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Insights Into Women and Marriage in the 1920s

Explore the dynamics of marriages in the 1920s, where feminization led to increased divorce rates. Discover the goals, roles, and behaviors of women, including the intriguing Flapper lifestyle.

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Insights Into Women and Marriage in the 1920s

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  1. Women and marriage in the 1920s • By: Inna Pigulko, Brandon Drury, Noah Peterson, and Hollie Lancaster

  2. How long did marriages last in the 1920's • "As feminization increased, divorce rates increased."(Divorce and the Curse of 1920, par. 1) • With this info. we can assume that marriages didn't last long during the 1920's.

  3. What was marriage like in the 1920s? • "Marriage remained the goal of most young women." ( Women in the 1920s, par. 11). "In the 1920's, only about 15 percent of white and 30 percent of black women with wage-earning husbands held paying jobs."(Women in the 1920s, par. 8). "Some young married women worked until they had children." (Women in the 1920s, par. 10).


  5. Behavior • They would smoke cigarettes, and drink a lot. • They dated freely, and attended "Petting parties" • They would also drive cars and motorcycles. • They would dance provocatively. (Wikipedia, par. 13)

  6. Appearance • They had short bobbed hair. • They wore lots of make-up. • They would try and look "boyish". (Wikipedia, par. 18)

  7. Apparel • High heels (about 2-3 inches) were common. • Skirts would come up just below the knee. • Straight and loose dresses. (Wikipedia, par. 23)

  8. Bibliography • "Divorce and The Curse Of 1920." 8/29/12. <www.thecurseof1920.com/P8%20Divorce%20&%20Curse.html>. • <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/flapper>. • Ncpedia. January 2004. <ncpedia.org/history/20th-century/1920s-women>. http://.com/P8%20Divorce%20&%20Curse.html

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