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Explore the involvement of women during the Scientific Revolution and their struggles against patriarchal beliefs. Discover key female figures like Maria Cunitz, Margaret Cavendish, Anna Maria van Schurman, and Emilie du Chatelet. Uncover the persistence of old beliefs and the impact of witch hunts during this era.

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  1. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Reactions by Both men And women Context for DBQ

  2. Contextualization: Universities, Coffeehouses, royal societies and salons Were places independent of the scrutiny of the Catholic church To challenge the mysteries of the universe. The deists were individuals Who believed God created natural laws and natural rights for Mankind to discover utilizing scientific methodology. Women were Involved but to what extent? While women had been domestic Servants and midwives and healers, some gained access to education And could become artists, writers and even aid in scientific discovery. Patriarchy still persisted and even attempted to scientifically explain Women as inferior, prone to their emotions and physiology. Natural Rights, however would soon see the rise of a feminist movement.

  3. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION EFFECT ON WOMEN • Little change in views of women’s inferiority or restriction of women’s roles • In many ways, may have deepened inferiority & restrictions • But women participated in new scientific discoveries • Male Reactions: Contradicted the traditional role of women ( Doc #1) …she neglected her household • Attractiveness over cerebral ( doc #3)…had been attractive ( but)… nor did I hear her say anything worth hearing

  4. Men’s reactions continued… As husband and collaborator ( doc #4) astronomical research ( favorable) (Doc #6) suggests the legality of women receiving a doctorate from university ( does not oppose education in music and art ( definitely unfavorable but moderate in its approach that women could receive some education) (Doc #5) unfavorable that women should be granted entry into the academy of science in Berlin( even though Maria Winkelman is a widow ( suggesting some compassion) there is ridicule of her contributions

  5. Document #2 is written by a woman and attempts to “simplify chemistry for women”. She appears unsure that She is out of place but continues that minds have no sex. She Appears conflicted with the patriarchy of the time and the purpose That female minds should be cultivated like that of men. Document #8 Marquise Emilie du Chatelet Writing this letter to a male begs Saint-Lambert To understand the balancing of both her worlds to work copiously and perhaps harder to translate Prnicipia by Newton as a work of sacrifice and Gains wisdom through her industrious work ethic.

  6. Not all women agreed with the role of women in science: Document #7 suggests that women should not study the hard sciences As it is beyond their comprehension. She suggests that they should be With their grace and beauty and to let the men worry about the medicine And astronomy

  7. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY • Persistence of ancient ideas • Aristotle, Hippocrates & Galen • “Four humors” • Misconceptions about female physiology

  8. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY • New views & discoveries • Greater accuracy in understanding female anatomy • Led to notion of pervasiveness of gender differences

  9. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION WOMEN IN SCIENCE • MARIA CUNITZ(1604-1664) • Made important discoveries in astronomy • Proficient in 7 languages, mathematics, medicine, history, music, painting & poetry ( additional document to illustrate contributions made) Crater Cunitz on Venus

  10. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION WOMEN IN SCIENCE • MARGARET CAVENDISH (1623-1673) • Wrote 7 works of science & philosophy • Promoted individual rational capacity ( another additional document)

  11. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION WOMEN IN SCIENCE • ANNA MARIA VAN SCHURMAN (1607-1678) • Widely renowned for knowledge • Promoted women’s education for moral improvement ( yet another additional document)

  12. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION WOMEN IN SCIENCE • EMILIE DU CHATELET, (1706-1749) • First (and only) to translate Newton’s work into French • Published own original works building on Newtonian ideas( oh my, yet another additional document)

  13. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION PERISTENCE OF OLD BELIEFS • Demons, devils • Witch Hunts • SABBATS, ritual murder, cannibalism • 15th - 18th centuries: @ 100,000 executed for witchcraft

  14. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION PERISTENCE OF OLD BELIEFS • Witch Hunts • 82% of accused = women • Accusations included strong sexual component • Targets = • non-conforming women • marginalized women • midwives

  15. WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION PERISTENCE OF OLD BELIEFS • Witch Hunts • First conducted by religious authorities • Process taken over by secular courts by 17th c. • Used torture to extract “confessions” “Water torture” “Witch chair”

  16. Thesis: The reaction of women’s participation within the scientific Revolution was politically eschewed ( dismissed) by Royal societies and Universities alike , men predominantly believed that a women’s role was Household although many would contribute as collaborators. While Many women would advance the cause of science, their male ( and female) Detractors would prevent their admission into royal societies, universities And publishing marginalizing their historical role in the scientific Revolution..

  17. Synthesis: The application of natural laws to science provided the inspiration Of natural rights to the enlightenment. These ideas inspired Political Revolutions ( America, France, Haiti, Latin America and Mexico) and inspire equal rights to women in a movement known As feminism to provide equal rights under law for women. The Leaders of these movements (like women in science) would not Gain their acknowledgement until 2 world wars would be fought And still fight around the world with movements like #metoo and Modern feminist revival like the equal rights amendment.

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