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GHS Strength and Conditioning. Exercise Technique “Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability.” John Wooden. Exercise Technique. Olympic Lifts
GHS Strength and Conditioning Exercise Technique “Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability.” John Wooden GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Olympic Lifts Hang Cleans With feet shoulder width and hands slightly outside the feet set the back by sticking out the chest and buttocks. Stand up and take a step back away from blocks (if coming from floor, then omit this step back). Position feet shoulder width apart and slowly the bar to 1-2 inches above the knee by bending the knees and hips. Set the back, curl wrists towards the body, and place shoulder over the bar. Powerfully and explosively extend the hips by pushing against the floor (driving feet through the floor), shrug the shoulders, and pull the bar up to chest level. At this point, elbows should be up and out to the side. Drop under the bar by re-bending knees and hips, shoot the elbow up and under the bar, catch the bar across the front of the shoulder and allow it to roll back into fingertips. Lower the bar back to starting position and repeat desired number of times. Power Pulls (clean/snatch grip) Approach the bar with feet parallel shoulder width apart. The lifter should be able to see the bar across the first shoelace in shoes. Grip the bar slightly outside the legs, curl wrists towards body, set the back, shoulders over the bar, and focus eyes straight ahead. Keeping the arms straight, start the movement by powerfully extending the hips and knees. Transfer weight to the toes and shrug the shoulders. During the lift, arms should remain straight by not bending at the elbows. Through lift remember to keep the bar close to the body and pull straight up. Power Cleans Approach the bar with feet parallel shoulder width apart. The lifter should be able to see the bar across the first shoelace in shoes. Grip the bar slightly outside the legs, curl wrists towards body, set the back, shoulders over the bar, and focus eyes straight ahead. Keeping the arms straight, start the movement by powerfully extending the hips and knees. Re-bend the knees, extend the hips (jumping motion), transfer weight to toes, shrug the shoulders, and pull the bar towards the chin about chest level. Be sure to keep bar close to body throughout lift and pull straight up. The bar should travel in a straight line from bottom of lift to top. Drop under the bar by re-bending knees and hips, shoot the elbows up and under the bar, catch the bar across the front of the shoulders and allow it to roll back into fingertips. Lower bar to mid-thigh and reset the bar on blocks or floor. Snatch Approach the bar with feet parallel shoulder width apart. The lifter should be able to see the bar across the first shoelace in shoes. Grip the bar at the rings on the bar (pinky on rings or wider). The hips, shoulders and bar should move at the same pace. Keeping the arms straight, start the movement by powerfully through explosive triple extension of the hips, knees, and ankles. At the same time, shrug the shoulders. This part of the lift is known as the 'scoop' or 'second pull'. At the apex of the bar's height, pull your body underneath the bar, catching it with locked arms overhead while squatting. This part of the motion requires a developed sense of timing and coordination, and is the crux of the entire lift. Lock your arms with the weight overhead and stand up from the squat position. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Push Jerk Approach the bar on the rack with bar just below the clavicle. Grasp the bar just wider than shoulder width and remove the bar from the rack. Position the feet shoulder width apart. Begin the movement by bending knees and hips followed by a forceful explosive of knees and hips transferring the weight to toes and extending the elbows. Drop under the bar by bending the knees and hips, popping feet out to the side and locking out the elbows. Head should be set slightly forward in order to lock shoulders and bar should be splitting the body. Lower the bar to front of shoulders, step feet back to shoulder width and repeat. Push Press Perform these identical to the Push Jerk but do not re-bend and drop under the bar. DB Cleans With dumbbells in both hand and feet parallel shoulder width apart, stand up and set the back as would be done for a clean. Lower the dumbbells to the side of body just below (4 inches) knee level. Extend the knees and hips while shrugging the shoulders to pull the weight towards the shoulder. Drop down and catch the dumbbell onto the shoulder as would be done with the bar. Be sure to keep the weight close to body during lift. DB Snatch Complete as done in the barbell snatch technique. Use one DB and complete as a single arm exercise. DB Push Jerk With a dumbbell in each hand positioned on the shoulders, perform the push jerk exercise as explained previously. Be sure to extend forcefully with the knees and hips, extend the hips and drop under the dumbbell. DB Jumps Standing with a dumbbell in each hand on the side of the body, set the back and bend the knees to lower the dumbbells 2 inches below the knees. Extend the hips into a jumping motion. Shrug the shoulders at the top of the jump. Set the back and repeat for designated repetitions. This motion is a continuous exercise; so complete all repetitions in one sequence. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Core Lifts and Variations Bench Press Lying flat on the bench with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, keep the buttocks and shoulders in contact with bench while the back is slightly arched and chest is expanded. Grasp the bar with a grip so that the hands are over the elbows when the bar is in down position. Lower the bar directly to the chest approximately mid-chest level. Once the bar touches the chest, explosively drive the bar up and slightly back over the shoulders to the starting position. Incline Press Lying flat on the bench with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, keep the buttocks and shoulders in contact with bench while the back is slightly arched and chest is expanded. Grasp the bar with a grip so that the hands are over the elbows when the bar is in down position. Lower the bar directly to the upper chest approximately 1-2 inches below the clavicle. Once the bar touches the chest, explosively drive the bar up and slightly back toward the eyes to the starting position. SquatsWith feet parallel slightly wider than shoulder width and toes pointed outward, position the bar across the upper back and posterior shoulders. Set the back by sticking out the chest and buttocks. Bending at the hips and knees so that the buttocks move backwards, lower the hips until the middle of the thigh is parallel to the floor, pause for a second, and return to the standing position. Keep the head and chest up, the knees over the feet, and drive hips forward and up when returning to the starting position. Front Squats With the bar positioned on the front of the shoulders, grasp the bar as one would when catching the power clean. Be certain to keep elbows up so that bar will not roll off the shoulders. Space the feet slightly wider than shoulder width and toes pointed outward. Keeping the chest up, lower the hips until the middle of the thighs are parallel to the floor and return to starting position. Lateral Squats With a weighted bar resting on the posterior shoulders, position body with a wide stance, toes slightly pointed out. Keeping the chest and buttocks out, slowly lean one direction making sure your knee does not go over your toes. Extend bent knee and move back to starting position for a pause and then repeat to other side. Repeat equal repetitions for each leg. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Overhead Squats With a wide grip (near outer rings on bar) and bar positioned overhead with the shoulders and elbows extended (locked out), and the feet parallel slightly wider than hips, bend at knees and hips so the buttocks move backward. Lower the hips until the middle of the thigh is parallel to the floor, pause for a second, and return to the standing position. Keep the head and chest up, the knees over the feet, and drive hips forward and up when returning to the starting position. Back and Lower Body Supplemental Lifts Split Squats Perform these with a weighted bar across the posterior shoulders. Step backwards with one foot and position until back leg is slightly bent, heel off the ground. Keeping the chest and buttocks out, lower the body to the center until the forward thigh is parallel to the floor and return to the starting position. Weight balance should be between heel of front foot and ball of rear foot. Perform equal repetitions to each side. One Leg Box Squats Standing on a box with one foot butted up against pole extend one leg forward so that it acts as a counter balance. Apply a loose fingertip only grip to the pole about waist high. Stick buttocks out and bend at the knee and hip. Continue to go down until the mid thigh is parallel to the box and return to starting position. Lunges With a weighted bar or dumbbells in hands, step forward with one leg and lower the body down until front leg’s thigh is parallel to the ground. Push back with the front leg to the standing position. Lateral Lunges Perform these identical to the lateral squats but step out to the side with each repetition and return to starting position. Lunge Combo Perform a forward, lateral, and rear lunge without rest between exercises. Make sure to alternate sides with each repetition. Walking Lunge Perform these identical to the lunges but advancing forward with each repetition. These can be performed continuous or return to standing position. Step Ups With a weighted bar on the posterior shoulders or dumbbells in hands, step up onto a 12-18 inch box with one leg, then followed by the back leg. Step down with the lead leg first followed by the back leg. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Lateral Step Ups Perform these identical to Steps ups but begin at a 45-degree angle to the box. Leg Curls Perform leg curls prone on the leg curl machine. Contract hamstrings, pulling heels towards the buttocks with toes cocked towards chins and slowly lower weight until legs are extended. These can be performed one leg at a time, SL Leg Curls. Negative Leg Curls Using a partner, have the partner assist with the motion of pulling the heels towards the buttocks. Once at the top of exercise, partner is to hold leg curl machine pad on buttocks for a second and then release, allowing for all tension to be taken off the hamstrings. The lifter lowers the weight slow as possible in a controlled manner to bottom of lift. Leg Extension Lifter sits in machine with feet behind the pad and knees flexed. Extend the knees to full extension and then lower back to starting position. 4 Way Hip Using the multi-hip machine or band, place the pad on the inside of the leg. Develop the groin by adducting the hip so as to push the pad across the center of the body. Place the pad on the outside of the leg and abduct the hip as to push the pad away from the body. Develop the hip flexor by placing the pad on the front of the thigh. Flex the hip as to push the pad toward the waist. Place the pad on the back of the thigh and extend the hip as to push the pad toward the back. Dorsi-Flexion Perform these one of two ways: The first involves sitting on a physio-ball and place in feet in the dorsi-flexion machine. Pull toes towards the chins and lower weight back to floor. The second involves using a partner. Sit on a bench with one leg extended, foot off the end of the bench. Have the partner apply manual resistance across the top of the foot while flexing the foot, pulling the toes towards the body. RDL Stand with soft knees and flat back. Hold the bar with an overhand grip in front of body. Slowly bend at waist, keeping the back flat while pushing the butt out. Lower the bar until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings then return to the starting position in a controlled manner. Good Mornings Perform these identical to the RDL but with a weighted bar across posterior shoulders. Body Weight Glute Ham (With Partner) From a kneeling position, have the athlete cross arms across chest and partner holding feet. Lower the body to the ground in a slow controlled manner, keeping a straight line from knee through the shoulders. Once rep is completed catch body with hands in a pushup manner and push back up to starting position. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Wide Grip Lat Pull Down On a high pulley machine, grasp the bar with the bar slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Pull the bar down until it reaches the upper chest, just below the clavicle. Slowly return the bar in a controlled manner to the starting position. Be sure to maintain a slight arch in the lower back. These may also be performed to the rear with the bar pulled behind the neck until it touches the upper back and using a reverse under handgrip (Rev. Lat Pull Down). Pull Ups Perform a burn out set with a wide pronated grip (palms away from body). Maintain bent knees and ankles crossed. Chin Ups These are performed identical to pull ups but with a supinated grip (palms towards body) and hands shoulder width apart. One Arm Dumbbell Row Perform bent over at the waist so that upper body is parallel to the floor, knees slightly bent, and feet shoulder width apart. Grasp the dumbbell and pull to the side of the body, close to rib cage. Keep elbow pointed upwards and close to body. Lower the dumbbell until arms are fully extended. Pullovers Position your body against a flat bench so that the edge of bench rests mid-upper back, feet out in front, and knees slightly bent. With elbows slightly bent, begin the movement by pulling the dumbbell overhead until it reaches eye level and return the dumbbell to starting position. Be sure to maintain elbow bend throughout. Hypers While on a hyperextension bench in a prone position (facing the floor), flex at the waist to a 90-degree angle to floor and return to parallel. Arms are across the chest or behind head. Weight can be added for resistance. Reverse Hypers Position your body against the front of the glute-ham machine holding the rear bar for support. Cross your legs and place dumbbell between ankles or strap weighted belt around ankles. Slowly raise the legs to parallel with the body by contracting the glutes and lower back. Superman/woman Lying prone (face down) on the floor, arms and legs extended, raise your body off the floor by contracting the glutes and back. Hold for two seconds and return to starting position. Aquaman/woman Lying prone (face down) on the floor, arms and legs extended, raise opposite arm and leg off (rt. arm & left leg) the floor by contracting the glutes and back. Hold for two seconds and return to starting position. Alternate arms and legs with each rep. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Upper Body Supplemental Lifts DB Bench Using dumbbells, perform the bench press exercise emphasizing full range of motion. At bottom of exercise, dumbbells should touch armpit and at top should be over the eyes. DB Incline Using dumbbells, perform the incline bench press exercise emphasizing full range of motion. At bottom of exercise, dumbbells should touch armpit and at top should be over the eyes. Deltoid Rear Raise Perform these bent over so that the chest is parallel to the floor. Keeping the back flat, knees and arms slightly bent, laterally raise the dumbbell with elbows upward squeezing the shoulder blades together. Deltoid Lateral Raise Perform these standing with soft knees. Starting with dumbbells in front of the body, elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbell laterally so that it is parallel with the floor. Deltoid Front Raise Perform these with soft knees holding the dumbbell down in front of your body. Raise dumbbell in front of body till at shoulder height. DB Shoulder Combo Perform rear raises, lateral raises, and front raises for desired number of repetitions with no rest between exercises. SB Shoulder Combo Perform this exercise using a straight bar or an easy-curl bar if not able to use straight bar. Holding the bar straight in front of body, hands just outside your legs, and soft knees, perform a front raise for the desired repetitions. Immediately place hands mid-line to the thighs and perform upright row by pulling the bar towards the chin, keeping the elbows up and back above bar at all times. Immediately assume a wider than shoulder width grip and perform behind the neck press (military press), lowering the bar to the mid-line of ear then return to starting point. DB Shrugs Holding bar or dumbbells in each hand by your side with knees slightly bent, raise the shoulders towards the ears, pause at top and return to starting position. Power Shrugs Holding bar or dumbbells with straight arms, powerfully shrug the shoulders toward the ears rising up on the toes. Straight Bar Curls Perform these using a straight bar, hands just outside legs, and soft knees. Lift bar towards the body by bending at the elbow, elbows should stay close to body or tucked into side, and return to starting position with arms fully extended. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Upper Body Supplemental Lifts Easy Bar Curls Perform same as Straight Bar Curls but use easy curl bar. DB Biceps Curls Perform this exercise identical to straight bar curls but using dumbbells, alternating arms after each repetition. DB Hammer Curls Perform this exercise using dumbbells. The motion begins the same, as the DB Biceps Curls except the lifter does not supinate wrist during upward motion. Begin with palm facing body and bring weight upward keeping palms facing inward during lift. Zottman Curls Perform these similar to the DB Biceps curls but at the top of the movement pronate hands (palms facing down) and lower the weight. Crazy 8 With a partner do one repetition of biceps curls. Hand the bar to the partner so he/she can do one repetition. Do two repetitions. The partner does two repetitions. Continue this procedure up to eight repetitions and then descend back down to one repetition. Easy Curl Bar Strip Set Using an easy curl perform as previously explained except after maximum repetitions are obtained remove one weight from each side and continue to perform until max repetitions are obtained. Continue exercise until bar is only resistance left. Dips/Bench Dips Start with arms fully extended. Lower the body until elbows are bent at 90-degrees and return to starting position. Keep elbows close to the body throughout the movement. If Bench Dips, keep knees slightly bent and back flat. Triceps Pushdown On a cable machine, start with bar in front of the body, arms fully flexed with elbows close to body. Push bar towards floor until arms are fully extended and return bar to starting position. Triceps Kickbacks Perform these with uninvolved arm and same side knee on a bench, bent over at the waist so that upper body is parallel to the floor. With elbow close to body at all times, push dumbbell out by extending the elbow and locking out arm. Return dumbbell to starting position and perform equal repetitions on each side. 3-way triceps kickback- palm toward body, pronated, and supinated. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Upper Body Supplemental Lifts Triceps Extension Standing with knees slightly bent, arms extended overhead with a dumbbell, slowly lower the dumbbell by bending the elbows. Return to starting position by extending the elbows. Wrist Curls Perform these seated on a bench and lower arm resting on thigh. With palms facing up, lower weight to the finger tips and raise the weight through a full range of motion (flexion). Also perform the exercise with palms facing the ground (extension). Wrist/Forearm Series Perform these identical to wrist curls but add pronation/supination and ulnar deviation. Pronation/supination is performed by rotating wrist from palm up to palm down position while holding a dumbbell. Ulnar deviation is performed by holding a dumbbell at one end by side of body; palm facing body and cocking wrist back. Equal repetitions are performed on each side. Wrist Roller Begin by curling the wrists until the weight reaches the top of the rope. Slowly lower the weight by rolling the wrists and continue to curl the wrists until the weight returns to the top of the rope again. Slowly lower weight to starting position. Exercise should be performed standing with arms straight out and resting on something that is shoulder height. During exercise athlete is to keep a wide grip on the roller. Rotational Movements Bar/DB Twist Stand holding a dumbbell in front of your body of your body, arms extended, elbows slight bent and soft knees. Rotate the body from side-to-side in a controlled manner. Exercise can also be performed with a bar resting across the posterior shoulders. MB Full Twist With a partner (back to back), hold a medicine ball in front of body. Twist to one side while you partner twists to the other side and hand medicine ball off to partner. Twist so that you can receive the ball from the other side. Repeat exercise for desired repetitions and from both sides. LandmindUsing the Landmine device or a bar set up in the corner or rack, rotate the bar either at chest level or at head level rotate the torso using the core muscles. Band Twist Stand holding the end of a band/tubing in front of body, arms extended, elbows slight bent and soft knees. Rotate to one side and slowly return to the starting position. Plate Twist Stand holding a weight in front of your body, arms extended, elbows slight bent and soft knees. Rotate to one side and explosively rotate across your body. Slowly return to starting position. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Abdominal Exercises Hand Toe Crunches lie on your back, extend legs and arms 90 degrees to body. With legs remaining straight use lower abs to raise hands up towards your toes. Return shoulders to floor and repeat Seated V-Twist Sit on the floor in a V position balancing on your buttocks. Hold a weight in front of you and rotate side to side Reverse Crunches Lay on the floor in a crunch position with legs up in the air and knees bent. Move you knees toward your chest as far as possible and then back to the starting position. Use a controlled motion. Bent Knee LMR Crunches Lie on the floor in a crunch position and raise your arms in the air 90 degrees. Use lower abs to lift arms straight up in the air, lower shoulders to the floor and repeat. To perform left and right motions, move legs from a standard crunch position and lay knees to the left on the floor and to the right on the floor with upper body motion remaining the same Hanging Knee Ups Hanging on a pull-up bar with feet together, pull knees to the chest, lay the head back and let the legs go over the head. Return and repeat. Control the motion not allowing body to swing Twist Crunches Lay on the floor in a crunch position with one leg crossed over the opposite knee and opposite hand placed to the side of the head, elbow pointed out. Move your shoulder toward your knees. Return back to the starting positioning a slow and controlled manner. Crunches Lay on the floor in a crunch position with legs up in the air and knees bent. Move your shoulders toward your knees and return back to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner. Russian Twist Lay horizontal on a glute ham or a hyperextension bench in the supine position. Extend arms in front, holding a weight with both hands. Twist from side to side keeping back flat and using a constant fluid motion. Toe Ups Lay on your back with your legs at 90 degrees to your body and hands across your chest. Raise your buttocks and hips off the floor by squeezing lower abs. Return buttocks to the floor and repeat. Legs should remain straight throughout the entire motion. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Abdominal Exercises Special 40’s Lying on a bench in a supine position with your hands holding on to the bench, dip the feet down, out, and up back to the starting position 10 times. Straighten the legs and do 10 circles to the left (movement is from the hips), 10 circles to the right, and back to 10 more dips. All four movements are done in succession with no rest. Add a dumbbell to your feet to provide additional resistance. V Ups Lay on your back with your legs straight and arms to your side. Raise your shoulders and legs up in a V position. Return shoulders and legs to the floor and repeat. Legs should remain straight throughout the movement. Bicycle Crunches Lay on the floor with knees lifted toward chest and feet in the air. Place hands behind head with elbows pointing forward. Legs should move in a circular motion. Rotating your abs, elbows should come forward toward the opposite knee as it comes forward. Scissor Kicks Laying flat on the floor in the supine position with legs extended out, lift legs roughly 6 inches off the floor and move legs up and down in opposite directions. Movement should be rapid. DB Side Bends Hold a dumbbell in one hand with your arm lying by your side. Place other hand behind your head. In a slow, controlled motion, bend laterally toward the hand holding the weight and return to the starting position. Place the weight in your other hand and place the hand that was holding the weight behind your head. Use the same motion as before. Overhead Weighted Side Bends Grab a weight plate and hold in both hands. Hold plate over your head with arms fully extended. Slowly, bend laterally in both directions keeping the weight over your head throughout the entire range of motion. Plyo Sit Ups Need a partner. Lay flat on the floor in the supine position with legs extended. Have partner place their feet on each side of your head. Grab your partner’s ankles. Keeping your legs fully extended, lift your legs until they reach your partners outstretched hands. Once your feet come in contact with your partner’s hands, have your partner throw your legs back to the floor. Control your downward motion and do not allow your feet to touch the ground. Repeat. GHS Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Technique Abdominal Exercises Incline Weighted Sit Ups Lay supine on an incline bench. Use a medicine ball or a weight plate and hold weight against your chest. Raise upper body off the bench by squeezing lower abs. Lower your shoulders to the bench and repeat. MB Bent Leg Knee Ups Lay supine on the floor with knees bent. Place a medicine between your knees. Lay flat on your back with arms extended out on the floor. Bring your knees toward your chest in a slow, controlled motion and slowly return to the starting position. MB Overhead Throws Need a partner. Lie in a crunch position facing your partner and have partner stand on your feet. Come to a seated position. With hands extended over your head, have partner throw a medicine ball over your head. Catch the medicine ball on the downward motion of a normal crunch. Keep hands extended and throw the ball back to your partner on the upward motion of a normal crunch. Repeat. MB Side Throws With a partner lined up to the side about 6-10 feet away, the partner tosses the medicine ball to the athlete who catches the ball with arms fully extended. Using the momentum of the ball, the athlete rotates to one side and forcefully tosses the ball back to the partner. Repeat. MB Seated V-Twist and Throw Need a partner. Use the same motion as the previously mentioned seated v-twist. Rotate once to the left and once to the right then throw the ball to your partner. Partner throws ball back to athlete and the rotation and throw is repeated. MB Bent Leg Hip Twist Lay on the floor in a normal crunch position. Place medicine ball between knees. Keeping both shoulders flat on the floor, rotate knees to the left until they touch the floor and then rotate knees to the right until they touch the floor. Repeat. MB Straight Alternate Leg Toe Touches Lay supine on the floor with legs and arms extended. Holding a medicine ball in your hands, bring your left leg up 90 degrees to your body while simultaneously bringing your hands up to touch your foot and return to starting position. Repeat the same motion but involve the right leg. Repeat. GHS Strength and Conditioning