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Area Operating Agreement Repackage

Area Operating Agreement Repackage. Land Stewardship. (AOA) August 21, 2005. Disposition Life Cycle. Planning. Approvals. Reclamation. Abandonment Decommission. Construction. Operations. Outcomes. Stewardship over entire life cycle of a disposition

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Area Operating Agreement Repackage

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  1. Area Operating Agreement Repackage Land Stewardship (AOA) August 21, 2005

  2. Disposition Life Cycle Planning Approvals Reclamation Abandonment Decommission Construction Operations

  3. Outcomes • Stewardship over entire life cycle of a disposition • Processes and outcomes characterized by: • Comprehensiveness, • certainty, • predictability, and • timeliness • Greater integration and common use • Continual improvement

  4. Industry Issues with AOA • Consistency • Approval time for AOA • Continual requests for more detail prior to AOA approval • Better definition of what is a “project” • Confusion about what is meant by “Best Operating Practices”

  5. Industry Issues (Cont) • When to file application? • Want electronic application processing • Relationship of AOA to EFR • Would like other approvals included in AOA process as well, eg. EPEA

  6. AOA Process • Repackage AOA • More industry accountability for planning • More industry accountability for integration with other users • More industry accountability for monitoring and self-reporting • Includes Part A, Part B, and Part C

  7. AOA Part A • Standard across province • Reference to Public Lands Handbook • Best operating practices • Addresses all stages of the life cycle of a disposition • Identifies company monitoring and reporting • Address and identify process and timelines for sites approved but not entered

  8. AOA Part A (Cont) Reporting required • Electronic format • Additional clearings • Abandoned/reclaimed • As builts • Reporting on all dispositions including abandonment and reclamation

  9. AOA Part A (Cont) • Due diligence • Compliance Plan • Core conditions • Forest Protection – Fire Smart plans • Range management • PGR, Grazing Lease, etc.

  10. AOA Part B • Area or region specific • Identifies how the company will be planning and operating to address specific issues. Examples are species at risk in the area, high risk erosion sites, major water crossings, perma frost, timber salvage, prairie vegetation maintenance.

  11. AOA Part B (Cont) • Integration with other land users • Agreement reached among major users • Joint planning • Result in Consents not an issue • Examples of consents needed FMA Holders, Timber licensees Grazing Lessees

  12. AOA Part B (Cont) • Consultation • SRD/Company communications • Forest protection/grazing • Notification to other users e.g. trappers • How approval for specific sites will proceed

  13. AOA Part C • Disposition development • Preliminary plan and map • Final plan • Specific site approval • Low risk vs high risk

  14. Site Development • Reporting • Monitoring • As builts

  15. AOA • Training for general management of disposition including construction, drilling waste proposed to be handled by third party e.g. PITS

  16. Quality Assurance • Assessments of activities will be done during all stages of the life cycle • Monitoring or compliance checks • Enable focusing on high risk sites • Address problem companies • Provide measures or more verification on stewardship

  17. Disposition Life Cycle Planning Approvals Reclamation Abandonment Decommission Construction Operations

  18. Where to from Here • AOA • Finalization of repackage of AOA • Consultation with industry – Aug 31 • Identification of companies for pilot – Aug 31 • Draft on website – Sep 15 • Industry information sessions – Oct 1 • Quality Assurance • Compliance process – Dec 31

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