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KYCID School Culture Presentation. 2011-12 North Laurel Middle School Home of the Jaguars. What is it all about?. IT IS ALL ABOUT CONSISTENCY ! CONSISTENCY ! CONSISTENCY ! CONSISTENCY !. What Do THEY Want Me To Do?.
KYCID School Culture Presentation 2011-12 North Laurel Middle School Home of the Jaguars
Do you really know what your teachers expect you to do and how they expect you to behave?
Is it less work to do something right the first time or to correct it after you did it incorrectly?
What are we supposed to do? NLMS will give you clear, concise, complete, consistentexpectations in order to prevent miscommunication.
Guidelines for Success: JAGS Guidelines for success are general guidelines that you are required to abide by each and every day while in attendance at our school or any related school-sponsored event. Following these general guidelines will ensure that you have a great experience at North Middle. The JAGS are as follows: • Just be honest. • Always do your best. • Good students are always responsible. • Show others dignity and respect at all times.
School Wide Rules: CHOICE Students who make the choice to always practice the School Wide Rules will be successful in achieving the highest goals at NLMS. The School Wide Rules are as follows: • Choose to stay on task and work quietly and cooperatively. • Hands, feet and other objects will be kept to myself. • Others and their property will be respected. • I will listen and follow directions. • Complete classroom tasks to the best of my ability. • Enter and leave classroom quietly.
C=Conversation H=Help A=Activity M=Movement P=Participation
VOICE LEVELS LEVEL 0: No Conversation LEVEL 1: Whisper LEVEL 2: Normal Conversation LEVEL 3: Elevated Voice
CHAMP C=Conversation You know if you are allowed to talk during the activity, the appropriate voice level, group size…
C=Conversation Example: • Allowed • Voice Level 2 • With partner only • One person speaking/One person listening • Must be related to the activity
CHAMP H=Help You know how to ask for help, who to ask for help, and/or where to go for help.
H=Help Example: 1st-Use a dictionary and/or thesaurus 2nd-Quietly ask your partner 3rd-Raise your hand and wait quietly for the teacher
CHAMP A=Activity You know what you are expected to do and how much you are expected to get completed during the activity
A=Activity Example: 1st-Read partner’s paper 2nd-Fill out analysis chart 3rd-Review findings with partner 4th-Begin revisions
CHAMP M=Movement You know if movement is allowed, what type of movement, limitations…
M=Movement Example: • May be on floor to sharpen pencil or get dictionary/thesaurus • One person on the floor at a time • Walking only • Hands to self at all times
CHAMP P=Participation You know what good participation will look like
P=Participation I should see you… • reading • filling out analysis • quietly sharing findings with partner…one at a time • walking to pencil sharpener and/or bookcase • quietly asking your partner for help • beginning revisions
Every classroom must have at least 4 Champ expectations posters:
When you know your teachers’ expectations, you are much more likely to do what they want the first time. I Love My Teachers!
NLMS Common Area Expectations
Arrival Procedures • Be on time. • Come directly into the building upon arrival. • If you arrive before 7:55am, go directly to the cafeteria until released. • No students should be anywhere in the building except the cafeteria before 7:55am • Keep noise level low when you enter the building and Respect the space of others. • Please get what you need and use the restroom before going to homeroom. • You must be in homeroom by 8:10. Bus riders that eat breakfast must be in homeroom by 8:15.
Classroom Expectations • Each teacher has their own rules, procedures, and behavior expectations. Follow their rules when in their class.
Hallway Expectations • Walk on the right side. • Respect the space of others. • No running. • Walk single-file or by two’s. • Keep noise level to a Level 1or 2. • Go directly to your assigned location.
When in the Hallway….. • When you need use the hallways… • Keep to the right side of the hall- just like a road. • Please no running this can get people hurt. • Walk single file or by twos when walking down the hall. More than two people walking together does not allow room for others to pass. • Respect the space of others. Don’t push or shove. Don’t bump into people who are at their lockers. Accidents will happen. If you bump into someone, be polite and say, “I’m sorry.” If someone drops something, help them pick it up. • Keep noise level to a Level 1or 2. Even though you are not in class, others maybe in class. • Go directly to your assigned location. Stay out of places you are not supposed to be in.
Restroom Expectations • Go, Flush, Wash, Leave • Keep noise level to a Level 1 or 2. • Respect the privacy of others • Keep it clean
When you need to use the restroom… • Get your business done. Go, FLUSH, and Leave. Always remember to wash your hands on the way out. • Keep noise level to a Level 1 or 2. There are classrooms next to each restroom that do not need to be disturbed. • Respect the privacy of others. • Keep the restroom clean. Trash goes in the trash. Writing does not go on the walls.
Cafeteria Expectations • Wait patiently and quietly in lunch line. • Remember your lunch number and have money out and ready. • Upon arrival to Cafeteria: Purchase everything you want, because once you sit down you will not be allowed to get back up. Raise your hand if you have forgot something. • Please keep voice levels to a Level 1. • Remain seated – do not be up moving around. Sit in your teams assigned area. • No throwing food and don’t touch others food. • Clean your area • Don’t empty your tray until your teacher comes to pick you up. • Watch Your Manners.
When in the Cafeteria….. • When in the cafeteria…. • Wait patiently and quietly in lunch line. • Remember your lunch number and have money out and ready. This make everyone have more time to eat and socialize. • Please keep voice levels to a Level 1 or 2. There are students in class during your lunch time. • Respect the space of others. Stay in your place in line without pushing, shoving or cutting line. • Once you have chosen a place to sit in your teams assigned area please stay in your seat till your teacher comes to pick you up, you will empty your tray at this time. If you need something please raise your hand and a lunchroom monitor will come to you. • Please clean up your area before you leave your table. • Remember your manners. You are in public.
Library Expectations • Keep noise level to a Level 1. • Stay focused on your assignment. • Respect the space of others. • Remain with your class. • Always have your library card.
When in the Library….. • When in the library… • Keep the noise to a Level 1. It is hard to read when others around you are being loud. • Stay focused on your assignment. You have a limited time in the library, do not waste your opportunity. • Respect the space of others. Give others room to work and read. • Several classes are often in the library at the same time. Stay with your class in your assigned area. When you get out of place, you cause others to get distracted. • Always have your library card, this will keep someone from checking a library book out in your name without you knowing.
Personal Items Expectations • Do not borrow or take personal items from others. • Please do not bring any personal items to school except for your phone. • The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items, so make sure to never put your phone or other valuable items in your locker. • Keep your phone and other valuable items in your pockets. • Electronic Devices are not permitted @ NLMS- except for cell phones.
Cell Phone Expectations • Cell phones are permitted but must remain turned off from the time you enter the building until school has been dismissed @ 3:00pm. • Phones must be put up and out of sight. • Failure to follow cell phone expectations will result in the following disciplinary actions. • 1st Offense: confiscation with parent required to pick up device. • 2nd Offense: confiscation for 5 school days. Parent is required to pick up. • 3rd Offense: confiscation to end of semester and parent is required to pick up.
Book Bag Expectations • Jaguar students are allowed to carry backpacks to and from school under the following conditions: • 1. The backpacks must be small enough to fit into lockers. • 2.Backpacks may not be brought to class. They must be left in the lockers. The only exception would be to 7th period class so they can be taken home on the bus. • 3. Backpacks must be carried in the student’s lap on the bus. • 4. Students may carry their gym clothes to and from PE class in a small bag. The rest of the day the bag must remain in the locker.
Athletic Bags Expectations • Upon arrival to school all athletic bags must be taken to the gym and placed in the appropriate location designated for that sport.
Riding Home with a Friend Expectations • Absolutely no student will be allowed to ride home with a friend unless the student has brought a written note requesting permission from his/her parent. Parents must call the school secretary at 862-4715 or make personal contact in some other way during regular school hours on the day the note addresses to verify the authenticity of the note. • Students must turn note into the front office in the morning before homeroom on the day the note is going to be used. You may pick the note back up between 6th and 7th periods.
Gym Expectations • Wait until your teacher/coach is with you before entering the gym. • Change clothes in locker room. • Use equipment properly and return to storage location. • Participate in the fun. • Show school spirit. (Go Jags) • Show respect to your opponents.
When Using the Gym…. • Wait until your teacher/coach is with you before entering the gym. For your safety, students must have a coach or teacher in the gym with them at all times. If the coach or teacher has not arrived, you must wait in the hallway outside the gym. • Change clothes in locker room only. The gym is a school space used by all. Respect yourself and others by using the locker room to change clothes for activities. • Use equipment properly and return to storage location. If equipment is used properly, it will be available longer. Equipment handled in a way it is not designed will break and could cause injury to you or those around you. Always return the equipment to its proper storage location. Items left out, usually get lost and will not be there the next time you want to use it. • Participate in the fun. We have activities in the gym for the benefit of our students. We want you to have fun and enjoy sports. So, get involved. • Show your school spirit. We are very proud of our students at North Laurel Middle School. Be proud of yourself and your peers at NLMS. • Always respect your opponents. They have been working hard for their schools, also. Booing or making rude comments at the opposing team does not show respect and will not be returned with respect from them.
Behavior When You Have A Substitute Teacher Expectations • Treat a substitute as you would your teacher, or even better! • Be willing to help. • Remember our JAGS expectations. • Stay in your assigned seat. • Complete assigned work. • Follow rules and expectations even if the substitute does not know.
Assembly Expectations • Stay with your class/team-sit on the highest level of seating possible. • Focus on the program. • Clap when appropriate. • Raise hand for questions and respond to the speaker. • Sit quietly • Respect the space of others. • Be on your best behavior and respect the speaker- You are representing our school. • Please remain seated until you are dismissed by row.
When in a school assembly… • Stay with your class/team. During assemblies, you will enter and leave with your class- please sit on the highest seating level available . Entire classes will be seated together and should remain in the bleachers in the until instructed to leave one row at a time. Teachers will remain with their classes. • Focus on the program. Assemblies are special events. The principals and teachers at NLMS believe the speaker is important for you to hear or you would not be out of class. Speaking in front of a large audience is hard for most people, so show respect for the guest speakers by Clapping when appropriate, raising hands for questions and respond to speaker appropriately. Make the speaker feel welcome and appreciated. Sit quietly. Talking during an assembly keeps other around you from understanding the speaker. Respect the space of others. Keep hands and feet off of others.
Field Trip Expectations • Listen to guides and speakers. • Keep appropriate noise level for location. • Use manners! • Stay with your assigned group. • Focus on the information being presented. • Watch out for your team mates.
When on field trips… • Field trips are fun for everyone if we follow the rules and remember why we are there. • Use your manners and keep voice at appropriate levels for the location. • Stay with your group, listen to your guides, and focus on the information they present. • Watch out for others. Keep up with your team members. We want everyone to return safely.
LAUREL COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Expectations for Students on School Buses
Dismissal Expectations • Each team will have exiting rules which will need to be followed. • Keep noise level low when you are in the hallway. • Respect the space of others. (Do not push or shove others) • Follow safety procedures in the parking lot while loading buses and cars. • Bus riders only will be dismissed at the bell. • Bus riders need to get to the buses as quickly as possible. • All Parent Pickup students will remain in their classroom until after buses have left and an announcement has been made to dismiss. • Parent Pickup students must exit the building immediately upon dismissal and must choose a loop area to remain in until picked up. You must be picked up by 3:30p.m.. • Respect others, behave in an appropriate manner and follow all rules. (No horseplay) • Students participating in extracurricular activities will be dismissed when parent pickup students are dismissed and must go directly to designated practice area.