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This Is English 1

This Is English 1. Name: 王巨锋 (Jason) Tel: 13543427904 QQ:54420703 E-mail: jason19812005@yahoo.com.cn. 课程安排. Part I Request & Suggestion Part II Web resources Part III Unit 1. Web resources 番禺电大网址: www.pyrtvu.cn 用户名: student 密码: 1111 广州电大网址: www.ougz.com.cn

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This Is English 1

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  1. This Is English 1 Name: 王巨锋 (Jason) Tel: 13543427904 QQ:54420703 E-mail: jason19812005@yahoo.com.cn

  2. 课程安排 • Part I Request & Suggestion • Part II Web resources • Part III Unit 1

  3. Web resources • 番禺电大网址:www.pyrtvu.cn 用户名:student 密码:1111 • 广州电大网址:www.ougz.com.cn • 中央电大网址:www.openedu.com.cn • 深圳电大网址:www.szrtvu.com.cn教学资源 • 英语角 http://www.eng-corner.com/asp/default.asp • 英语大本营 http://media.open.edu.cn/media_file/englishcatchup/home.htm

  4. Vocabulary (page12) • Read the words and phrases • 2. Explain some of the words and show • examples(这部分参考WORD文件)

  5. Activity1 Extract1 • Listening • Fill in the blank • Check the answer

  6. Extract1 (answer) • David Manning: I am David Manning. I am 34 (years old). I am British. I live in London. • Lin Xiaoyan: 28/Chinese/Shanghai. • Polly Williams: 30/American/London • Mary White: 23/British/London • Franco Rossi: 50/British/London

  7. 打招呼 Activity3 Extract1 • Hello!你好,正式/非正式都可以 • 非正式,熟人之间的问候 • 如:两个老朋友见面,通常会这样打招呼 • Hi, Rose. Long time no see! • 你好,露丝,好久不见!

  8. Activity 4 Activity4 Extract2 (answer) • David: 3 Information Technology Manager / 5 ABHK Bank, London • Xiaoyan: 7 Deputy Information Technology Manager / 10 ABHK Bank, Shanghai • Polly: 1 Manager/ 8 Lucky Shops, London • Mary: 6 University of London/9 student • Franco: 2 Restaurant Owner/4 Caffè Roma

  9. Language Focus(1) • 1. 不定冠词a /an • 表示职业的名词前一般用冠词a。如果该名词以元音音素(参见word文档)开头,需用冠词an。 • I am a deputy manager/a teacher/a student/a policeman. • I am an information technology manager/an accountant/an engineer.

  10. Pratice • I am ____ lawyer. • He is ____ worker. • She is____ nurse. • Jack is____ officer. • Nancy is ___ editor.

  11. Answer 注意:其它以元音音素开头,首字母为辅音字母的名词,依然用冠词“an”. 如:half an hour • I am a lawyer. • He is a worker. • She is a nurse. • Jack is an officer. • Nancy is an editor.

  12. 介绍自己:职业 • 2.与work连用的介词 work at(地点)/in(地点名,城市名)/ work for(公司名)/with(人) • I work with David in the same company. • 我 和David 在同一个公司里工作. • I work for an IT company. • 我为一间信息技术公司工作. • I work at a school. • 我在 一所学校里工作. • I work in Beijing. • 我在 北京工作.

  13. 3.行为动词 肯定式(live/work) • I live/work in Guangzhou. • You live/work in Guangzhou. • we live/work in Guangzhou. • They live/work in Guangzhou. • He/she lives/worksin Guangzhou. • 第三人称单数时,动词词尾加-s。

  14. 否定式(助动词+not + live/work) • I live/work in Guangzhou. • I do not live/work in Guangzhou. • You live/work in Guangzhou. • You do not live/work in Guangzhou. • He/she lives/worksin Guangzhou. • He/she does not live/workin Guangzhou. • 第三人称做主语+does not +动词原形

  15. 第三人称单数一般现在时(动词) • 1 一般情况,在词尾+s: • live – lives, work – works, read-reads • help-helps, say-says, ask-asks • 2 以辅音+y 结尾的词,变y为 i +es • Fly – flies,try-tries, carry- carries • 注意 :play – plays 玩

  16. 3 以s/x/sh/ch/o 收尾的词 + es • pass – passes经过 • fix – fixes 修理/安排 • finish – finishes完成 • teach – teaches 教 • go – goes 去 • do – does 做

  17. Practice • 1.他给了我一支钢笔. • 2.他知道我的名字. • 3.她试着做得更好. • 4.她和朋友们玩纸牌. • 5.他每天早上7点钟去学校. • 6.他完成了家庭作业.

  18. Answer 1.他给了我一支钢笔. He gives me a pen. /He gives a pen to me . give sth. to sb. 把某东西给某人 give sb. sth. 给某人某东西 2.他知道我的名字. He knows my name. 3.她试着做得更好. She tries to do better .

  19. 4.她和朋友们玩纸牌. She plays cards with her friends. 5.他每天早上7点钟去学校. He goes to school at 7:00 am everyday . He goes to school at 7:00 every morning. 6.他完成了家庭作业. He finishes his homework.

  20. Activity7 (职业,职衔) • worker 工人 salesman 推销员 doctor 医生 • clerk 职员 shop assistant 售货员 soldier 士兵 • nurse 护士 receptionist 接待 officer 官员 • editor 编辑 postman 邮递员 director 主管 • chef 厨师 civil servant 公务员 baker 面包师 • Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官 • lawyer 律师 secretary 秘书 teacher 教师 • policeman 警察 accountant会计 engineer 工程师 • designer设计师 singer 歌手 dancer舞蹈演员

  21. 人称代词:代替人或事物的名称 • 主语人称代词,作主语,后面的be动词形式随主语变化 • 我 I + am • 你/你们 You+ are • 他/她/它He/she/it+ is • 我们 We+ are • 他们/她们/它们They + are

  22. Practice • 1. 我是一名学生. I am a student. • 2. 你们是我的好朋友. You are my good friends. • 3. 她是我的同学. She is my classmate. • 4. 我们是中国人. We are Chinese. • 5. 他们是工人. They are workers.

  23. 否定式be +not I am not you are not He/she/it is not We are not They are not 缩略形式 I’m not You aren’t He/she/it isn’t We aren’t They aren’t 动词to be(是,存在)(page3)

  24. Am I…? Are you…? Is he/she/it…? Are they…? 注意:肯定简略 回答中不用be 动词的缩略形式 (page 8) 肯定回答 Yes, I am. Yes, we are. Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, they are. 否定简略回答 No, I am not./ I’m not. No, we are not./we aren’t. No, he/she/it is not. / he/she/it isn’t. No, they are not. / they aren’t. 一般疑问句be+主语

  25. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语 • 疑问词:who(谁)/what(什么)/which(那一个)/where(那里)/when(何时)/how(怎样)等 • 复合疑问词:how old(多大)/how many/much(多少)/how long(多长) • 可以采用缩略的形式,如: • Where‘s(is)he from? • Where’re(are) your parents?

  26. Cultural Note • 1.Asking people’s age在欧美人的眼里,一个人的年龄age、工资income/salary、家庭family 、婚姻状况marital status等属于个人隐私,一般不要轻易询问。 • 2.Saying who you are你可以用不同的句型介绍自己: • I’m Wu Sha. • I’m called Saris. • My name is....

  27. 介绍自己 Practice • 谈论自己: • 姓名:I am/My name is … • 年龄:I am …years old. • 职业:I am a / an … • I work in / with/ for … • 国籍:I am Chinese. • 住地:I live in Guangzhou.

  28. 名字:What’s your name? 籍贯:Where are you from? Where do you come from? 工作:What’s your job? 年龄:How old are you? 父母:What are your parents’ names? 名字:What’s his/her name? 籍贯:Where is he/she from? Where does he/she come from? 工作:What’s his/her job? 年龄:How old is he/she? 父母:What are his/her parents’ names? 询问其他人的情况

  29. Session 2

  30. 形容词性物主代词(p5) • My 我的Your 你/你们的His/her/its他/她/它的Our我们的their他/她/它们的作补充修饰语,表示所属

  31. David Xiaoyan Polly Mary Franco The manager The owner The engineer His wife His secretary David’s Xiaoyan’s Polly’s Mary’s Franco’s The manager’s The owner’s The engineer’s His wife’s His secretary’s 名词’s 表示所属关系

  32. Practice 1.我的书是红色的.他的书是蓝色的. My book is red. His book is blue. 2.我不知道经理的名字. I don’t know the manager’s name. 3.他们找到了他们的座位. They find their seats.

  33. Parents Managers Owners Restaurants Banks Accountants Engineers Towns flights 名词的复数 • Parent • Manager • Owner • Restaurant • Bank • Accountant • Engineer • Town • flight

  34. 名词的单数变复数 • 1. 单数名词结尾+ s构成 • job – jobs apple-apples • 2. 以辅音+y结尾的名词变 y为 i, 然后加-es • baby--babies • party– parties • family – families • 3. 以元音+y 结尾的名词,变复数是直接加-s • day—days • boy—boys

  35. 4. 以ch/ sh/ s/ x/ z 结尾的名词变复数时 + es watch – watches; brush – brushes Bus – buses; box– boxes 5. 结尾是 f/ fe,先将f/ fe变成ve,然后加-s half—halves leaf—leaves wife --- wives knife--knives 6.不规则变化: man – men; Child – children; foot – feet; tooth-teeth ; person-people

  36. Child Boy Company Parent Brother Bus Life woman Children Boys Companies Brothers Parents Buses Lives women Practice

  37. Activity 11 • 1. Franco Rossi • 2. 50 • 3. restaurant owner • 4. London • 5. Italy • 6. British

  38. Activity 13 • 1. His • 2. He • 3. he’s • 4. His • 5. are • 6. They • 7. years old • 8. he

  39. 邮件的格式 • From 写邮件人地址(通常不必填写) • To 收件人地址 • CC 抄送 • BCC 暗抄送 • Subject 事由/主题

  40. 写电子邮件 • 1  称呼语: (位于左上角) Dear Mr.(先生)/Mrs.(夫人)/Ms(小姐)     + 姓名(较正式) Hi, Hello + 名(不太正式) • 2  正文 • 3  结语: (位于左下角) yours (正式) love (非正式) Regards (介于两者之间)

  41. Activity 14 • 以下是对Frank 情况的描述, 供参考。 如果你描述的人是女性, 应使用She (Her) 而不是He (His)。 • His name’s / is (Frank.) He’s / is (24) years old. • He’s / is (Chinese, British.) • His parents are American and Chinese. • He’s / is a (shop assistant.) • He lives in Beijing.

  42. Activity 15 1. B 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. F 6. C

  43. Activity 16 Activity 16 • Tong Wen: 1. I’m/my name is Tong Wen. 2. No, I’m not from Beijing, I’m from Harbin. 3. I’m a shop assistant. 4. I’m 34 years old. 5. My parents are from Shanghai. 6. Their names are Tong Guohua and Shen Na. 7. No, my father isn’t American, he’s Chinese. 8. My mother is Chinese.

  44. Fu Li: 1. I’m/my name is Fu Li. 2. No, I’m not from Beijing, I’m from Wuhan. 3. I’m a secretary. 4. I’m 22 years old. 5. My parents are from Wuhan and Xi’an. 6. Their names are Fu Huhongda and Liu Mengxin. 7. No, my father isn’t American, he’s Chinese. 8. My mother is Chinese.

  45. Activity 17 1. What’s his name? 2. Where are they from? 3. Are you British? 4. What’s her job? 5. How old is he? 6. Are they secretaries(可有多种职业名)?

  46. Session 3

  47. C bungee jumping 蹦极跳 A studying Chinese 学汉语 J cooking 煮饭 B playing the piano弹钢琴 D playing football踢足球 H dancing 跳舞 注意:乐器piano(钢琴)前要用定冠词the L gardening 园艺 I reading 读书 E walking 散步 G swimming 游泳 K watching TV 看电视 F playing computer games 玩电子游戏 Activity 18

  48. 表示喜欢 • Like + v –ing • 表示喜欢做某事,一定要采用动词的ing形式,这样才符合英语的规范(动词的变化参照p2,workbookunit1) • Eg:I like reading. • She likes dancing.

  49. 动词–ing形式 1.动词后面直接加-ing I like reading (read) / talking (talk). 2.如果动词是以辅音加不发音的e结尾,要去掉e, 再加-ing I like writing (write). 类似的动词有:arrive (arriving); dance (dancing); make (making);   注意:see中e是发音的,所以不属于此类 see-seeing

  50. 3. 如果动词以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,要先双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ing. I like running in the morning. put-putting; sit-sitting; swim-swimming 4.如果动词以-l结尾,通常要双写-l,再加-ing. Shelikes travelling (travel). (但在美国英语中写成traveling).

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