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High Throughput Study Group WG Report and Meeting Slides

Detailed report of the High Throughput Study Group's activities, attendees, submissions, output documents, and upcoming plans for IEEE standards. Review of presentations and updates on IEEE 802.11n. Guidelines, policies, and rules for group meetings and patent considerations.

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High Throughput Study Group WG Report and Meeting Slides

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  1. High Throughput Study GroupWG Report and Meeting Slides Jon Rosdahl jrosdahl@ieee.org Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  2. HTSG Report • Executive Summary of the Week: • Attendees: 169 (Signed in) (Overall Total 369) • Submissions:16 • Output Docs: 9 • The HTSG met this week for 16 hours. • Special committees (Usage Model and Channel Model) met and are on target to provide input to 802.11n for its initial meeting Sept. 2003. This input will provide the new TG with input that will provide the basis for the Selection and Comparison Criteria for the TG. • PAR and 5C sent to ExCom for approval Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  3. Output Docs: • 11-03-520-00-HTSG-July_2003_Agenda_and_Meeting report.ppt • 11-03-0588-00-HTSG-comments-received-proposed-par-and-5c.doc • 11-03-0641-00-HTSG-Minutes of the High Throughput Channel Model Special Committee Meeting at 8-10AM at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco • 11-03-0586-00-HTSG-minutes-high-throughput-channel-model-special-committee-meeting-1900-2130-hyatt-regency-san-francisco.doc • 11-03-354r6-HTSG-Usage_Model_Special_Committee_Cumulative_Minutes.doc • 11-03-0641-00-HTSG-minutes-high-throughput-channel-model-special-committee-meeting-8-10am-hyatt-regency-san-francisco.doc • 11-03-0528-00-HTSG-report-channel-models-special-committee.ppt • 11-03-0518-01-HTSG-report-usage-model-special-committee.ppt Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  4. Presentations Submitted: • 11-03-488r0-N-IEEE 802.11n Estimated Schedule.ppt • 11-03-355r2-HTSG-Usage Models.doc • 11-03-0631-00-htsg-quick-florescent-meaurements.ppt • 11-03-0626-00-htsg-tgn-selection-procedure-straw-polls.ppt • 11-03-0584-00-htsg-tap-as-kron-wlan-channel-model.ppt • 11-03-0567-01-htsg-throughput-enhancement-via-frame-aggregation-a-sequel.ppt • 11-03-0566-00-htsg-topics-in-mimo-channel-modeling.ppt • 11-03-0534-00-htsg-application-requirements-av-and-voice.ppt • 11-03-0532-00-htsg-robustness-low-density-parity-check-codes-in-quasi-static-and-rayleigh-fast-fading-mimo-channels.ppt • 11-03-0530-00-htsg-tgn-chairs-status-update-july-2003.ppt • 11-03-0526-00-htsg-cablelabs-input-usage-models-htsg.pdf • 11-03-0523-00-htsg-propagation-results-802.11-modeling-mimo-channels.11-modeling-mimo-channels.ppt • 11-03-0515-00-htsg-time-variable-ht-mimo-channel-measurements.ppt • 11-03-0514-00-htsg-mimo-ofdm-with-antenna-selection.ppt • 11-03-0513-00-htsg-optimal-combining-stbc-and-spatial-multiplexing-mimo-ofdm.ppt • 11-03-0509-00-htsg-mac-throughput-enhancement-by-dynamic-dot11rtsthreshold.ppt Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  5. 802.11n update • Straw Polls taken on Selection Procedure • (doc.11-03-626) • Conference Calls on Selection Procedure to be held Aug 27 and Sept. 3 • at 8am PT/11AM ET • Call details to be provided via the 802.11 reflector by Matthew Shoemake Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  6. Final Status • All comments were processed and a response provided in timely fashion. • Special Committees will continue Telcons as previously announced and deliver output to 802.11n • PAR and 5C has been posted as required by the rules to the P802 LMSC Executive Committee (ExCom). Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  7. HT-SG Welcome to High Throughput Study Group Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  8. Meeting Tone • PLEASE Bring your Engineer Mentality and Technologist Attitude • Please keep a Positive Attitude • Please check your Ego and Politics at the door. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  9. 2. Review IEEE/802 & 802.11 Policies and Rules • Study Group: Everyone Votes. • All 802 policies apply • All 802.11 policies apply • Submissions must meet document format criteria. • All Study Group voting requires 75% consensus. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  10. IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  11. Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings • Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions • Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share • Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation • Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@ieee.org Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  12. Agenda Monday PM • 1. 3:30 PM Call Meeting to Order • 2. Review IEEE/802 & 802.11 Policies and Rules • 3. Approve/Modify Agenda • 4. Administrative issues: • Matters arising out of minutes from last meeting: • Current Status of HTSG • Review/Set Objectives • 5.Status of Usage Model Special Committee. • 6. Status of Channel Model Special Committee • 7. Timeline Discussion for Transition to TGn • 8. Recess for Dinner Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  13. Pre-Submitted Presentations • 11-03-451r0-HT-Enhanced WLAN MAC using DLP and Multi-Channel in Contention Free Period or Contention Period – Ho Jin • 11-03-473r0-HTSG-Throughput versus QoS  20 min Thurs. • 494 Bjorn – Channel Model • 532 Chris Jones –Channel Model • 515 Nir Thursday AM • YoungSoo Overflow- Tuesday Evening or Wed AM • Wataru – Usage Models • 523 Cliff – Channel Models • 513 Jeon “Optimal Combining of STBC and Spacial multiplexing MIMO OFDM Overflow – Tuesday Even or Wed AM • 514 HeeJueng “ MIMO OFDM with Antenna Selection • 509 Choi “ MAC Throughput by Dynamic TOT11 RTS Threashold. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  14. Agenda adoption • Moved: To adopt agenda as proposed in 03-445r3 as modified: • Moved:Gunter • Second:Todor • Vote:.Unam Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  15. Admin Stuff • Matters arising from the May minutes? • None • Approve minutes from May 2003 • Moved: Collin • 2nd: Adrian • Vote: Unam Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  16. HTSG Status July 2003 • March 2003 – WG approved PAR and 5 Criteria Response. • Submitted it to 802 Executive Committee. • ExCom have until 5pm. July 22nd to comment. • HTSG must address comments by 5pm July 23rd. • ExCom to accept/reject proposal Friday, July 25th. • Submit to NesCom Aug. 2003 Meeting. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  17. Target Schedule for SG • Sept. 2002 – 5 Criteria and PAR started • Nov 2002 – Progress on Draft PAR and Criteria • Jan 2003 – Finish Par and 5 Criteria Doc • Mar 2003 - Request for creation of Task Group to be sent to ExCom with 5 Criteria and PAR • May 2003 - Start TG Criteria Definitions • July 2003 - Respond to comments from 802 Groups and request ExCom submit to NesCom • Sept 2003 – Task Group Creation and Technical Presentations. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  18. July Objectives • Get the Task Group Created! • Respond to any comments on the PAR and/or 5 Criteria from the 802 Executive Committee. • Special Committee Reports and updates • Continue on the process as described in the PAR document. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  19. MID-Week Plenary Motions Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  20. Motion to Respond to PAR Comment • Believing the response contained in 11-03/0588-00 to be accurate and to meet IEEE-SA guidelines for responses to comments on the PAR & 5 Criteria contained in 11-02/798r7 & 11-02/799r6, approve WG 802.11 providing the aforementioned response to WG 802.15 (author of comments on WG 802.11 PAR & 5 Criteria contained in 03288r0P802-15_WG-Comments-on-11n-PAR-&-5C.pdf) and all ExCom Members no later than 5pm Wednesday, July 23, 2003. • Movers: HT-SG: John K./Colin L. Result: 97-0-1WG: Jon R/HTSG Result: 147-0-3 Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  21. Meeting Reminder for Thursday • Reminder: Room Change for Channel Model SC – Moved to Pacific H • BE AWARE: Security is everyone’s Concern – Please watch your property! Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  22. Back-up slides Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  23. Criteria • The current rules have the following 5 Criteria listed. • See http://ieee802.org/rules.pdf Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  24. 802.11 Five Criteria • Broad Market Potential • Compatibility • Distinct Identity • Technical Feasibility • Economic Feasibility • Interference Considerations (tentative) Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  25. Excerpt from Operating Rules of IEEE Project 802 LMSC. • ….. • “The letter ballot shall be conducted by electronic means. The response time shall be at least thirty days. However, for recirculation ballots, and for letter ballots not related to the submission of draft standards, the response time shall be at least fifteen days. …” Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  26. Proposed Title (02-798r7) • Draft Amendment to STANDARD [FOR] Information Technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Local and Metropolitan networks-Specific requirements-Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Enhancements for Higher Throughput Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  27. Proposed Scope (02-798r7) • The scope of this project is to define an amendment that shall define standardized modifications to both the 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the 802.11 Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) so that modes of operation can be enabled that are capable of much higher throughputs, with a maximum throughput of at least 100Mbps, as measured at the MAC data service access point (SAP). Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  28. Proposed Purpose (02-798r7) • The purpose of the project is to improve the 802.11 wireless local area network (LAN) user experience by providing significantly higher throughput for current applications and to enable new applications and market segments. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  29. 18.Additional Explanatory Notes:(02-798r7) • Item 12. • The scope of the MAC and PHY enhancements assume a baseline specification defined by 802.11 and its amendments and anticipated amendments a, b, d, e, g, h, i and j. The enhancements shall be to support higher throughput. The amendment shall not redefine mechanisms in the baseline that do not pertain to higher throughput. • Some of the modes of operation defined in the HT amendment shall be backwards compatible and interoperable with 802.11a and/or 802.11g. • Existing 802.11 standards are typically designated by their peak physical data rates. For example, 802.11a has a peak data rate of 54Mbps. This amendment has chosen to use a performance metric of throughput measured at the MAC data SAP. This amendment seeks to improve the peak throughput to at least 100Mbps, measured at the MAC data SAP. Depending on the scenario, this represents an improvement of at least 4 times the throughput obtainable using existing 802.11 systems. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  30. 18.Additional Explanatory Notes:(02-798r7) (cont) • In order to make efficient use of scarce spectral resources in unlicensed bands, the highest throughput mode defined by the HT amendment shall achieve a spectral efficiency of at least 3 bits per second per Hertz for the PSDU. • In the process of formulating this PAR, it was found that there are multiple user scenarios. Accordingly, the task group will undertake the following steps:1. Identify and define usage models, channel models and related MAC and application assumptions. Initial usage models envisioned include hot-spot, enterprise and residential; others may be included. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

  31. 18.Additional Explanatory Notes:(02-798r7) (cont) • 2. Identifyand defineevaluation metrics that characterize the important aspects of a particular usage model. The evaluation metrics may include but are not limited to the items listed in Table 1, provided as an illustration of the format. • 3. Develop a technical requirement specification. • 4. Define a process for evaluations. • The impact of an HT device on the operation of a legacy network shall be comparable to that of any other legacy device identified in the baseline defined above. Jon Rosdahl, BJ Consulting

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