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Hands-On Discovery of Lean Principles for the Classroom

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Hands-On Discovery of Lean Principles for the Classroom

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    1. Hands-On Discovery of Lean Principles for the Classroom Sharon Johnson, WPI Venkat Allada, University of Missouri-Rolla Susan Pariseau, Merrimack College] Terry Shehata, TimeWise Management Systems

    2. Motivation Teach lean thinking: transformed process design Improve process design ability

    3. An Integrated Course at WPI

    4. What is TIME WISE™? Participants are immersed in an exciting manufacturing scenario as new employees of Time Wise™, Inc. In successive rounds, Lean concepts are applied The end result is a lean enterprise with measurable improvement and satisfied customers

    5. Opportunities Create materials useful in many settings Higher Education Modules Teaching notes/activities that complement simulation, designed for college environment Sample student homework assignments Flexible format Address support, faculty development Develop case studies To provide other contexts, processes To encourage students to think deeply about how lean principles can be applied

    6. Curriculum Model

    7. Implementation Experiences WPI (5 years) ‘Production System Design’ course Engineering/management students 5 sessions/~12 hours Merrimack College (1st time Spring 2007) 2-credit Operations Management course Sophomore business students Spring 2007: 2 sections with simulation, back-to-back 2 sections without Two 1.5 hours sessions with the simulation: Session 1: Traditional, eliminate waste & improve flow Session 2: More flow improvements, pull system

    8. Evaluation Students watched first segment of Styro Video (John Deere Component Works, APICS, 1985) Asked to provide: Brief explanation of lean principles Examples of waste Recommended process changes to align with lean principles Impact on lead time of reducing lot size

    9. Results

    10. Possible Lean Case Study Topics New settings: Value stream mapping in an office (e.g., invoicing process, admission process, etc.) Lean Product Design; how is flow achieved? When are particular tactics appropriate? e.g., cell concepts applied in healthcare that are not effective because of variability Lean supply chains Other topics focusing on novel or unique applications of lean thinking principles

    11. Current Status Workshop at WPI in June 2007 “Hands-On Discovery of Lean Principles for the Classroom” Approximately 5 schools implementing in 2007/2008 Challenges Logistics and support Back-to-back is hard! (scheduling can avoid) Space, $ to support student assistants Integrating with course material Engaging all students Creating good assessments What to measure? How to measure it?

    12. Acknowledgements Partial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program under Award No. 0618669 and No. 0126672. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Time Wise Simulation: Time Wise Management Systems, http://www.timewisems.com

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