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It’s Wednesday!. Reminder…. Today is PHOTO DAY For new students. Graduation Photo Retakes . All Senior Students … a Lifetouch photographer is returning for grad portrait retakes. When: Monday Feb 27 th
It’s Wednesday! Reminder….. Today is PHOTO DAY For new students
Graduation Photo Retakes All Senior Students… a Lifetouch photographer is returning for grad portrait retakes. When: Monday Feb 27th At this time you can have your sitting redone or you may get original photos done if you missed the first dates. Continued…
A full retake sitting fee is $10.00. Original sitting fee is $30.00. If you are having retakes done please bring your first set of proofs with you so the photographer can correct what you did not like. Sign up sheets are located in Guidance. The photos will be taken in the Career Centre.
REMINDER….. ALL textbooks are to be returned to the main office NOW or students will have to pay for any lost books Thank you for your co-operation
Black History Month Scavenger Hunt To celebrate Black History Month Mulock will be having a week-long scavenger hunt. Each day, you will hear a question on the announcements. The answer is a photo and it is posted somewhere in the school. A hint as to where the answer is will be provided, If you find the answer, take down the photo and take it to the office for a chance to win a $50 gift card to the mall. continued…..
Day Two – Scavenger Hunt Q – Jazz originated at the beginning of the twentieth century in African American communities throughout the United states. What Southern city is considered to be the true birthplace of Jazz? Hint: The raven means a lot to our school. The raven says it all
Need Advice About Choosing Courses? Come to Course Selection Night TODAY, February 15th 7:00 - 8:30pm
Are you in S.H.S.M.? Do you want to be in S.H.S.M.? If you are looking for advice in selecting your S.H.S.M. courses, see Mr. Loria in Guidance by Thursday.
S.H.S.M. Application Process - 2012 All S.H.S.M. candidates will be notified in June • 1. • December and January • Sign up in Guidance Open to all Grade 10 & 11 students • 5. • April and May • S.H.S.M. Interviews • (see Co-op NOTE) • 2. • February • Pick Up S.H.S.M. • Course Selection • Instructions and • Pathway Charts • (see Co-op NOTE) Co-op NOTE Separate interviews for students applying for Co-op next year Pick Up Pathway Chart in Guidance • 4. • March • Pick up and submit a S.H.S.M. application • 3. • February • Course Selections using Career Cruising Due Friday March 23, 2012
After School Literacy Started on Feb 7 and will continue every Tuesday and Thursday until March 15 (no classes during March break) Time: 3pm Where: Room 107 Any students who would still like to register for the course should submit registration forms in the main office as soon as possible
Red Cross Club The Red Cross Club is running a new fundraiser for the next few weeks. With the help of the Mulock photography students, we have used photos from student assignments to create blank cards for your various holidays and Celebrations. Come support the Mulock community and the Red Cross by buying a card today!
New York, New York! All students who have signed up for the New York trip in April are reminded to attend the meeting to be held TODAYin Room 211 after school. We will be determining rooming groups and travelling groups, as well as sharing some important information. Please see Mrs. McKinnon or Mrs. Henry if you cannot attend.
Math Contests Canadian Senior and Intermediate Math Contest ($10) Tuesday Nov. 22, 2011 Room 108 Periods A and B Money Due: Nov. 4 Grade 9: Pascal ($5) Thursday Feb. 23, 2012 Room 240 Period C Money Due: Feb. 2 Continued…
Grade 10: Cayley($5) Thursday Feb. 23, 2012 Room 240 Period C Money Due: Feb. 2 Grade 11: Fermat ($5) Thursday Feb. 23, 2012 Room 240 Period C Money Due: Feb. 2 Grade 12: Euclid ($14) Wednesday April 11, 2012 Room 108 Periods A and B - Money Due: Mar. 2 Continued…
Invite Only: Fryer, Galois, Hypatia($8) Thursday April 12, 2012 Room 108 Period A Money Due: Mar. 2 - Find Sample Questions at http://cemc.math.uwaterloo.ca/contests/past_contests.html Want to sign up? See Mr. Liska in room 239 An announcement will be made when results are in.
Junior Boys Hockey team The Junior boys Hockey team finished their season by bowing out to St Max’s in playoff competition. Mr. Douville and Mr. Westlake would like to thank the boys for a great season in which they finished with an impressive 6-3-1 record.
Junior Boys Hockey team The boys are reminded to bring their black jerseys on Friday for a team picture in the great hall immediately after school. Would players that owe outstanding jerseys please return them as soon as possible to Mr.Douville.
Girls Hockey Team The girls hockey team ended the regular season with a thrilling 4 to 3 win over St. Max. Outstanding goal tending from Rebecca Polhamusand goals from Ashley Rothon, Leah Amsonand Stefanie Fox lead the team. Good luck in the play offs.
Junior Boys Rugby Team Jr. boys, are you interested in a fast-paced, fun sport! Mulock is starting a Jr. Boys Rugby team. Come out toroom 245 TODAY after schoolto see what rugby is all about. No experience necessary. We need lots of bodies of all different sizes to so come out and see if rugby is for you!
Jr. Girls Volleyball Jr. Girls Volleyball are playoff-bound! Congratulations girls! Friday Tournament Info: Meet in Great Hall at 8am Permission Forms MUST be handed-in before we leave! NO PRACTICE THURSDAY