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OBJECTIVES . Recognize the benefits of aHands-on-Orientation FacultyNew StudentsGraduating Students2.Customize the information discussed here today to fit with the. goals and mission of your facility3. Develop a hands-on- orientation to be implemented at your facility. . . 12 Month Pr
1. The Benefits of Hands-on-Orientation Sandra Farley, CST,
Surgical Technology
Program Coordinator
2. OBJECTIVES Recognize the benefits of a
New Students
Graduating Students
2.Customize the information discussed here today to fit with the goals and mission of your facility
3. Develop a hands-on- orientation to be implemented at your facility
6. What can be done to make it easier on faculty as new students enter the program?
7. Answer Improve the Mandatory Orientation before class even starts!
8. Non-Hands-On-Orientation Information Overload
Just Words on Page
Exceeded Attention Span
Class time used for documentation collection
9. Hands-On-Orientation Information Divided in Segments
Words have more meaning when paired with actions
Students Active and Engaged
New and Graduating Students
Documents collected before class starts eliminating lost class time
10. Logistics Set a date
Establish a Schedule for the day
Reserve ample room for stations
Divide duties among current students
Create a survey to be taken by the new students and the graduating students
11. Logistics Explain your expectations of your current students for the hands-on-orientation
Graduating students Provide Pot-Luck Luncheon
Prepare Practice Bags for new students to take home
12. Expected Benefits Excitement Generated Among Incoming Students
1st Lab day will be more productive
Increased awareness by instructors of students who may struggle with lab skills
13. Hidden Benefit Number 1 - 3 Affirmation of knowledge for the Graduating students
Establishes a preceptor mentality in graduating students
Establishing Relationships
Survey of Entering Student Engagement
For further information about SENSE benchmarks, please visit www.cccse.org.
15. SENSE Benchmarks
Early Connections
High Expectations and Aspirations
Clear Academic Plan and Pathway
Effective Track to College Readiness
Engaged Learning
Academic and Social Support Network
16. Hidden Benefit 4 - 5 4. Early Connections
Established Peer to Peer
5. High Expectations and Aspirations
Can see the faces of success
Hear the Voice of success
Expectations established by instructors
17. Hidden Benefit 6 - 7 6. Engaged Learning
7. Academic and Social Support Network
18. Modification Benefits Increased from 1 day to 2 day Allows for prompt clarification
Allows for demonstration of skills retention
Reinforce the early connections
19. Group Work
20. QUESTIONS? Sandra L. Farley, A.O.T., CST
Program Coordinator
Surgical Technology
York Technical College
452 S. Anderson Rd.,
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Tel: 803.981.7149 | Fax: 803.981.7216