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The Unknown production pitch. Vaneesha, Yannis and Rushik. Research. We looked at films such as I nception, Enemy of the State , Phone B ooth , Source Code and Looper , as all of them are conventional to our genre. We based our ideas around these films as well as them being a guideline.
The Unknown production pitch Vaneesha, Yannisand Rushik
Research • We looked at films such as Inception, Enemy of the State, Phone Booth, Source Code and Looper, as all of them are conventional to our genre. We based our ideas around these films as well as them being a guideline. • Most of the films we looked had Posters and websites (including independent films) which we saw and instantly chose to use as part of our ancillary tasks. The reason why we decided not to do a magazine cover because we did some research and none of our chosen movies have magazine covers because its unconventional • Upcoming information will be released soon. Watch this space!!!
Research We used this as a rough guideline to determine what kind of scenery and the type of action used in our trailer. 13/19 of our audience feedback said Yes while the rest said no. From our research we gathered that our target audience only liked soundtracks below 20htz and with extreme bass as it emphasizes the events occurring in the scene as well as giving it a little bit of suspense
Idea 1 • Oblivion - The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening. • The state of being forgotten, esp. by the public. • The first idea that we came up with was to genre of mystery thriller. • the idea that we had came from the name and meaning oblivion. We wanted to do a concept thriller (inception etc.) by plotting the idea of fear into the audiences mind and manipulating to get the scare effect. • However we kind of took a turn because we kind of went through the horror genre with this idea. As our main inspiration came from the woman in black and especially Don’t be afraid of the dark
Idea 2 • Our second idea was based in a hunted house where a new family moves into. A little girl lived in there attic but the new family did not know about her. At night she comes outs and carry out mysterious behavior while everyone is sleeping. For example closing doors and tapping on walls ect.. • We thought we could do this trailer in black and white to make the viewing effective and not to show the girls face to try create a picture in the audience mind to imagine how the girl could look to draw views to watch the whole of the film.
Idea 3 – main idea • We’re still using the concept idea by plotting fear into the audiences mind. • So our idea for this one is based around the London riots and the government trying to control youths (moral panic) • After the riots, the government brought in a curfew to control its growing rebellion amongst the youth population. When that failed, they were forced to take more extreme measures, unfortunately those measures couldn’t be controlled. • So we discussed and we agreed that this was the best idea out of the 3 as it could to our target and recent events that occurred last year.
Thank you for listening • Questions?