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Creating Rigorous Tutorials to Increase Student Achievement in Academic Classes. Tutorial Training Part B. File Sharing and Videos www.avid.org. To access TSCRG: Under Community Sharing • Select “File Sharing” • AVID Elective Resources and Beyond • Select Essential 8 Tutorial
Creating Rigorous Tutorials to Increase Student Achievement in Academic Classes Tutorial Training Part B
File Sharing and Videoswww.avid.org To access TSCRG: Under Community Sharing • Select “File Sharing” • AVID Elective Resources and Beyond • Select Essential 8 Tutorial • Download TSCRG To access videos online: Under Online Learning • Select “Community” • Select “Tutor Training Resource” • Select “View the Tutor Training Module”
Part B ActivitiesTutorial Process: Steps 5 - 10 Website Resources Student Presenter Protocol Fishbowl Tutorial Mock Tutorial Summary vs. Reflection Observing Student Performance Debriefing with Tutors
Step 5: Beginning the Tutorial Session Student Presenter Protocol
How to Present a Question Add 5th column to Student Presenter Protocol Walk through the 7 parts of the Student Presenter Protocol as we watch John’s Tutorial. Frame: Record what you see/hear for each step to presenting a question. Debrief: What were your observations, and what did you record? *Video clip: John’s Tutorial
White Board Mayhem Tutorial from a High School AVID class
White Board Idea Tutorial from an AVID National Demonstration School – Southwest Middle School
Tutorial Stems and the Inquiry Process • TAB PAGE for future use: • 3.7.3 “Using Tutorial Question Stems” (pg 170) • 3.7.4 “Using the Inquiry Process in Tutorials” (pg 171)
Step 6: Checking for Understanding *Video Frame and Debrief Question: - How did the tutor and students in Itzel’s tutorial check for understanding? Video clip Itzel: Checking for Understanding
Suggested Tutorial Make-Up Activities TAB For Future Use: 3.11.1 Suggested Tutorial Make Up Activities (pg 182)
Fishbowl Tutorial • Participants: • 1 student presenter • 1 tutor • 4-5 group members • 1 site tutor trainer (teacher) • Observers: Please record observations on the AVID Tutorial Observation Feedback Tool yellow pages 17-18.
Fishbowl Tutorial Debrief (1 of 2) • Group members: What did it feel like to use only inquiry to answer the question? • Student presenter: How did the inquiry and collaboration of the group members help you solve the question? • Tutor: What was your experience in taking notes for the student presenter during the tutorial process?
• Teacher/Tutor Trainer: What observations did you make if that could be incorporated in coaching? • Observers: What suggestions do you have for this group to refine their tutorial in order to move to a more collaborative tutorial model? Refer to yellow pages 17-18. • Tab For Future Use: 5.5.3 “Tutorial Observation Debrief” Fishbowl Tutorial Debrief (2 of 2)
Mock Tutorials Set Up • With your binder, a page of notes, and something to write with. Move into groups of 7-8, assign a “Tutor,” “Site Tutor Trainer/Teacher” and “Student Presenter” in each group. Everyone else is a “Group Member”. • Each person take a sample TRF and notes from the envelopes. • Review your sample TRF and notes. • Handouts for reference: • 3.7.3, 3.7.4, Obs./Feed. tool, Student Presenter Protocol
Mock Tutorials Process • Student Presenter - use Student Presenter Protocol handout, TRF Pre-work and write their POC-Question and Key Academic Vocabulary on the board. • Tutor - take two-column notes for the Student Presenter while modeling higher-level questions and monitoring the tutorial process. • Group members - take two column notes on all questions and ask questions of student presenter. • Teacher (Tutor Trainer) - coach the tutorial process as necessary (Obs/Feed Tool).
Mock Tutorials Reflection • When time is called, the Site Tutor Trainer/Teacher will debrief the process as the Student Presenter, Tutor and Group Members listen. • Then, switch roles and complete 2-3 tutorial rounds. • Write a reflection about your tutorial learning on the back of the Tutorial Request Form.
Mock Tutorials Debrief What is one learning that you can take back to your sites to enhance collaborative tutorials? Tab For Future Use: 5.3.2, 5.4.2, 5.5.2, and 3.10.3
BREAK TIME Please be back in your seats in 10 Minutes
Step 8: Reflecting on Learning Video Frame & Debrief Question: What does the reflection process look like in your class and how will you increase the rigor? Video clip Matt: Reflecting on Learning NOTE: Review differences between summary/ reflection yellow page 19.
Think About It & Reflective Learning Log TAB For Future Use: 4.2.1 Think About It (pg 195) 4.2.2 Reflective Learning Log (pg 196) 4.2.3 Higher-Level Reflections (pg 197-201)
Step 9: Providing and Receiving Tutorial Feedback • Review # 3.10.4: “Observing Student Performance” Video Itzel: Inquiry and Collaboration Utilize # 3.10.4 as you watch the video clip to tally and record comments for the last group member (brown sweater). • Debrief: Why is it important to provide specific feedback to students about their performance in the tutorial process?
Step 10: Debriefing With Tutors *Video Frame and Debrief Question: - How does Matt’s teacher debrief with tutors? Video Clip: Debriefing: Matt’s Story
3-2-1... Reflect 3... Things I learned or valued 2... Ways I can use the information presented 1... Change I will make to ensure rigorous tutorials
Evaluation & Closing • Reminder to complete online prework (if applicable) • Complete feedback forms • Clean and organize table