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Learn about communication channels with teachers, classroom routines, reading and homework expectations, curriculum details, and behavior policies for your child's school. Stay informed to support your child's academic journey effectively.
Welcome to meet the teacher Miss Hyde – Jasper class Mrs Smith – Amber class
Communication • When urgent please pass on a message when we first come out of the gate in the mornings before the children line up, send a note via child's book bag or inform the school office. Please bear in mind that the start of the day is often extremely busy and so if it is something that can wait until the end of the day to speak to a teacher about that would be helpful. • Look out for letters and newsletters in your child's bag. If you have supplied your email, most correspondence will be sent to you electronically. • For any non-urgent enquiries or communication, please email the admin team and they can get any emails or message to us. If it is something that you require a response on, please be mindful that we will not be able to do this within school hours so it may take a little time for us to get back to you (Up to 3 working days).
Letters are needed from home when… • your child is returning from absence. • your child has a medical or dental appointment. • when your child has had an injury or illness which prevents them from taking part in PE or games. • to inform us of who is going to collect your child or alternatively inform the school office.
Classroom / routines / organisation • Children are now lining up in the playground as part of our new morning routine. When the first whistle is blown, children are to stop and listen. When they hear the second whistle, they are to move to where they line up. • The children are now using their 'proud walking' as they walk around the school, this should include as they walk into the building (provided they can do so safely with the things they are carrying). • Visual time tables are displayed in the classroom everyday informing children of the order of the lessons. • An Arithmetic session is conducted every day with children learning to achieve quick recall of mathematical facts. • There are daily phonics sessions for 20 minutes, with children also reading to an adult at least once a week - this will be recorded in our school notes, not in the children's reading log, as these are yours for home use.
Reading books and spellings • Children may change reading books as often as they wish throughout the week but please ensure they bring both the reading book and the reading record book to school everyday so that they can be stamped and changed. Children are being taught to be responsible for putting their reading record books in the box and learning to change their own books. • Spellings are sent home on Friday on a spelling sheet, to be tested the next Friday. If you wish to see the results of your child's spelling test, please return the sheet on the day of their test. Any words spelt correctly will be highlighted in yellow/gold, with any errors highlighted in green.
Homework • English and Maths homework will be given weekly on a Friday and is due in on Wednesday. • Each half term a new homework grid will also be put in your child's home learning book. These are curriculum based tasks that should also be completed at some point before the end of that half term. • Reading is required daily. • Children should spend about twenty/thirty minutes on homework. Please support them if they need it. Homework will be marked weekly – if you need to let us know about any problems your child has had, please either see us at the end of the day or write a note in the book and we will look at it when we mark it.
Curriculum • Parent Plan This will go out to you each term and gives you an outline of the topic we will be covering this term and the English and Maths areas. If you want to do any extra reading/work outside homework it would be beneficial to keep to these topics. • How do we approach English and Mathematics/Foundation subjects – cross curricular links – we try to make as many links across the curriculum as possible, often bringing the topic into English/ICT.
Behaviour • Golden rules – our 4 Golden rules are now: We are listeners We are learners We are responsible We are respectful • Board of Brilliance - replacing the behaviour chart system. This will help us to focus on the positive behaviour around school and reward it, rather than any negative that may be seen.
Behaviour • Green and Yellow slips In line with the new behaviour policy, if children have been given an instruction that they are not following, or are displaying some disruptive behaviour that has already been given a warning, the child will receive a green slip. They will fill this out in order to help them reflect on their behaviour. Yellow slips will be issued to children for anything Level 2 or above within the behaviour policy. The children will fill in the top half of the form, explaining their actions and why, with the adult filling in the bottom half. A consequence will also be issued. Parents will be informed if a yellow slip is given, either by speaking to you at the end of the day, an email, or if needed a phone call.
Equipment • PE Kit – children need PE kit in school every day. • Please make sure it is all named. • PE days are – Monday and Wednesday (Jasper class) Tuesday and Wednesday (Amber class) • Outdoor shoes are optional – if you wish for your child to have them in school please name sure they are named. Children will be allowed outside and on equipment as long as their shoes have appropriate grip on the bottom to keep them safe. • Book bag – ensure it is brought in every day and drinks bottles are not stored in it – we have had some books ruined by leaky bottles. • Please no rucksacks, only bookbags. • Water bottles – need to be taken home every day and washed. Please name them with indelible ink. • No flavoured water or juice - water only.
Reading • Expectations that children read daily to an adult – please make sure you write a small comment/sign the record each day. There will be reminder messages going out if children's reading records have remained unsigned. • How can you help your child read? Support your child if they need it, we teach a range of reading strategies e.g: sounding out words, using sight vocabulary, using picture/other clues to work it out. Question your child about what they have read. If children are tired, then read to them and discuss the book, pointing out interesting words or talking about the setting and character. These all constitute reading activities. • Children will receive a stamp each time he/she reads. Collect stamps: • 50 bronze certificate • 100 silver certificate • 150 gold certificate • 200 platinum certificate and entered into draw for a book token.
Punctuality and attendance • It is important that children come into school on time as lessons are disturbed if children arrive late. • First thing in a morning is an important time as there are support groups, ‘Reflect and Correct’ activities when correction of previous day’s and next steps work is conducted. • Holidays are not authorised unless under exceptional circumstances. • If your child is unwell, please phone the office and let them know. • Even 95% attendance (half a day every 2 weeks) throughout primary school is the equivalent of missing almost a term’s schooling !!!
Trips and volunteers • Each term the children will have an 'ignite' that will celebrate the topic we are covering. These may be themed days in school, having visitors in or going out on a school trip. • If you wish to volunteer in some capacity in school, please do speak to a member of the Year 1/2 or 2 team and we can discuss further details from there.
Thank you for listening Any questions?