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St. Lawrence Catholic School School Improvement Plan SIP

MANY THANKS.. To our hard-working PASTOR, for his commitment to keep our school open and operatingTo our supportive PARENTS for their continued support of Catholic EducationTo our FRIENDS in the PARISH

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St. Lawrence Catholic School School Improvement Plan SIP

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    2. St. Lawrence Catholic School School Improvement Plan (SIP)

    3. MANY THANKS…. To our hard-working PASTOR, for his commitment to keep our school open and operating To our supportive PARENTS for their continued support of Catholic Education To our FRIENDS in the PARISH & LOCAL COMMUNITY, for their cooperation, open communication, & for working together with us, in unity, to serve God To our SUPER STUDENTS, who work hard each day and take pride in being ST. LAWRENCE LIONS To our dedicated FACULTY & STAFF, who serve daily as exemplary role models with smiles and with heart

    4. The Steering Committee: Initial Committee: Denise Broughton, Chair Grisel Crespo, SAC member and former PTO Chair Lisa Felix Corney, Executive Committee Member and Parishioner Dian Hyatt, Principal Pino Maurici, School Parent and Alumni Parent Faculty Members Added 2007-2008: Vikki Scialabba Sickels Christina Folkman

    5. SIP Results Introduction & Executive Summary Area 1 – School Profile & Opinion Surveys Top Strengths (Graphs) Area 2 – Mission & Beliefs Area 3 – Desired Results for Student Learning Area 4 - Instructional & Organizational Effectiveness Area 5 – Action Plan Area 6 – Accreditation Standards Review

    6. The Executive Summary

    7. School Improvements Completed Since Last Re-accreditation Visit, Feb. 2002 Safety Improvements: 3 + 1 in progress Instructional & Professional Development: 6 Textbooks & Technology: 13 New Clubs & Student Activities: 16 Sports & Recess: 6 Field Trips: Minimum of 2 outside trips / year, generally more Recent Activities/Opportunities for Applied Learning: 11 Governance: PTO, Executive Committee, SAC: re-defined & established Long Term Goals Attained: 3 Maintenance Improvements/ Renovations: 23 Total Improvements = 85

    8. In the Area of Safety: Lockdown supplies with extended shelf-life have been provided in each classroom 2009 Investigative study to determine cost for installing security cameras, 2008-2009 Enclosure of the school portion of the parish property completed, Fall 2007 Fire drill procedures include occasional inclusion of obstacles in order to provide opportunities for quick thinking and problem solving

    9. Instructional & Professional Development Salaries increased 3% for 2008-2009 to meet increased costs of living Salaries were increased above the normal 3% for the 2007- 2008 school year, recognizing staff loyalty and extraordinary effort, in hopes of attracting / retaining qualified faculty Bullying Prevention strategy workshop knowledge was attained and shared throughout the school community: faculty, parents, & students The school’s commitment to Mitigation Education was renewed to educate students, parents, and the general community, sharing strategies to better prepare for the prevention of damage due to predictable hazards   A part-time Title I teacher was added to the staff one day / week, mid-year 2008-2009 to address students with special needs (funded through the Archdiocese of Miami collective Title I money)   A part – time technology position was added 2006 – 2007 to facilitate upgrades and to improve the school’s website and usefulness in maintaining communication

    10. Textbooks & Technology Textbooks and instructional materials are acquired regularly, meeting or exceeding the five year guideline, as is financially feasible. A survey of United States History was added to the eighth grade curriculum and Civics to the seventh grade curriculum, 2008-2009; Pre-algebra and algebra were added to the middle school curriculums Computers for student & staff use are upgraded as is financially feasible Networking of computers with server and school-wide filter is anticipated by June 2009 The school web page was re-designed and has recently been up-graded for broader accessibility via web search engines for increased recruitment and recognition within the local community On-line grade accessibility was made available to upper floor students and parents for convenient and on-going tracking of student progress The donation of 12 computers increased the number available in the library for student use in 2009 Each teacher was offered a laptop or new desktop two years ago High speed internet access was expanded throughout the school and parish

    11. Student Clubs & Activities Over the past 7 years, additional and varied after school clubs and activities have been offered as extracurricular activities depending upon: Student Interest Student Response Teacher Sponsorship Parent Volunteer Availability Arts and Crafts Drama Cooking Reading School Service Math Help Gardening Board Games Poetry Peer Tutors Library Helping Hands Basketball Volleyball Soccer Cheerleading Student Council Boy Scouts Christmas Choir Girl Scouts Dance Fencing Gymnastics Piano National Junior Honor Society

    12. Sports / Recess Sports equipment is regularly purchased to keep the inventory adequate for instructional needs, for recess play, and for the after school sports program: Two ping-pong tables and a primary – sized basketball hoop were purchased for recess use, 2006-07; the basketball court was re-painted for ACC competition, Fall 2007 “Sidewalk” games were painted to promote independent play during recess On-campus sports clubs were expanded to include more grade levels & to increase play time and physical activity, accommodating the needs of students with working parents who struggle with transportation to away games Monthly Fun/Walk Runs are regularly scheduled to increase fitness levels Cheerleading was added 2008-2009    Cost / feasibility is being investigated to install a new play court & playground area on the back field, Fall 2007 [1 – 5 year goal]

    13. Field Trips PURPOSE: All grade levels are encouraged to visit at least two outside locations each year. Guest speakers & visiting shows are also arranged to enhance learning. RECENT VISITS INCLUDE: Museums of Art and Science, Holocaust Museum, City of Deerfield Beach Survival House, theatrical productions (plays, ballets, puppet shows), Jungle Island, a working farm, Butterfly World, the Everglades, and Wild Animal shows COMING SOON: Weather Day @The Marlins  

    14. Recent Activities / Opportunities to Enhance Learning Religion Bee during CSW The 8th Grade Projects – Dedication this weekend, May 3rd Vocabulary Challenge Math Night @ Publix Barnes & Noble Night – Next one coming on May 6th! Nature Trail / Science Path - Just completed April 19th Vegetable garden Re-cycling Initiative & Green Team Behavior Plan The Library Project COMING SOON: Picturing America Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

    15. In Governance, Public Relations, and Development The delineation of purposes and goals between the various support committees has been more clearly defined, including the re-naming of groups    

    16. P T O The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) includes every parent in the school, as well as faculty and staff members. Parents are expected to meet their obligation of fulfilling a minimum of twenty service hours per year to the school. General Meetings of the PTO are generally held at least three times a year.  

    17. The Executive Committee The Executive Committee of the Parent Teacher Organization meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 a.m., and at other times to organize upcoming events, as needed. At least two representatives are sought from each grade level to sit on this committee each year. (Sign up tonight for next year!) The chairman (or co-chairs) is/are encouraged to hold this position for a two year term.

    18. Focus of PTO & Executive Committee The main focus of these groups is to assist the administration, faculty, and parents in promoting a higher quality of Catholic education. The Executive Committee encourages the cooperation and participation of all parents in planning, promoting, and organizing fundraising and social activities in and for the school and its members.

    19. SAC School Advisory Council The School Advisory Council (SAC) meets as a collective group at least twice each school year, in the fall and spring, generally the third Thursday in November and March. Council members unable to attend council meetings may meet / correspond directly with the principal to accommodate their work schedules. Members include the pastor, principal, at least one faculty member, the chair of the PTO, and members of the community associated with the school (past alumni, parents of alumni, parishioners) who contribute their business expertise.

    20. Goals of SAC The goals of the SAC are: to evaluate areas of concern to continually improve the school to create a vision for the school’s long term financial health and stability  

    21. Long Term Goals Attained SIGNAGE A permanent, wooden sign was installed to identify the school to passersby PAINTING of the SCHOOL The school was re-painted in a bright color SECURED ENCLOSURE The perimeter fence and gates were completed

    22. Goals Attained In the Area of Maintenance / Renovations A hand rail was installed near office steps, 2008-2009 Covers for water flow ditches were installed, 2008-2009 Landscaping improvements have been made by the Gardening Club & the 8th grade students in the prayer garden, Classes of 2007, 2008, and 2009  New air conditioning unit installed in the Kindergarten by parent donation, 2007-2008 New desks & chairs purchased by donation, 2004

    23. New carpeting was installed in the upper floor classrooms New flooring (wood laminate) was installed in the lower floor classrooms of the main building Outdoor mats were replaced throughout the school Staff & principal restrooms were renovated The church office space was renovated (glass, phone, computer installed) for use by the faculty Electrical and waste systems were replaced / renovated to meet newer code requirements A new roof and gutters were installed on the school  

    24. The fluorescent light bulbs have been changed to a type better suited to the classroom environment New water fountains were installed Exterior lighting has been improved on campus for better security / safety in the early morning / evening Re-cycling of paper, plastics, printer cartridges, and old cell phones has been adopted. Projection system capability installed in various locations for use throughout parish Security cameras are being investigated for increased protection in parking areas New tables & chairs were purchased for the Parish Hall

    25. Storage Issues / Space Limitations The church is used by the Music teachers, when appropriate The Parish Hall is used by the Physical Education teacher when gymnastics is taught The church office space is now shared by the Title I teacher & the counselor, 2008-09 Portable containers are currently rented for extra storage

    26. Area 1 Committee Area 1 – School Profile Vikki Sickels - Chair Krystal Alegret Maritza Diaz-Lacayo Lisa Genuardi Dian Hyatt Irene Kertesz Tricia Miller Colleen Searing

    27. Area 1 Opinion Surveys were completed by: Elementary Students Middle School Students Teachers Support Staff Parents Community Stakeholders

    28. Area 1 Survey Findings: Top Strengths & Areas for Improvement for Saint Lawrence Catholic School

    29. All students and staff at our school are treated with respect, regardless of race, religion, or gender

    30. Cheating is strongly discouraged at our school

    31. My teachers want students to learn

    32. School discipline is appropriately maintained at our school

    33. “Wish List” Goals from Area 1 Surveys: New computers / books for students and staff A hard-court play area for Physical Education / Sports Clubs within the field area, preferably covered A playground for the younger students Renovation of the Parish Hall for expanded use in fundraising efforts and for social activities, preferably including a stage area

    34. Common Goals for the School & Parish Promote recruitment to increase enrollment in the elementary school, especially from the CCC & CCD programs, as well as from parishioners & local community Increase fundraising throughout the parish to meet operating expenses Tent remaining buildings to exterminate termites and renovate existing damage

    35. Area 2 Committee Area 2 – Mission and Beliefs Statements Denise Broughton – Chair Lisa Genuardi Dian Hyatt

    36. Area 2 Saint Lawrence Catholic School Motto Mission Statement & Beliefs Statements

    37. St. Lawrence School MOTTO “Saint Lawrence Catholic School - where faith and learning grow hand in hand”  

    38. St. Lawrence School: MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Saint Lawrence Catholic School is to provide a well-rounded education to students, grades kindergarten through eight, in a caring environment in which Catholic faith and learning grow hand in hand.

    39. St. Lawrence Catholic School BELIEFS STATEMENTS The twelve top-most ranked beliefs statements as tallied by the survey results were combined with the school’s original objectives to create 5 Beliefs Statements.

    40. Beliefs Statements # 1 We believe each student is unique and special in the eyes of God.

    41. Beliefs Statements # 2 We believe Catholic education presents the Good News of the Gospel and authentic Catholic doctrine in an atmosphere of faithfulness, providing opportunities to apply faith in personal life experiences and through service to others.

    42. Beliefs Statements # 3 We believe strong Catholic morals and values are instilled with the cooperation of parents, the parish, and the school community so that students can successfully cope with social and cultural situations they encounter.

    43. Beliefs Statements # 4 We believe that real life learning is a priority in this school, and that the curriculum presented prepares each student for a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle, developing creative thinking and problem solving skills as well as an appreciation for the arts, utilizing a variety of teaching techniques that appeal to all modalities of learning.

    44. Beliefs Statements # 5 We believe a Catholic education reflects the integration of Catholic values with academic success, striving to meet the individual, as well as the collective, needs of students within a safe and comfortable learning environment.

    45. Area 3 Committee Area 3 - Desired Results for Student Learning Marcia Alvarez - Chair Christina Folkman Colleen Searing Jean Sullivan (2007-08)

    46. Surveys: 7 Goals for Student Learning Regarding the level of priority for improvement, the survey suggests that 29% of the respondents felt that improvement is needed in the way students gather and use information effectively to gain new information and knowledge, classify and organize information, support inferences, and justify conclusions appropriate to the context and audience. Lowest scores on the Survey of Seven Goals for Student Learning [28%] were received on the following question: “Students apply their faith and Christian values to their lives”. The highest area of concern lay in students connecting knowledge and experience from different subject areas. 29.3% of those surveyed felt Saint Lawrence should focus future improvement efforts here.

    47. Examination of ITBS Scores While all the classes’ scores were above the average 50th percentile, the students, overall, scored: Highest in Language Arts Lowest in Math problem solving skills ITBS scores reflect strong growth & improvement in academic progress the longer a student is enrolled in our school

    48. Research of Current Trends in Education Communication: Listening Skills These skills are very important in today’s society since they include the ability to read and manage the emotions, motivations, and behaviors of oneself and others during social interactions or in other means of human communications as required by the Digital Age [e-mail, voice mail, audio-video conferences, etc.]

    49. Area 4 Committee Area 4 – Analysis of Instructional and Organizational Effectiveness Andrea Robeson – Chair (2007-2008) Christina Folkman – Chair Krystal Alegret Marcia Alvarez Caroline Charron Maritza Diaz-Lacayo Dian Hyatt - Principal Tricia Miller Mercedes Moreno Maria S. Rodriguez

    50. Survey Findings Highest score: Curriculum The school's curriculum is based on clearly defined standards for student learning and is focused on supporting and challenging all students to excel in their learning. The curriculum implementation plan ensures the alignment of teaching strategies and learning activities, instructional support and resources, and assessments of student learning with the curriculum. The coordination and articulation of the curriculum leads to a shared vision for student learning held by teachers at each grade level, and parents and community members. Assessments of student learning are aligned with clearly specified and appropriate achievement expectations.

    51. Area for Improvement: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Recent WORKSHOP topics: Bullying Prevention Strategies Enhancing Art Curriculum Mitigation Education Meeting the Needs of ESE Students Recent GRANT awarded: Picturing America National Endowment for the Humanities

    52. Area 5 Committee Area 5 – Action Plan Vikki Sickels - Chair Denise Broughton Christina Folkman Lisa Genuardi Dian Hyatt Tricia Miller

    53. AREA 5: ACTION PLAN 3 MAIN OBJECTIVES DETERMINED THROUGH: Stakeholder survey results Small group discussions Research of educational data Investigation of current educational trends Faculty reflection & analysis

    54. OBJECTIVE # 1 NSSE: Communication Skills; Thinking & Reasoning Skills Students will improve their LISTENING COMPREHENSION SKILLS in order to perform at a higher level. 9 sub-objectives were outlined 3 short term goals 2 short to middle term goals 3 middle term goals 1 long term goal

    55. Objective # 2 NSSE: Personal and Social Responsibility Students will apply their faith and Christian values to their lives. 10 sub-objectives were determined 5 short term goals 2 short to middle term goals 1 middle term goal 2 long term goals

    56. Objective # 3 NSSE: Thinking & Reasoning Skills Students will improve their math problem solving skills by utilizing a variety of strategies and techniques. 8 sub-objectives were delineated 5 short term goals 1 short to middle term goal 1 middle term goal 1 middle to long term goal

    57. Area 6 Committee Area 6 – Accreditation Standards Review Dian Hyatt – Chair & Principal Fr. William Elbert – Pastor Supporting Plans provided by: Miguel Braga, Technology Coordinator Clara Dugrot-Harris, School Counselor Maria S. Rodriguez, Media Specialist

    58. Saint Lawrence Catholic School is in compliance with the Florida Catholic Conference standards for re-accreditation. Annual reports reflect the on-going progress made towards meeting stated goals.

    59. Conclusions We have made great strides forward in the past 7 years. St. Lawrence School continues to “grow hand in hand.” We continue to work together, as a unified team, to improve our parish school, with dedicated service to Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. We pray that God will continue to shine His heavenly light on our St. Lawrence Family as we move forward into the next re-accreditation period!

    60. THANK YOU… TO OUR Florida Catholic Conference Visiting Team: Lynn Abboud – Chair Shannon Carmona Mary Schmidt Now, YOU are members of our St. Lawrence Family, too!

    61. FINAL THOUGHT: Who we are is God’s gift to us. What we make of ourselves is our gift to God. May God continue to bless St. Lawrence Catholic School!

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