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Deotirth Sahu Director. IN ( esa ). 1 tc esa ' kCn dk iz;ksx cMs ' kgjksa ds fy , fd;k x;k gks Ex. eSa fnYyh esa jgrk gwW I live in Delhi. 2 tc esa ' kCn dk iz;ksx efguksa ds uke ds lkFk fd;k x;k gksA Ex. og tuojh esa vk;sxkA
DeotirthSahu Director
IN(esa) 1 tcesa 'kCndkiz;ksxcMs 'kgjksadsfy, fd;kx;kgks Ex.eSafnYyhesajgrkgwW I live in Delhi. 2 tcesa 'kCndkiz;ksxefguksadsukedslkFkfd;kx;kgksA Ex.ogtuojhesavk;sxkA He will come in January. 3 tcesa 'kCndkiz;ksxlu~ ;k o"kZdslkFkfd;kx;kgksA Ex.esSa 2010 esatkmxkA I will go in 2010.
4 tcesa 'kCndkiz;ksxekSle o _rqvksadslkFkfd;kx;kgksA Ex.rqexfeZ;ksaesaD;kdjjgsgksA What are you doing in summer season? 5 tcesa 'kCndkiz;ksx le; vof/ka dsfy, fd;kx;kgksA Ex.eSa 2 ?kVs+ esavkmxkA I will come in two hours 6 tcesa 'kCndkiz;ksx 'kgjdslocationdsfy, fd;kx;kgksA Ex.eSafjlkyhlsDVjesajgrkgwWA I live in Risali Sector. 7 ;fn esadkiz;ksxxkWao 'kCndsfy, fd;kx;kgks Ex.eSaxkWaoesajgrkgwWA I live in villege.
8 ;fn esa 'kCndkiz;ksxjkT; dsuke o ns’kdsfy, fd;kx;kgksA Ex.eSa N-x- esajgrkgwWA I live in C.G og “kjresajgrkgSA He lives in India.
ON(ij,dks) 1.;fn dks 'kCndkiz;ksxfnuksadsukedsfy, fd;kx;kgksA Ex.oglkseokjdksvk;sxkA He will come on Monday. 2. ;fn dks iz;ksx fnukad ;k rkjh[k ds fy;s fd;k x;k gksA Ex.ekgRek xkW/kh 2 vDVwcj dks iSnk gw,A Mahatma Gandhi was bourn on 2nd october. 3. ;fn dksbZoLrqfdlhnqljsoLrqdsmijgksvkilesaVpgksA Ex.fdrkcVscyijgSA The book is on the table. 4.vU; Ex.ogvktfcukcrk;sNqVVhijgSA He is on French leave.
AT(esa) 1- ;fn esa 'kCndkiz;ksxNksVs 'kgjksadsfy;sfd;kx;kgksA Ex.eSafHkykbZesajgrkgwWA I live at Bhilai. 2- ;fn esa 'kCndkiz;ksxfdlhxkWaodsfy, fd;kx;kgksA Ex.ogjkeiqjesajgrkgSA He lives at Rampur. 3- ?kM+hds le; dsfy;sATdkiz;ksxgksxkA Ex.eSanksctstkmxkA I will come at 2 o’ clock.
BY (ls,}kjk) 1- ;fn ge ,d LFkkulsnwljsLFkkutkusdsfy;sfdlh;kr;krdkiz;ksxdjsrksbydkiz;ksxgksxkA Ex.eSafnYyhVsªulstkjgkgwA I am going to Delhi by train. 2passive voice esasubdksbyds }kjkfy[kktkrkgSA Ex.jko.kjkeds }kjkekjkx;kA Rawan was killed by Ram.
Above(mij) 1- mijgks] ijUrqLi’kZ u gks Ex.rkjsgekjsmijgSA Stars are above us. Over(mij) 2- mfLFkjrkgks] mijgksysfdumWpkgksA Ex. Behind(ihNs) 3- ihNsdh fLFkfrcrkuhgks Ex. isM+ /kjdsihNsgSA Home is behind the tree.
Infront of(lkeus) 1- lkeusdh fLFkfrcrkuhgks Ex. isM+ /kjdslkeusgSA The tree is infront of home. To (dks) 2- fdlhLFkku dh vksjtkukgkss Ex.gesLdqy dh vksjtkukgSA we have to go to school. ogLVs’ku dh vksjx;kgSA He has gone to station.
Into(esa) vUnjdh vksjtkusdsfy, Ex. ognkSMrsgq, :e dsvnajx;kA he went into the room running f’k{kdDykl :e dsvnajtkjgsgSA Teachers are going into the room. Before( iwoZ ) After(ckn) Ex. pk; dsiwoZeSaviusnkWrlkQdjrkgwA I clean my teeth before tea eSaa 10 ctsdsigysLdwyigqptkrkgwA I reach school before 10 o’ clock. pk; dsckneSaiqLrdi<+rkgWwA I read a book after tea.
Above (mij) Under (uhps) Ex.czht unh dsmijgSA Bridge is above the river unh czhtdsuhpsgSA The river is under the bridge. ogisM+ dsuhpscSBkgSA He is sitting under the tree. gokbZtgktesjsfljdsmijlsmMkA The plane flew above my head. Through(esagksdj] }kjk] ekQZr) fdlhLFkkulsxqtjuk] fdlhO;fDrds }kjk
Ex.ogxsVesalsgksdjnkSM+kA He ran through the gate. ogukSdjds }kjki+= ik;kA He got the letter through servent Among(chpesa) CgqopulaKk ¼nks lsvf/kd½ dsiwoZ Ex.jkeyMdksadschpesa [ksyjgkgSA Ram is playing among boys. esjkysVjiqLrddsistdschpessagSA My letter is among the pages of book.
With(esa,lkFk) Ex.eksguesjslkFkgSA Mohan is with me. eSaisulsfy[krkgWwA I write with a pen. For(dsfy, ) Ex.eSavkidsfy, D;kdjldrkgWwA What can I do for you?. Form(ls) 1 ;fn gefdlhLFkkulsokilvk;sA Ex. eSafnYyhlsvkjgkgwWA I am coming from Delhi.
2- fdlhnks le; fcUnqdsfy;sA Ex. lqcgls 'kkerdA From morning to evening. nksctslsysdjikWpctsrdA From 2 o’ clock to 5 o’ clock. Instead of (dsctk; ,dstxgij) Ex- tkusdsctk; og [ksyjgkFkkA Instead of going , he was playing. Untill(tc rd ) Ex- tc rd ogxkukughax;sxk, eSaughatkmxkA Untill he doesn’t sing a song, I will not go.
Unless (tc rd ugha ) Ex- tc rd ogughaxkukx;sxk, eSaughatkmxkA Unless he sings a song ,I will not go. Apart from(dsvykok ) Ex- eksgudsvykokfdruscPpstkjgsgSA How many children are going apart from Mohan. As well as(vkSjrksvkSj ) Ex- ogeksgudksihVjgkFkkvkSjrksvkSjiSlsekWxjgkFkkA He was beating Mohan as well as asking money.
As soon as(tSlsghT;ksagh) Ex.tSlsghogvk;keksgu “kxx;kA As soon as he came Mohan ran away. Till(rd) Ex. eSalqcg rd i<+rkgwW I read till morning. Inspite of(dsckotwn) Ex. chekjhdsckotwnognkSM+kA Inspite of sickness he ran.