1950s Water Resources and Outdoor Rec. Research 1960s Wastewater, Waste Management, and Monitoring Techniques 1970s

  12. Research at Wisconsin DNR Forestry and Wildlife Research 1930s Fisheries Research 1950s Water Resources and Outdoor Rec. Research 1960s Wastewater, Waste Management, and Monitoring Techniques 1970s Research Review 1980s Reorganization 1990s

  13. Research at Wisconsin DNR Single Species Single Issue Basic Science Forestry and Wildlife Research 1930s Fisheries Research 1950s Water Resources and Outdoor Rec. Research 1960s Wastewater, Waste Management, and Monitoring Techniques 1970s Research Review 1980s Reorganization 1990s Inter-disciplinary Integrated Applied Science

  14. Presentation Outline • Research at Wisconsin DNR • How DNR Research is Funded • Wildlife and Forestry Research • Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Research • Human dimensions research

  15. How DNR Research is Funded • FY 2002 Budget: $10.4 million. • FY 2003 Budget: $10.2 million. • FY 2002-2003: • $4.9 million in outside funding.

  16. How DNR Research is Funded • General purpose revenues. • Federal fish and wildlife funds. • State environmental segregated funds. • State conservation segregated funds. • Competitive grants.

  17. Presentation Outline • Research at Wisconsin DNR • How DNR Research is Funded • Wildlife and Forestry Research • Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Research

  18. Wildlife and Forestry Research Wisconsin Checklist Project • Volunteer monitoring program. • Initiated in 1982 at University of Wisconsin; administered by Wisconsin DNR since 1989. • Provides information on annual, seasonal, and geographic variation in abundance for 296 species of Wisconsin birds. • During 1983-2004, cooperators submitted 88,367 weekly checklists of birds they saw or heard.

  19. Wildlife and Forestry Research Mammal Surveys • Partnership with: • Wisconsin Trappers Association • Wisconsin Bow Hunters Association • Initiated in 1997. • Effort to monitor mammal distribution and abundance in the state. • Thousands of bow hunters have made ten's of thousands of mammal observations through out the state.

  20. Wildlife and Forestry Research Oak Ecosystem Study • Documenting changes to the Madison School forest over the last 50 years • Testing different management techniques (logging and burning) to see which works best to regenerate oak trees and the entire oak ecosystem.

  21. Wildlife and Forestry Research Prairie Invertebrate Study • Documenting: • What prairie invertebrates occur on native prairie remnants across 5 states. • Which species are prairie dependent. • How management (primarily fire) has affected prairie invertebrates. Species new to science have been discovered.

  22. Wildlife and Forestry Research Chronic Wasting Disease Research

  23. Wisconsin Common Loon Population Viability Assessment Wildlife and Forestry Research R82-905 Photo credit: Woody Hagge

  24. Wildlife and Forestry Research • Old Growth Forest Study • Compare: • Managed forest communities. • Unmanaged (old-growth) forest communities. • Goal: • Refine forest management strategies to maintain the biodiversity of Wisconsin's forests.

  25. Presentation Outline • Research at Wisconsin DNR • How DNR Research is Funded • Wildlife and Forestry Research • Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Research

  26. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Conservation Genetics

  27. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Development of Indices of Biotic Integrity to evaluate responses of fishes, invertebrates, and physical habitat to different watershed land uses.

  28. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Revising Fishes of Wisconsin

  29. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Fish Identification Website

  30. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Solid color

  31. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research

  32. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Long-term Walleye Trends and the Effects of Harvest

  33. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research

  34. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Devil’s Lake

  35. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Lake Wingra Carp Exclosure Experiment

  36. Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Research Sediment Core Analyses

  37. Thank you!

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