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Internet groups and relationships

Internet groups and relationships. by Henna; Patrica, Yiyun and Thomas. 1. Introduction 2. Case 3. Resarch 3.1 Internet 3.2 Psychosocial development 4. Solutíons 5. Sources. content. question of our topic:

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Internet groups and relationships

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  1. Internet groups and relationships by Henna; Patrica, Yiyunand Thomas

  2. 1. Introduction 2. Case 3. Resarch 3.1 Internet 3.2 Psychosocialdevelopment 4. Solutíons 5. Sources content

  3. question of our topic: „in what ways can internet groups empower the selfesteem and identity of a youth?“ • focus on the positive affects of internet groups • research the issue in a broader sence too 1. Introduction

  4. May is a Chinese girlliving in thecentralpartof China • cityis not so developed but iswellinformed • May was in thefirst grade of high school • American music band Nirvanaaroused her attention • wantedtoreadmoreaboutthemand listen totheirmusic 2. Case study

  5. May wenttothe Internet Bar • BBS whichhastopicsaboutthatmusic band • May foundmanypeoplewhosharedthesimilarinterestswith her whichshecouldn't find in her real life • blogs, BBS, SNS (socialnetworkingservice), twitters 2. Case study

  6. groupssharingthe same habitesandlifevalueswithher • comfortablewith online chating, happierandmore positive towardslife 2. Case study

  7. keywords: self-esteem; self-satisfaction internetgroup; socialrelationship hapiness, positive emotion,autonomy 2. Case study

  8. internet = network • allows to exchange data • using applications (E-Mail and the World Wide Web) • nearly all computers can be connected to each other Historyofthe Internet

  9. beginning in the 1950s • founding of the agency DARPA (US-defence) • 1962: “Galactic Network” was founded • 1966: Arpanet was established • 1969: first messages was sent from one computer to another one Historyofthe Internet

  10. 1971: first e-mail-programme • 1989: Internet we known today was created by TimBerners-Lee • problem of increasing amount of files and data • since that time fast development • 1994: search engines (Yahoo and Lycos) • 1998: Google followed • DSL (High-speed-internet) Historyofthe Internet

  11. today: „information age“ • increasing amount of information • arguments, that the way of absorbing information has changed • „infomation overload“ • challenge: identify,evaluate and selcting the right information researchskills

  12. different ways to find the right information you want • critical thinking when searching information: books; articles, social media (blogs, forums) and news, statistics... • using special tags or keywords to find the right researchskills

  13. Internet helps to bring people together and let them communicate • today it is much easier than never before • today -> public • history -> universities and governmental agencies (e)Collaboration

  14. term „eCollaboration“ = part of Web 2.0 • describes networking and how to collaborate • term is mainly used in companies -> CSCW • 3 generations during the last 20 years (E-Mail, telephone/ automatization of supporting processes/ social dimension through the Web 2.0 (e)Collaboration

  15. today we live in a society, where we are connected to everyone -> share information, communicate • in historical way everyone who shared information was a content provider, after that there were blogs, wikis and more Web 2.0

  16. Psychological point of view • Cognitivedevelopmentof theperson. • Piaget: Progressivereorganization of mental process. • Childrenconstructknowledgefromexperience. Significantlearning Personality: isbuiltfromtheexperience and thedifferentaspectswe pick up duringlife. Self-identity: One of theseaspectsthateachpersonadquires and ispart of eachperson’sfeatures.

  17. Whenwebecometeenagers: SOCIAL SUPPORT and look forotherswho share thesameinterests so wefeelidentified. Needtoincreaseself-esteem. Build up relationships and trust (Havingthings in common link people)

  18. Identity -- project of the self

  19. "identity" only becomes an issue when it is threatened or contested in some way and needs to be explicitly asserted (p2) Youth: particularly youth in marginalized or subordinated socail groups-are frequently constructed as a "socail problem" or "at risk". (p4) Factorsaffects identity processes:gender,race,ethnicity,social group,culture,andlocal context

  20. Also called sameness, is whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable, it is what distinguishes us from other people. on the other hand, identity also implies a relationship with broder collective or socail group of some kind. Psychological studies-- "development" ;"self-image" (a person's mental model of him or herself), self-esteem, and individuality; "gender identity," -- a matter of "becoming" rather than "being" --four "identity statuses" : foreclosure; diffusion; moratorium; achievement -- how an individual views him or herself both as a person and in relation to other people, ideas and nature Sociological studies-- "socialization' ;"identity negotiation" -stereotyping or congnitive simplification to distinguish themselves from others and define themselves and their groups in a positive way --identity is a fluid, contingent matters--it is something we accomlish pracally through our ongoing interactions and negotiations with other people. --Identity negotiation is a process in which a person negotiates with society at large regarding the meaning of his or her identity.

  21. "identity" in digital ages: Bricolage  fragmented,shifting,partial (Turkle,life on the screen)  ongoing process rather than a fixed possession  Young people's interactive uses of new technology can serve as a modle for identity process.  Through the processes of interacting with technologies, identities are constructed, deconstructed, shaped,tested, and experienced  Media consumption helps adolescents identify with youth culture and "feel connected to a larger peer network, which is united by certain youth-specific values and interestes."

  22. Concepts: • adolescent ("in-between stage") • self-reflectiom self-definition self-realization personhood • personal identity VS. social identity (individual an the group) • subversive VS. mainstream • online-identity/ offline identity (front-stage/back-stage) • social process • digital generation • technological determinism/information determinism/digital literacy • autonomy • specific skills in languages and interpersonal communication • collaboration and interaction • SAB/AIM

  23. knowledgein theinternetisbased on theideathat all informationshouldbeavailabletoeveryone • internetuseandinternetgroupshelpstheyouthtoidentifyhim- orherself • belongingto a "tribe" isnatural • itisimportanttobeabletosharethoughtsandideas Solutions

  24. challengefortheparentsandeducatersifthegapbetweenthegenerationsbecomestobigchallengefortheparentsandeducatersifthegapbetweenthegenerationsbecomestobig • somedangercanoccuriftheinternetgroupbecomestotightorclosed • importantespeciallyliving in theperiphery, orclosedortotalitarsociatiesoreven in somebigcitieswherecommunication in between different peoplegroupsisdistance • internetas a newwaytocommunicatebetweeneachother, sharing, communal, dialectic (philosophy) • africansaying "youneed a wholevillagetoraise a child“ Solutions

  25. lecture slides of my home university (Information retrieval) (Thomas) • internet and research skills (Niall ÓDochartaigh) • Whitepaper eCollaboration in SMU (Thomas) • … • … • … Sources

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