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CRYO Control Sector78 cooldown experience

CRYO Control Sector78 cooldown experience. Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS. Outline. Architecture General Cryogenics Architecture: Sector78 layout Total integration: Control system & CIET Scalability and Magnitude : Devices , archiving Responsibilities and Planning Production methodology

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CRYO Control Sector78 cooldown experience

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  1. CRYO Control Sector78 cooldown experience Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  2. Outline • Architecture • General Cryogenics Architecture: Sector78 layout • Total integration: Control system & CIET • Scalability and Magnitude : Devices , archiving • Responsibilities and Planning • Production methodology • Automatic generation : PLCs, FEC, SCADA, CIET, VFT • Generation and deployment timings • Communications • IEPLC (automatic mapping), PLC (Siemens-Schneider) • Surveillance: UNICOS PVSS tools • Support 24h • Commissioning: experience and problems • FECs: FESA, CMW • PLCs • Experience gained: Reorganization PVSS DS: Tunnel isolated E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  3. TN 1.- Architecture1.1.- Sector78 Layout WorldFip Copper cable WorldFip Fiber TUNNEL Profibus Fiber Profibus DP Copper cable Ethernet UTP SURFACE E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  4. CRYO Instrumentation expert tool Local Cryogenic control room CCR PVSS DS PVSS DS Sector78 OWS [1..x] OWS [1..x] Ethernet Return Module PLC QUIC Schneider PLC S7-400 Siemens FECs (FESA) RM sector 81 UNICOS RM sector 78 RM sector 78 1.- Architecture1.2.- Total Integration: Control System & CIET WFIP Networks (7) PROFIBUS DP networks PROFIBUS PA networks RadTol electronics TT, PT, LT, DI, EH CV E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  5. 1.- Architecture1.3.- Scalability & magnitudes • Instruments • Archiving • Deadbands initially defined reduced communications load • PVSS scalability: adding sectors to the existing DS • Online adding of new systems is done theoretically smoothly but in practice we’ve found that special care must be applied (i.e.: alarms inundation from the sector 78 instrumentation readout provoked a slow down in cryo operation for the whole point 8) • New factor to be taken into account: Commissioning phase! where minimum interactions are desired between sector and production of helium equipments. Sector: (LOGGING) SCADA 1 change/minute CIET 2.41 changes/minute E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  6. 4.5k A LHCA QSAA QSKA QSRA QURA 4.5k B LHCB QSCB QSAB QSRB 4.5KA common 4.5KB Initial Final LHCA QSV LHCB QSCA QSDN QSCB QSAA QSAB QUI QSKA QSRB QSRA Q8DS2 Q8DS2 QURA 1.8KA 1.8KB Sector S81 1.8k A QSCCA QURCA1 QURCA2 Common QSV QSDN QUI 1.8k B QSCCB QURCB1 QURCB2 Sector S78 LHCCA LHCCB QSCCA QSCCB QURCA1 QURCB1 QURCA2 QURCB2 Q8DS1 Q8DS3 Q8DS5 Q8DS1 Q8DS3 1.- Architecture1.4.- Scalability Factors initially taken:- Load distribution Factors finally taken:- Load / Functionality at commissioning time E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  7. 2.- Responsibilities, Planning2.1.- Responsibilities Local Cryogenic control room CCR CIET PVSS DS P8 PVSS DS Sector78 OWS [1..x] OWS [1..x] Ethernet Return Module PLC QUIC Schneider PLC S7-400 Siemens FECs (FESA) RM sector 81 UNICOS RM sector 78 RM sector 78 WFIP Networks (7) PROFIBUS DP networks PROFIBUS PA networks RadTol electronics E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  8. 2.- Responsibilities, Planning2.2.- AB/CO IS duties • PLC • We provide: - S7-UNICOS generator - General Support • We do: - VFT: Virtual flow meters - Communications (IEPLC, PLC-PLC) • SCADA • We provide: - PVSS UNICOS - General support: configuration & integration • FEC • We do: - FEC application development & maintenance • CIET • We do: - Expert Tool development & maintenance • In general participating, as members of the CFAWG, in the control system design E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  9. S45 S45 S81 S81 Flushing Cooldown S34 S23 S67 S12 S56 S56 S34 S23 S67 S12 2.- Responsibilities, Planning2.3.- Planning 2007 • Concurrent commissioning of the LHC sectors Controlsready Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Based on P. Gomes planning v22 E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  10. AT/ACR IN Specs Generator FEC/CIET Generator VFT Generator AB/CO IS Specs File 3.- Production methodology3.1.- Specs LHC controls Database AT/ACR IN Addins S7-UNICOS Generator CIET Configuration FEC Configuration PLC application SCADA Configuration E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  11. AT/ACR IN VFT Generator Specs Generator FEC/CIET Generator AB/CO IS Gen: 5 min Specs File Gen: 30 min Gen: 10 min Gen: 5 min OffLine: 1 hStop: 0 m OffLine: 30 mStop: 1 m (reboot) OffLine: 3 hStop: 5 m OffLine: 0 hStop: 2 h OffLine: 0 mStop: 2 hours OffLine: 5 mStop: 0 m 3.- Production methodology3.2.- Deployment time LHC controls Database AT/ACR IN Addins S7-UNICOS Generator CIET Configuration FEC Configuration PLC application SCADA Configuration E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  12. AT ACR/IN Difficulties • Fault and missing part of the specs detected on the level: • UNICOS S7 Generator • PLC compilation • PVSS importation • Specs for process logic growing up rapidly and change very often • Unexpected behaviour of the UNICOS S7 Generator E. Blanco AB/CO IS Czeslaw Fluder AT/ACR/IN 22.01.2007

  13. AT ACR/IN Generation timing • Expected • Generation of the software for 1 sector (2 PLCs & PVSS) – 2 days • Real • Last generation for ARC78 – 1 week • Last generation for LSS78 – 2 weeks (including the night) • Total time for production the PLC and PVSS software for Sector 78 – more then 3 month (including study and development of the templates) • Time detalis • 50% cleaning the specs • 40% developing logic templates • 10% genereting the software E. Blanco AB/CO IS Czeslaw Fluder AT/ACR/IN 22.01.2007

  14. PIC CRYO (QUI) VACUUM PLCVAC(…) cfp-(…)-CIP(…) cfp-UX85-QUIC cfp-(…)-CIP(…) ModbusSiemens-Schneider IEPLC cfc-sh8-ql8ce cfc-sh8-qr7ab IEPLC PIC Power Converters UDP cfc-sh8-ql8df cfc-sh8-qr7uz cfp-(…)-CIP(…) cfc-(…) cfp-(…)-CIP(…) 4.- Communications4.1.- AB/CO IS realization and initial responsibility CRYO *made by AT/ACR cfp-shc8-LSS78 cfp-shc8-ARC78 E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  15. 4.- Communications4.2.- Detailed view • IEPLC Automatic procedure • PLC communication configuration • DB mapping • Modbus Siemens • Exchange data to/from an Schneider PLC • Full experienced in QRL cooldown • PIC • Procedure established • Power converters • Two options: CMW (SCADA level) or UDP (PLC level). The last is retained if we want to include current information to a feed-forward temperature control loop. E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  16. 5.- Surveillance5.1.- User Diagnostics • CIET: Cryogenics Instrumentation Expert Tool • This tool has been extensively used not only to diagnose the cryogenics instrumentation (TT,PT,LT, EH) but also to diagnose WFip agents and also the WFIP segment status E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  17. 5.- Surveillance5.2.- UNICOS PVSS tools • UNICOS PVSS system Integrity tools • Automatic e-mailing in case of problems with: • PLC communications: DS-PLC, DS-FEC, PLC-PLC, PLC-FEC • Local archiving • LHC services: Logging E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  18. 6.- Commissioning experience and Problems6.1.- Problems in production machines/applications • SCADA: PVSS S7 driver frozen • Bug introduced in a PVSS release by ETM (third-party library) • FEC • Difficult landing for the application commissioning • Any change in FESA class design implies retrofit in database affecting all devices deployed: enormous time consuming. [sector ~ 4 hours] • CMW: • High load revealed CMW server reconnection problems (subscription) • Fail in a patch rollback CMW on all platforms prevented connections • Deployment in FESA 2.8 a new librery (Corba) aslo made the same effect • NFS server change • SharedServer task dead -> FEC reboot • PLC • Large applications revealed problems with Siemens Step7 tools • Importation • Compilation • Symbolic ceiling reached in arc78 • Our next problem will be facing change in the name of the FECs for P8 due to the late requirement of the RM separation from the tunnel to the refrigeration controls (new FECs introduction in P8,P6,P4,P2) E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  19. Current Status Foreseen week6 Preparation, flushing 300 K 80 K PLCSCADA FECCIET Time V1.0 V1.1 V2.0 V2.x V3.0 V3.4 V4.0 6.- Commissioning experience and Problems6.2.- Actions taken • Sector 78 • We did adapt as much as possible to the AT/ACR needs • Not enough time for getting proper specifications • Actions taken • Specs versioning mechanism allowed us to skip several “sub-versions” to optimize our resources • Adapt our UNICOS framework to their particular needs by means of creating new features or just new devices whenever needed at SCADA and PLC levels • Return experience allowed as to better tune our tools to provide maximum flexibility during generation E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  20. 6.- Commissioning experience and Problems 6.3.- Goals for next sectors commissioning • SCADA • Provide enough knowledge to ACR/IN to allow interact tunnel DS with the refrigerators DS without fear. • Provide an environment to ensure smooth integration of the tunnel applications • Optimize maintenance being homogeneous with the rest of applications • PLC • Provide the Polish/Greek team (AT/ACR IN) with documented standard procedures and tools to arrive to self-sufficiency: • IEPLC • VFT • PLC COMMUNICATIONS • Discharge all responsibility in their PLC applications • FEC • By the time being the application will remain in AB/CO IS as it is not completely finished and more features are constantly coming notably to avoid instrumentation problems. E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  21. 6.- Commissioning experience and Problems 6.4.- Lessons • Sector78 has been our test bench to fine tune our applications • Development environment: Only updates sufficiently tested must be applied within this period to avoid collateral effects • Discharging responsibilities at PLC level will allow as to concentrate in concurrent sector commissioning optimally • Managing versions was highly helpful in view of the number of specs changes that could be produced during the cooldown • Sector 78 specs have been and will be changed/adapted even during the cooldown period • Initially until 3 times per week ! • Infrastructure: PVSS DS in Technical Network become exposed machines because AT/ACR IN developers needs. Current WTS not enough (PLC tools, performance,…) • The most important factor: ADAPTABILITY E. Blanco AB/CO IS

  22. Erika: VFT master Pablo: CIET master Thanks to … • Still not the time of celebrating but confidence is high, therefore thanks to: • All the people involved in the project • Database team: XML FESA generation, Logging • FESA team • Not for passing us the responsibility of the FEC cryo application at the very last moment… • … but for the highly valuable support provided since then. • WorldFip: providing us the test FEC gratefully • And to our section, specially my “sporting” colleagues: E. Blanco AB/CO IS

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